WOD 2.07.09
Rest Day
Good luck to the February Foundations crew starting up this weekend!
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Letter Box House CoolHunter
The Dumbbell Bear
Perform the following complex every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes
5 Dumbbell Deadlifts
5 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
5 Dumbbell Thrusters
Post load and rounds completed as rx'd (within the minute) and any additional rounds completed within the time frame to comments.
Loading is 45% bodyweight for advanced athletes. This version of "The Bear" was made popular by coach Mike Rutherford. If you are able to complete all the rounds, first start scaling up until you can do the weight as rx'd, then begin to add one rep to the circuit. 7 reps of the complex for 20 rounds as rx'd is the gold standard.
Accessory Work
Kipping Pull-Up Therapy
This is exactly how Felix comes into class every day, usually preceded by several explosions and fire works.
Back Squat
Post loads to comments
compare to 1.04.09
Accessory Work
Jerk Therapy
Push-up ladder
Happy Birthday Felix, Leonid and Anne!
Drop Sugar, Get Smarter (And Better Behaved) Modern Forager
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