L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 11.21.09
3 Rounds NFT of:
4 FWD/BCK Overhead DB Lunges, Each Leg
10 Knees to Elbows or Toes to Bars
20 30 or 40 Double Unders
Setting up the Catch before the Rowing and DB Thruster Couplet
Our first Mobility and Recovery Intensive sold out fast. If you're interested in preregistering for the next one, please email Christian(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com. Please include what days/times would work best for you.
Welcome Joe P, Rickke and Dom!
"Core" Stability Mark Rippetoe
Measuring Hip Internal Rotation Eric Cressey
It may be too late for folks, but don’t throw out that carcass! Here’s a fantastic link on how to make stock, turn it into a glaze, and store as cubes.
I did it yesterday. Enjoy!
Warmup sets: 45-5 75-5 95-5 135-5Work sets (across): 115 115 115 115 115 115
At home in Michigan with Tamar. Hit up our health club. Did 5k inside. Lots of golf instructional shows on TV in Michigan. Forget how many people golf here.
5 x 5 press (with MIRROR — I’m tough, arrrrrrrr!).
(45), (55), 65, 75, 75, 85, 75, (45)
Now off to front squat (with MIRROR.
2nd time doing front squats, the movement felt much more comfortable than last week. Thanks to Laurel for helping me work on technique and breathing in particular.
(45x5x2, 65×5, 85×4, 95×2)105×5
WUerg 1200m10 T2B x350 singlesx3 DU’s x ?
Front Squat(45 65 95) 135 155 175 175 135felt good, worked on elbows high and squat position, keeping heels solidgreat lifting with alec h.
CDerg 1200mhip work
WU 45×5, 65x5WoD 95×5, 95×5, 95×5, 105×5, 105x5finished w/ 130×3 and 135×1 for a new PR.
Came out to find my car towed. Sloth and Hubris strike again!
Peter: That’s “Officer Sloth” and “Officer Hubris” to you.
Warm up: 45×5, 55×5, 85×5
I was happy to do this across. I’ve left a couple of times feeling relatively depressed about my squats and I felt much more solid this time. So that’s progress.
FS = (45, 65, 95, 115)135x5x5Felt a lot better about the form this go round so next time I can start to up the weight again.
ps, Katie, thanks for the pointers. And I’m sure you’re rhythm’s just fine.
Front Squat 5×5: (45×5, 45×5, 75×5,95×3,105×1)115×5,125×5,130×2,115×5,115×5
Finally lifting again. Back felt fine during the lifts; it is tightening up a bit now, but I think it’s ok. Matched my old PR, but couldn’t up the weight. I am actually very happy with this – I was feeling tired and sluggish in the warm-up, very aware of my break from working out so wasn’t sure if I would get to the 125.
Front Squat 5×5
175 – 175 – 165 – 165 – 165
Still backing off the weight to fix my knee-buckling, tried sets across at 175, but that was too much for good form, even at 165 knee came in at times. I guess I just need to forget about old PRs entirely.
Nice PR for Ryan today, super solid form.
Front Squat 5×5(45×5,55×5,60×5)70x5x5
Very mellow today, which felt good. Wanted to work form and breathing in particular. Next time I’ll go for max effort.
Thinking it’s time to hit the baths. Steam and a cold plunge sound good to me right now. Field trip?
Warm ups were intense and fun, that could be it’s own met-con!
Front Squat 5x5WU: 45, 95, 135Work: 165, 180, 195, 200, 135
Finally got the 200 I was seeking!
I’m going to use that 5RM and do sets across at 160ish for the next 2 exposures. I REALLY need to keep my elbows up, and have a better rack position.
I liked the warm up. Hadn’t done knees-to-elbows in a while and enjoyed them. Still working at calming down my double-unders. I feel like if I give unlimited license to jump like crazy they are pretty decent, but if I keep the jumps small the disappear.
Front squats. Warmed up (45, 95, 135). Work 165, 185, 195, 200PR.
On the 200 knees were collapsing. Need to nail these down. I think it is a concentration and coordination problem not a strength issue as standing up wasn’t that hard, nor was pushing them out once I was thinking about it.
Afterwards played with handstands to forward rolls with David and Laurel. Super fun.
Did weighted pullup singles. 35, 53, 63, 72, 82. The bar was too cold and I stopped.
Tried posting earlier but my iPhone “lost connection”. BS.
Anyways, the warmup today certainly did its job.3 rounds NFT of:4 fwd/bkwd OH DB lunges @ 15lbs10 K2E40 Double unders
Front Squats: (45×5, 75×5, 95×5)105×5, 110×5, 115×5, 120×5, 125×5)
I felt pretty strong on all lifts and felt that my form was much better today. Still need to work on a couple of things, but I am happy with today.
Came even closer to a strict chin-up today…one day soon for sure!
Did my 1st set at 95 and the rest at 125. Felt pretty good for not having squated in awhile.
Thanks everyone for watching Kamau!
Tamar and I were back at the health club in Michigan, which meant only one thing: MORE MIRRORS!
Warm-up2 mile run1000M row
Front Squat 5x5WU: 45, 45, 65Work: 95, 95, 95, 95, 95
45*5, 75*5, 95*5 125*5*5
made up on sunday