Because everyone loves more pictures
WOD 4.02.08
This is a partner workout. Partner A must complete the “task” portion of each section while Partner B moves through the “Work” portion with minimal rest. After Partner A completes all the task reps they must switch immediately for good time. Once all the “task” reps are completed by both participants, they may move on to the next section.
Section 1
TASK: 200 Kettlebell Swings
WORK: Bear Crawls
Section 2
TASK: 100 Push-Ups
WORK: Walking Lunges
Section 3
TASK: 15 Turkish Get Ups each arm
WORK: Farmers Walk
Beginner’s Class.
Our box is pretty hardcore.
This is our upstairs facility
WOD 3.30.08
21-15-9 Reps of:
Double Unders
Weighted Sit-Ups
Additional work:
Turkish Get Ups
Why you should Olympic Lift
by Jim Wendler