Post loads to comments.
compare to 11.22.08
Accessory work
Mobility Wk3 DIY
The following people have expressed interest in the Hoboken Winter Challenge.
Dan r, Erik, Margie, Brandy, Sameer, Charmel, Sal, Brian
steph (if knee won't be an issue)
Cynthia (spectate or participate)
Andy (spectate)
rob (if in town)
Am I missing anyone? Is anyone else interested? We need to solidify a team of 6 by today. I've already mailed CFH and confirmed that we will be sending a team out but didn't give him any specific names yet. I'm not sure what the spectator situation is and will get back to you guys once i hear back. Post thoughts to comments.
If we can send spectators, count me in. i make a great towel girl.
I’m only interested in Spectating. My shoulder is too much of an encumbrance (scrabble word) at this point to participate.
Put me in as an alternate. I would like to send the strongest group to represent CFBK. Of all the names listed, I am the weak link (and oldest).
Can and will come to cheerlead and support Jenna in her bid for top towel girl.
Yes, I’m still interested. Let me know what I have to do to sign up.
I’m skipping class tonight. Not feeling so hot and could use a couple days off.
I am still in for Hooboken. Going to miss out tonight. See everyone this weekend.
Did anyone check out the main site today? Pat Sherwood is rocking a CFSBK t-shirt.
I attended the Kettlebell Cert this weekend. Jeff Martone is a good instructor. I highly recommend it to anyone.
Keith Wittenstein was there too.
I miss you guys.
Looks like we have a good stable of our top people signed up. Put me down as an alternate/spectator/etc.
Clean and Jerk:72, 77, 82, 85, 87, 90, 92
My form was not so nice on the 92 – feet split a bit when i caught the clean then did not split enough on the the jerk. However, it may have been a PR. Or same as previous PR. I was pleased.
C&J135, 155, 185, 205, 210, 215(PR), 220F, 220F
The second failure I cleaned successfully, just couldn’t jerk it. That’s the most weight I have ever cleaned. The knee re-bend and the third pull felt so much smoother tonight.
I’d be in for a Hoboken Challenge. If you still need people, let me know.
looks like i will be spectating. i still can’t squat or run. sigh.
did light form-training c/j work this morning, 65/85/95 lots of reps
My shoulder’s been very sore lately.
Worked with Shane this morning on push jerks, which is a first for me. We kept me at 42 and just worked the form for a while. Not sure it clicked as much as it needed to, but it got better as it went along. Good thing I got loads of time to work that one out, eh? 🙂
worked on technique push jerks with shane. reps of 5 increasing weight as i got more comfortable with the movement. looking forward to trying it again. thanks shane for your tutelage.