Back Squat
(E4/4) L1 5×5 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 1.2.10 and 12.26.09
4 Rounds NFT of:
5 Forward Rolls
10 Knees to Elbows
15 Dumbbell Swings
Primal Quest's first meeting is today at 1pm. To better health!
Crash B Rowers are meeting at 11am today.
We'll start the move tomorrow at 1pm after the last class. With enough help, it shouldn't take too long and we can all go out to eat afterward. Everyone will be assigned to small teams with specific tasks. More information to come on tomorrow's post. Don't worry if you've got to cut out early as all help is appreciated. If you've got some tools (wrenches) to help disassemble the pull-up bar, please post to comments.
What workout or kind of workout do you think will come out of the "hopper" tomorrow?
Rest Day
Congratulations to all the PRs on yesterday's belated CrossFit Total. Thanks again to Coaches Jeremy and Margie for staying late to run it.
Tomorrow at 1pm is the first meeting for our Primal Quest Nutrition Challenge. We'll be meeting in the Lyceum cafe to discuss the rules of engagement.
Sunday at 1pm is our big move to Degraw Street! We'll need as many hands on deck as we can get. Please email David(AT) if you can help out and if you've got a vehicle we can use. Also, any thoughts on where we should go to eat afterwards?
and don't forget…
February Foundations
Coaches: David and Laurel
Times: Mondays and Wednesdays from 8pm-9:15pm
Dates: 2/8/10 – 3/3/10 Register Here!
(E4/4) L1 5×3 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
In order to accommodate for the final workout on Sunday, we're Deadlifting today. If you pulled on Monday and at the previous Total, don't attempt another max. You've already gotten a recent heavy single so pull a 5×3 with moderate weight and perfect technique.
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compare to 1.2.10 and 2.4.10
Row 2-3 five minute pieces on the Erg. Your goal is to maintain a consistent split and stroke rating as accurately as you can for the entire piece. This emphasis here is not intensity, it's about control and technique. Choose a low stroke rating (18, 20 or 22) and drop :10-:15 each attempt. Coach Nick can help advice on choosing your split. Rest approximately 5 minutes between attempts.
Post numbers and thoughts to comments.
Chris A lets you know how he feels about dead hang grip endurance work
Congratulations to Gabe E for being accepted to Officer Candidate School!
Tonight's 7pm CrossFit Total is on and we've got about 10 folks signed up. Please try to arrive early enough to have your DROMs and and general warm-up done by 7. We'll intro the Total and start barbell specific warm-ups together.
February and March's evening Foundations cycles have been posted and are now open for registration. These will be our first cycles on Degraw Street! Tell your friends, tell your enemies!
February Foundations
Coaches: David and Laurel
Times: Mondays and Wednesdays from 8pm-9:15pm
Dates: 2/8/10 – 3/3/10 Register Here!
The Group move to Degraw Street will start on Sunday at 1pm directly following the last class. In order to best organize the transport, please email David(at) and include if you've got a truck or van that you'd be willing to help with.
Free Teaser Class
Not sure if CrossFit South Brooklyn is right for you? Why not come on down to one of our FREE weekly teaser classes to see our program for yourself. Each class is one hour long and will consist of a warm-up, skill work and a short workout. Don’t worry if you’re feeling out of shape, these classes are scalable to everyone’s abilities.
Teaser Class Schedule:
Saturdays at 11am
To RSVP, please email info(AT)