Here’s some fun reading from a couple of our terrific coaches to ease you out of the holidays. Coaches KHarpz and Chris Fox recently wrote pieces for our buds at Beyond the Whiteboard:
- Coach Fox wrote “Older, Fitter: You’re Not as Old as You’re Gonna Be,” the first in a series of posts that will reveal some of his knowledge about training older athletes (think our Fit 55+ class). This one delves into his own fitness background and offers some small but significant lifestyle changes you can make today!
- Coach KHarpz penned the latest installment in her continuing series detailing her quest to qualify for regionals. Like the first 3, “Massing SZN: I Command You to Grow!” drops some knowledge with that KHarpz-trademark blend of wisdom, badassery, and goofy fun.
CFSBK in 2018
It’s a new year, so of course we have some cool stuff starting in January! Let’s review:
- Starting tonight, 6:30pm Active Recovery will be replaced with a second Strong Fit class, which means you’ll have another chance each week to pick up heavy shit! Strong Fit will now meet Saturdays at 8am and Tuesdays at 6:30pm.
- The 2018 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge officially kicked off yesterday, but there’s still time to hop aboard the Challenge Train. Complete all the steps on the checklist in yesterday’s post by this Friday to get rolling!
- Coach Keith’s Active Life Strength class will be the first of its kind, a small group class that uses Active Life methods to help athletes improve their strength, structural balance, and movement efficiency while reducing pain and risk of injury. The program begins January 8th, and there are just 2 spots left. Go here to register!
Words of the Year The New Yorker
It’s Time to Stop Being Ashamed of Fat Breaking Muscle