(E1/8) Sets Across
Load approx 15-20% less than previous 3RM with the goal of breaking it mid-cycle
Perform 6 Jumpe Squats after each work set. Rest 3 Minutes
Post loads to comments.
compare to 7.10.10
Perform Max Reps of the following:
1:00 Max DB Snatches, Left arm
Rest :30
1:00 Max DB Snatches, Right arm
Rest :30
2:00 Max Double Unders
Rest 1:00
3:00 Max Burpees, Games Standards
Load on Dumbbell should be ~20% Body Weight
Post Rx and reps per movement to comments.
Claire can Run. Run, Claire, Run.
Photo courtesy of our friends at lululemon athletica Brooklyn
Happy Birthday to our October AotM, David McG!
Happy Belated Birthday (yesterday) Yoon S!
Today is day 1 of Paulie's ODDLY STRONG workshop. Couldn't make it today? Then sign up for tomorrow!
The EliteFTS Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Prowler