Handstand Push-Up / Dumbbell Split-Stance Romanian Deadlift Superset*
A1) Tempo (40×1) Handstand Push-Up:
5 x 6-10 reps
Add a few reps to last week. These should all be sub-max sets, adding a deficit if you’re able to. Full range of motion, no AbMats. No crashing or resting on your head! Perform the reps strict if you can. You can kip the concentric if you must, but keep true to the tempo on the eccentric through the full range of motion and do not crash or rest on your head.
A2) Dumbbell Split-Stance RDL:
5 x 6-10 reps
Add weight and/or reps to last week.
A1) Tempo (40×1) Seated Dumbbell Press:
5 x 5-8 reps
Add weight and/or reps to last week. Optional: Perform a Kick-Up to the wall with a few second hold immediately after each set of Presses.
A2) Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg RDL:
5 x 6-10 reps
Add weight and/or reps to last week.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Handstand Push-Ups, followed by a set of DB Split-Stance Single-Leg RDLs. Repeat for 5 work sets of each, resting about a minute between movements. The last few reps of each set should be tough, but the goal is no misses.
Post loads/reps to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
LFPB Challenge Capacity Test WOD: “Jackie”
For Time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters 45#
30 Pull-Ups
This classic benchmark (and CFSBK Leaderboard item) should hurt a bit and is very much about how much you want to push it. Baller status for doing all the reps all unbroken. Try to keep the bar on your body for all 50 Thrusters . NO BAILING THE EMPTY BARS! If you think you’ll bail, then set up a lighter bar with bumps on it. Resting the bar on your back is allowed. You should be able to complete at least 20 thrusters unbroken when fresh at the Rx’d load, scale as needed. Scaling for for Pull-Ups today is Jumping or Ring Rows. For the LFPB Challenge, note your score and scaling to compare to your re-test at the end of the challenge.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Happy New Year from your buds at CFSBK! What did you accomplish in 2017, and what are your fitness goals in 2018? Tell us in the comments! And don’t forget to write them on the board between the changing rooms…
The 2018 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Starts Today!
The Look, Feel Perform Better Challenge starts now, but there’s still time to sign up! By participating in the Challenge, you’ll get daily accountability alongside fellow CFSBKers and the support of the coaching staff. Learn how to make nutrition work for you, and maybe also get some abs in time for beach season. Complete the following steps by January 5th in order to participate and be eligible for prizes:
- Sign your name on the big list in the community area of the gym.
- Sign up for payment ($30 per month for the three-month program) at the front desk or in the online store.
- Answer a few brief questions and submit your “before” photos according to the guidelines on the Look, Feel, Perform Better website. These entries are private will not be published or seen by anyone other than us without your consent. You can access the 2018 LFPB Challenge Entry Form HERE.
- Perform the Test WOD (today!) and record your results.
- Enter points earned daily on the spreadsheet to track how well you’re complying with the guidelines.
- Complete your Post-Challenge submission by 3/28/18 at the end of the challenge.
- Optional: Attend the bi-monthly LFPB Q&A Info Sessions on Sundays at 1pm in the Annex at CFSBK. Each one will have a brief topical lecture followed by a Q&A. (1/7, 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3/4, and 3/18).
Save the date for the CFSBK Community Potluck on February 3rd! This event will simultaneously kick off the new year, support the LFPB Challenge, and bring folks from all times and corners of the gym together.
Today’s Schedule and New Strong Fit Class
We’re running on a modified schedule today, which you can find below. Also, don’t forget that starting tomorrow night 6:30pm Active Recovery will be replaced with a second Strong Fit class! Strong Fit will now meet Saturdays at 8am and Tuesdays at 6:30pm.
Class Schedule:
10am Short Circuit
11am CF
12pm CF
1pm CF
Open Gym Membership: 10am-2pm
6am, 7am, 8am, 9am, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm CrossFit group classes
11am Fit 55+
11am Diapers & Dumbbells
Next-Level Weightlifting Club
“Armenian Pizza” Is the Comfort Food You Didn’t Know You Were Missing Smithsonian
5 Strength Training “Rules” You Can Completely Ignore BarBend
I’m stoked for another year of trusting the process & chipping away at some skill + strength goals. It’s pretty amazing to not feel as acutely compelled to “get back on the wagon” at the top of this year (like I have in the past), but rather to just keep working on the programming cycle & doing what I know I should be doing nutrition-wise. The 200# squat will happen 🙂
All that said, I’m taking a rest day today & looking forward to the capacity test tomorrow. Happy 2018, CFSBK!
Open gym.
400m Row
20 Kettlebell Swings @24kg
18 Burpees
400m Row
20 Box Jumps @24”
18 Burpees
400m Row
20 Hang Power Clean @95#
18 Burpees
400m row
20 WallBalls 20/10
18 Burpees
418m row
20 Push press @95#
18 Burpees
Modification of a WOD I found on the Google. Barbell movements were substitutes for TTB and pull ups. Did not record my time. Did it at a reasonable aerobic pace.
Happy New Year everyone. 2018 is the year of the strict muscle up!
Go get it, Jay!
I love that there’s a conversation going on on the Accomplishments board.
Short Circuit today, gonna do the test tomorrow. Loved the NFT work yesterday (and also jerking for the first time since hurting my neck!).
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! I did the capacity test over at the frosty 608 with a frowny and intense face. What even is a WOD? It was challenging for me and a good benchmark. I did the row in 4:30, remembering some of the tips from Coach Nick’s rowing program. I did a race start, then 10 hard strokes under 2:00 and then settled at 2:20, which is a good pace for me, even when I was actually doing “cardio” type training. Somehow I got v. gassed on this row and after doing 10 hard strokes again at 500 I struggled and my pace crept up to like 2:45. Ugh. I didn’t manage the row right but it’s easy to see how I can improve here.
Thrusters with a 45 lb bar, I actually broke it into sets of 6. May be a mental thing and I possibly could have done more unbroken but I found this so challenging I was about ready to strip off the hoodie and go down to a tank top, and considering the ambient temp, it got *that* spicy for me. So I’m looking forward to being able to do these in longer sets, hopefully 10-15. Scaled to ring rows and finished in 15:03. I think all of these movements are great for me to work on, especially in the realm of aerobic capacity.
I got in my squatz, 6 sets of 2 at 143#. I appreciated the fact that the past few days I’ve been able to rotate in some of the cool hoodies I own, because normally the gym is way too toasty to wear them. Also glad I’ve amassed like 3 pairs of the thermal Lululemon tights from various seasons over the years, which I have been living each and every frigid day in. #blessed
Then off to the coop to sit in the vitamin aisle reading fish oil labels. I am so bad about taking my vitamins, really hoping to up my game in 2018. Coop members, hit me up with any fave brands!
To be honest… I only hit one of my 2017 training goals that I wrote down, which was getting in top 500 placement in the NE region and top 3 in our gym in the Open. Everything else is still a work in progress… or something that needs to be tested that I just haven’t tested (see: FRAN and DT). Got de-railed a bit mid-year by sprained wrist and shoulder issues and changed focus for our big hiking trip. All of which was good learning and process… and coming back this fall building upper body strict strength and consistency in oly lifts around 80-90% has been excellent!
Will think a bit more, but my goals/focus are to keep improving my L to R balance, FSQ strength, gymnastic endurance, and to clean 185# (leftover from 2017, currently at 175#)!
Today with 11am class:
Seated DB Press @ 40×1: 30# x 6 x 5
DBSSSLRDL @ 20×1: 40# x 8ea x 5L / 3R
Am definitely still feeling messed up from Saturday’s WOD — 30 muscle ups and 60 power cleans took a definite toll on my overall system!
Row Conditioning:
4 x 500m @ under 2:00, rest 2:15 between pieces
1:59.6 / 1:57.6 / 1:57.4 / 1:57.7
Intended to do another 4 x 500m, but i came out way too hard on this. was not sustainable. (last time I did this was in the 2:01-2:03 range, so it was an aggressive jump to try to make today)
10 min row, easy-moderate pace
2283 meters. hovered around 2:15 for most of it.
3 sets: 10 each powell raise in side plank @ 30×1 @ 7.5# — spicy!
DBSSSLRDLHNY: 50# x 8 x 5 (Same weight, increased reps)
Tempo HSPU: Mix of doubles to the ground and triples to one abmat. And some singles spliced in where I kept falling off the wall.
Jackie: 10:19 Rx
I think this might be my first time Rx-ing it. Last I can find is scaling back to half the pull ups and finishing in 10:10, so definitely come improvement here. Stuck with a 1:55ish pace on the row (started around 1:45, creeped closer to 2:00 near the end). Thrusters got me, tried to rest on my back, but did place on the ground once. Pull ups 7-5-4-3s..-2s…-1.
Yoke after (took advantage of the fact that it was not busy because of the cold). 50′ walk: 195#x2 (empty yoke), 245, 285, 335, 355×3.
Lol @ that acronym
Happy 2018!
Kept it lighter today on the DL: 35#
Hspu (4ish per round) to 1 abmat
Jackie RX in 8:50
Managed to shave off about 50 seconds from my attempt in 2017 so I’m very happy with that. Pull ups we’re broken up a LOT by necessity 🙂
My 2017 goals:
Back squat 225- no, but did PR this at 210#
Front Squat 200- no, PR’d at 180#
10 strict pull-ups- didn’t test, guessing no
learn kipping pull-ups- yes, but currently falling apart a bit
Deadlift 300- no, PR’d @ 275#
get DUs – no
Snatch 100- yes- 110#
Clean and Jerk 150- yes- 155#
Press 130- yes- 140#
OHS 115- yes 125#
30-45 mins of mobility every day I workout- maybe not every day, but damn close.
Very satisfied with this progress, especially the Olympic lifting.
For 2018:
-Identify accessory work that helps my lifts and add into mobility routine
-Back Squat 225
-Front Squat 200
-Maintain kipping pull-ups
-String together toes-to-bar
-Snatch 125
-Clean and Jerk 165#
-work an active recovery class into my routine
Thanks to all the coaches for the guidance and support that helped me improve as much as I did in 2017- On to 2018!!
12pm class after a lot of drinks and little sleep – great way to start the LFPB challenge :-/
Deadlifts with 35lbs still working on range of motion.
Seated shoulder press with 45lbs for 6 reps, felt good, could try 8 reps next.
Jackie Rx 10:39min
This is about 30s slower than 1y ago, which got me thinking a lot about the past year. I made a lot of strength improvements – my powerlifts went from L46 to L67 on BTWB, and some improvements to my oly lifts (from L43 to L58). I’m a lot stronger in my upper body and can do things like HSPUs (although to 1 abmat). I didn’t really get a ton of improvements in endurance or speed, though. Looking at my notes from last year, I managed to do the pull-ups in sets of 5, whereas today I only managed 1 set of 5 and lots of sets of 3s and 2s. I’m hoping this year to focus a bit more on gymnastics and endurance, and trying to zero in on the factors that might be slowing me down (*cough cough* too much wine *cough cough*). Excited to test this again at the end of the challenge and see whether anything changes…
Lazy day in the apartment today. But I’ve got a squat rack and weights in here so…
Barbell Stiff legged deadlifts
185x8x5 on 5” platform
Strict HSPU
Finished with 3×10 biceps curls and some reverse flys
Press: 40lbs – 7,7,6,6,6
still pushing to get to 7 reps for 5 sets across
RDL: 40lbs 10×5
Jackie: 9:58 with jumping pullups
33y from Portugal, homegym.
I just know you guy from crossfit youtube channel and since then I’m doing your wods(one week late)
DB press 5×5
10 | 10 | 10 | 12 | 12k
1000 run (dont have rowing :/)
50 thrusters (30kg)
30 pull ups