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compare to 11.15.08
Accessory Work
Bodyweight Ring Rows 3×8
Mobility Wk 4
Audrey goes double bodyweight overhead (with a little help from Jenna and Khadija)
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Based on people who volunteered to be subs and those who wanted to compete, here is our team for the Winter Challenge at CF Hoboken.
Dan ReshefErik KellyMargie LempertBrandy MongeCharmel RogersSal Manzo
And here is an email that i got from Donald today:
All Slots are now filled. The Participating gyms are:
CrossFit HarlemCrossFit South BrooklynCrossFit NYCCrossFit Hoboken
Events will be listed on the Blog Winter Challenge Page December 19th.
We look forward to meeting all of you.
To clarify since there was some confusion. It is 35 dollars per person. You are allowed to bring a guest but they must pay as well. So for 2 people it would cost $70.
For More information click http://www.crossfithoboken.com/index.php?mode=viewid&post_id=232
I will follow up with an email for everyone who is on the team or expressed interest in going to wrap things up. If you’re interested in this and dont get an email by the end of the day please reach out to me.
Back Squat275x5, 295×5, 305×5, 310×5, 315×5 (PR)
Squats felt good today, was able to get nice tight setups under the bar, good drive out of the hole, and really it’s just good to have my confidence back when lifting heavy.
ugh! overslept this morning. Missed class. =(
back squat185x5 205×5 225×5 245×5
stopped there. was feeling like crap.
accessory work. plus ring push ups