Coach David demonstrates two variations on cycling kipping muscle-ups.
Can you spot the difference between the two styles?
In muscle up news congratulations to Kevin M. who got is first muscle up on Thursday!
***Remember there are NO 6AM and 7AM classes today. There is 12PM Group class and Open Gym***
What was your favorite Thanksgiving dish from this year?
30 Butterfly Muscle ups for time
I had three twice baked potatoes…two with turkey, and one with turkey when I got home. 3 of them. I don’t eat regular potatoes all year long. I love them. It was a torrid love affair. It will probably end in tears.
that was a moving tale, JR.
my favorite was the giblet gravy.
i had to make an emergency intervention during its creation to correct some frightening technical errors, but it was ultimately a success.
during dinner, the two mothers-in-law had a Pennsylvania Dutch throwdown over the question of whether the gravy should be boiling when you add in the thickener. one said absolutely yes, or you are screwed, and the other said absolutely not unless you are a damn fool.
then everybody picked up their personal big gulps of expensive california chardonnay and toasted the gravy, and we kept eating.
NB: today we are being subjected to the newest Rachel Ray abomination, a Tgiving Dinner Leftovers Shepherd’s Pie. I think it involves half a cup of cumin.
I will eat short ribs instead.
See y’all tomorrow.
PS Malcolm, the credits to the video say David Osorio is “Staring.” I think you mean “Starring.”
Michele –
What you didn’t see was the outtake with 15 minutes of David staring at the camera making sexy mouths. Everything will make more sense in the directors cut.
Once again, I wish there were a “like” button for comments.
So, I went in to work today but have so far spent most of the day looking at various CF related stuff. While checking out CFQueens blog, I noticed that one of their members designed an app to locate your nearest crossfit when traveling. It’s free and looks pretty sweet…although I can’t download it because it requires the iphone 4.1 operating system. 🙁
I have to say I am impressed with how quickly (and functional) David has come back from this summer’s injury.
Strength cycle(s) continue in FL
chin ups: 2×5
Power Cleans: 45, 65, 85, 105, 115 x 3 x 3Work sets: 120×3
Shoulder Press: 45, 65, 85 x 5 and 105 x 3Work sets: 105x 5 and 110x5x2
Chin ups: 3×6
Press was a reset after failing at 117.5. Don’t ask about the sets not being across, long story.
Cleans are feeling better, and I noticed that as I get tired and fear that I won’t make the lift I anticipate and jump early. Need to be patient. Endurance is definitely an issue.
Then went and played a set of doubles with 70+ year olds. I play tennis once a year and it’s fun to see my folks running around still– inspiring!
Favorite thanksgiving element: spinach and cheese squares my sis made.
Chris J’s Au gratin potatoes.
WU:20 DUs (pr)… off the 19 schnied.Some nasty hip stretches
WoD”Christine” 3 Rounds for time.500m row 1:57, 2:08, 2:0412 175 lb DLs… Did ’em all in sixes.21 Box jumps 20″ box… lots of stepping up.13:11 (pr) 3:57 off of my last time, w/ 10 more lbs on the DLs. Yay me!
Pullups 10/10/8 on the green bandpushups 10
And Yay Chris J for getting his first no-band kipping pullup!And Yay David for rowing under 2:00 for all three rows.
Did the dirty 30 in 18:16. Rx’d except for 45# stiff-legged deadlifts instead of back extensions
Hooray for Chris’s pull-up!Becca and I did our monthly Cindy test tonight. 1 more round than last time for me–7 + 3 pull-ups. Totally happy with this steady improvement considering how little I trained this month.
Yes, congrats, Chris!
I hit my goal of improving RX’ed Cindy – see Katie’s post above – this month by 2 rounds. Tonight I did 5 rounds + 2 pull ups. (Yes, that means that last month was a measly 3 + 1 pull up. Yikes.) I’m happy that both the pull ups and push ups seem to be progressing.
Christine in 12:30 24″box and 155#DL (bw+12ish)
BJs were hard and slow.
Goose stuffed with pear, apple, apricot, cherry, hazel nuts.