Dinner and a Movie – SBK style
As some of you know, the documentary Food Inc is opening soon at Film Forum. The film "reveals surprising—and often shocking truths—about what we eat, how it's produced, who we have become as a nation and where we are going from here." For those of you familiar with Michael Pollan, this is basically Omnivore's Dilemma plus. It has been getting great advanced reviews.
For our next food/nutrition experience, we'll see the film and then have a paleo(ish) potluck at Margie's new digs, co-hosted by Malcolm and Laurel. The added twist on the potluck is that everything must be locally sourced – detailed rules to follow. The potluck will take place on Saturday, June 20th at 6pm.
Please email Margie(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com ASAP to indicate whether you prefer to see a late afteroon/early evening showing on Sunday, June 14 or an evening showing on Tuesday, June 16.