Perform the following couplet every 3 minutes (on the minute) for 8 rounds:
3 Deadlifts 85% 1RM
35 Double Unders
Post rounds completed, Rx and experience to comments.
Continued Photographic Coverage of the 2010 North East Regional Qualifiers!
Photographers: Dan R and Asta F
Or, you can go view the Flickr page directly here
One more day left in the Qualifier. Coach Laurel will take on the following WOD:
As Many Rounds as Possible in 12 Minutes of:
7 Deadlifts, 185lbs
7 Handstand Push-Ups
14 Box Jumps, 20"
While Team South Brooklyn will tackle the following WOD:
Stadium Style, every athlete must complete 30 reps of the following movements:
Deadlifts 225/185
Kettlebell Swings 1.5p/1p
Box Jumps 24"/20"
Once all the work is complete, each team must load up the prowler (+90/+50) and individually push it 40 meters. The workout is complete when the last individual crosses the line with their prowler.
Good Luck SBK!!!