Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
Virtual Yoga: 7am
Pilates Happy Hour: 6:00pm
Today’s Programming
Option A: Back Squat 2-2-2
Option B: Push Press 1-1-1
Option C: Bench Press 5-5-5
Option D: Chin-Ups 1-1-1 5×2
For today’s strength segment, choose an exercise that corresponds to what you have not performed in the prior few days or what you’re least sore from. You can also add a second, non barbell movement as a superset. For example, you might perform Bench Press, but add in some DB Rows or you might do Deadlifts and Chin-Ups. Tomorrow we’ve got
For Time:
750m Row
20 Toes to Bars
40 KB Snatches
500m Row
15 Toes to Bars
30 Kettlebell Snatches
250m Row
10 Toes to Bars
20 Kettlebell Snatches
Row: Rough time frames you’re looking for would be 3:00/2:00/1:00
T2B: scale volume if needed to: 15-10-5, otherwise scale movement to haning leg lifts or supine leg raises at full volume
KB: Reps listed are total.This works out to 45 snatches per arm. Use a medium light weight that will allow you to perform the workout in sets of 5-10 reps sets per arm while moving at a steady pace.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Stephen, Dennis, Steph, Tim and Michelle getting in those pre-Murph runs