For time, alternating rep rounds of:
15-10-5 reps, Power Clean 135/95
5-10-15 reos, Handstand Push-Ups
Consider scaling up the Power Cleans to 155/105. If you've got full range of motion HSPUs but 30 reps seems like too much, a volume scale of 3-6-9 reps might be appropriate, otherwise, use 1 or 2 abmats or DB Press 40% BW
Post time and Rx to comments.
(Power Clean E3/4)
Brian D sets a new Clean and Jerk house record of 127kg/280lbs
Leaderboard Note:
All records for the gym leaderboards must be set in house or at a formal competition where you're representing SBK.
Happy Belated Birthday, Scott L!
Happy Birthday to our extended visitor from Australia, Roger! Roger turned 50 today and banged out a 10:40 Fran as Rx'd!
Safe travels to Malcolm and Laurel. M&L are celebrating their honeymoon in Beliz.
I SWEAR I put this up last night!!! I was surprised when Charlotte said she didn’t know what the WOD was. I smell a conspiracy.
Brian Ds nod of approval is fucking awesome
7am classBack Squat250x5x3Press140x5x3Pull ups2,2,2
i miss gabrus!
Nice 7am class today. Happy birthday, Roger! Quite an inspiration to see you do your birthday Fran.
I liked this workout. Could have scaled up; did the cleans Rx’d and full ROM HSPUs with my legs hooked on the cinderblock. Those were HARD.
Realized that 95# was my max clean when we left the Lyceum. Kind of neat.
This only set the 2nd place records since I remember David P. has done more. I also cleaned 287 to take 2nd place on the clean record as well. I’ll catch Big Dave’s numbers soon enough.
David you did put it up, I got two posts in my feed. weird.
It posted last night, but for some reason shows up below yesterday’s WOD. Weird.
Thanks, David, for cooking me up my own special WOD this morning!
It’s possible someone already posted this, but I thought this article on older athletes was both inspiring and full of interesting physiological stuff:
My left arm apparently belongs to a little old lady, while my right arm is a Polish Olympic Weightlifting Champion.
That is what I learned during the press part of this WOD. I thought the cleans would be the tricky part, but I was wrong. It was the strict presses. Thanks, Fox, for telling me it was ok to do them in sets of 1, which I did from #8-15 on the last set. Holy moly.
Cleans at 68Strict DB Press w/25s
Also, dead hang acc work reminds me that I must remember to moisturize my ever-growing collection of hand callouses. And that my hand modeling career is so over.
I miss me some Steph too!
Happy Birthday, Scott!
Very impressive, Brian!Of course, I actually clean and jerked 128 kilos but it was at another gym and as such does not qualify for the leader board. Bummer!
Back on the Paleo bandwagon after a disastrous Thanksgiving holiday.
Honestly I feel crappy enough that eating squeaky clean and just enough for “fueling” purposes only feels like a relief.
How different it feels to have meaningful responses (good *and* bad) to food intake…
5PM “back to reality after Thanksgiving weekend” class.
WU: barrier straddling, ball-chucking, clean drills
WOD at 115lbs, 30#DBs: 7:38 (started out fast, slowed down fast and then crawled to the end with the presses).
Took me 6 hangs to get the three minutes.
WOD: DB presses at 35# and cleans scaled up to 103# = 9:57.presses were slow but this was fun. easy to feel how much easier the cleans were when i actually waited long enough to pop it up with my hips.6 sets to get the 3 min hang in. need to work on grip.
WU: wall-ball-toss with 20lb medball & high mat jump attemps
WOD: 10:08 with 73# cleans and HSPU on 2 abmats+a book
Dead hang: 1 set to get my 3 minutes, yay! I got a french press recently and reeeeally wanted that CFSBK mug to drink my coffee out of in the morning! 😛
WOD @ 16510:38
Cleans,Steady one at a time.HSPUs,Round 1 unbroken.Round 2 in 3/3/2/2.Round 3 in 2/2/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1*/1
I got greedy and tried to get my last 2 reps linked and failed on the 2nd one. That was frustrating.
Great to WOD with David again. Seems like it’d been forever.
8pm Coaches who need to go home soon-only class
Warm-Up:Light RowingLight Hip openers on the Foam RollerBarbell Warm-ups
PC/HSPU WODPower Cleans: 155lbsHSPUs: Rx’d
12:50 Scaled up
Handstand push-ups need to be re-built, but very happy to be doing real deal ones again. I did two kipping HSPUs because I was dead in the water at the bottom on two and didn’t want to lose the reps, otherwise all strict.
Cleans didn’t feel toooo heavy. I think 165 is realistic foe me on a similar volume WOD in the future. I dinged my clavicle on one clean but I felt fine after a few seconds.
Thanks to Jess for counting reps for me as I went through this. I lost count on my first round like 3 times.
Thanks to Fox for being my rabbit on this
i am the best person in our whole gym at hanging like dead weight from the pull-up bar. great. that should come in handy.
Fun WOD today. I need to work on my HSPU more often.
PC were at 155, HSPU were from the ground, but kipped.
Getting over a cold, but it felt good to be back.
can anyone tell me when the strength cycle Total is? the date? please and thank you.
Warmup:-heavy ball toss and barrier jumps. fun!-clean drills
WOD:13:55 with 95lbs and 2 abmats.-cleans felt easy enough, but the hspu’s were singles almost from the beginning. Pretty disappointed in this. I think I was trying to rush these and ended up failing several of them.
Deadhang:-Came off the bar 3 times. My forearms were burning!
Cooldown:-Foam rollin’ and theracane magic.I love the theracane.
Fun warm up, I like jumping over things.WOD in 7:06 @ 135# with 40# DB pressesThree minutes of dead hang in four tries.
Fun warm ups, I like jumping over things.WOD in 7:06 @ 135# with 40# DB presses.Three minutes of hang in four attempts.
Posting for posterity…
WOD12:57 @ 75 lb and HSPU with 2 abmatsHoly moley did that take me by surprise. Going in to this, I felt pretty good about the HSPUs so I’m not sure what happened here. My HSPU scheme was similar to Mr. Fox’s:First set unbroken.Second set was something like 3/2/2/1/1/1 (?)Last set was almost all singles and s l o w.
3 minute deadhang done in 6 sets