Weighted Pull-Up
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compare to 1.10.09
Accessory Work
Jump Rope Practice, 10 Minutes
Rotary Medball Fights
Ashley sticks with Gabrus during his last Burpees
Remember that there will be No classes this Saturday for Dutch Lowy's Trainer Development Seminar.
Check the CFSBK google calender for our upcoming schedule.
Dutch does 3-2-1 reps of Snatch 176lbs and Clean and Jerk 220lbs. CrossFit.com
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What should I bring?
Clothing: Comfortable athletic clothing to exercise in. Sometimes people ask us about preferred footwear, we encourage a low profile shoe like Inov8’s, chuck tailors or vibrams. Regular running shoes will work fine too.
Notebook: Bring a notebook or pad to log your workouts in. You’ll be expected to track all your workouts moving forward.
Water/Food: Feel free to bring a reusable water bottle, otherwise we have cups and water pitchers if you forget. Some people bring snacks or post workout meals, a piece of fruit is a good option.
2. What if I can’t make all the classes?
It’s not uncommon for people to miss a class due to a previous engagement. Foundations students are allowed to miss one class before having to purchase private training sessions in order to graduate the cycle. Like a college course, you are responsible for the material you miss, please let us know if you’re going to miss a class and we can discuss your options.
3. Do you have showers at your facility?
We do not have showers at CFSBK
4. Can I bring my bike inside?
We’re a bike friendly facility. Ride on down!
5. My Foundations cycle is X weeks away. What should I do until then?
If you’ve already got an exercise routine, keep up your program until you start with us. If you’d like, you can also check out the syllabus and try a few of the simpler exercises on your own. These videos and descriptions are a valuable learning and reference tool for you throughout Foundations.
A lack Flexibility in any major joint can impede your progress with us. We highly recommend you start following Dr. Kelly Starrett’s MobilityWOD. Every day he posts a short stretch/soft tissue video for you to do on your own. Great stuff!!!
We also have an Active Recovery Class which is open to the public and a great supplement to you new training regimen.
6. What about Nutrition?
Here is an introductory nutrition article about our recommended dietary approach. Once you’ve read it check out these two .pdf’s by Robb Wolf: The Quick Start Guide and Shopping List
7. What do I do after Foundations?
Once you’ve completed the cycle you can begin attending Group Classes. Where Foundations focused on technique, your first 6 weeks of Group classes should focus on consistency. We encourage low to moderate intensity for the first 6 weeks of Group before beginning to really ratchet things up. You will not be expected to remember everything you learned and there will be time set aside at the beginning of every class to review the day’s movements and scaling.
If you feel like you might not be ready for the demands of Group Classes, we’ve also got a scaled down version called On Ramp. If you’re interested, click here!
Foundations Overview
The intent of our Foundations program is to provide you with an introduction to our movement and fitness philosophy while preparing you for an intense, dynamic and supported pursuit. In order to ensure your safety and success with us, it is imperative to learn the fundamental exercises. Your first four weeks will be all about developing technique and understanding how to scale the movements for your current capacity. Don’t worry if you’ve never done any of this stuff before, we start from scratch and gradually build up. All we ask is that you stay dedicated to your development and have some fun in the process.
This page is not available publicly on our website. Please bookmark this page so that you can continue to have access to this material.
Homework Assignments
Read “Understanding CrossFit”
In a nutshell, CrossFit is: Constantly Varied, Functional Movements executed at Relatively High Intensity
We will discuss these terms and their implications in class.
Read: “Good Training Habits”
Read: “Changing Weight 1.0″
Foundations Course Syllabus
Class 1
DROMS (mov)
Air Squats (wmv mov)
Push-Ups (wmv mov)
Abmat Sit-Ups
Walking Lunges (wmv
Ring Rows (mov)
Class 2
Single Unders (wmv mov)
Double Unders (wmv mov)
The Deadlift (wmv
Class 3
Concept 2 Rowing (wmv mov)
High Bar Back Squat (mov)
Box Jumps (wmv)
Class 4
Press (mov)
Press (mov)
Push Jerk (mov)
Thrusters (mov)
*We will perform a dumbbell variant of the Thruster
Dumbbell Thruster (wmv mov)
Box Jumps (wmv)
Class 5
Strict Pull-up (mov)
“Russian” Kettlebell Swing (wmv
Class 6
Front Squat (wmv mov)
Overhead Squat (wmv mov)
Wall Ball (wmv mov)
Burpees (wmv)
Class 7
Mid Hang Power Clean (wmv
Mid Hang Power Snatch (wmv
Class 8
Mid Hang Power Clean Pt.2 (wmv
Mid Hang Power Snatch Pt.2 (wmv
These are free videos from CrossFit.com’s Exercise & Demos section and the Performance Menu’s Exercises section. Feel free to poke around any other videos that might interest you.
Course syllabus may be slightly modified due to time constraints.
WOD 3.22.09
4 Rounds for time of:
10 Thrusters, 95/65
15 Burpees
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Accessory Work
Reverse Sit-Ups
Plank work
Power Clean
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Compare to 1.11.09
Accessory Work
Ring Support Ladder
The Everett Great-Grandma They Call "Heavy Metal" HeraldNet
Researchers Find Gene that Turns Carbs into Fat Reuters
Moderate Drinking May Help Build Bone Density Reuters
Rest Day
Bench Press
Close out your WOD today with a couple sets on the dumbbells.
Note any significant imbalances.
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compare to 10.06.08
Accessory Work
Tabata Sit-Ups
Tabata Double Unders
Having a workout partner is a great way to keep yourself on track. Especially if you're new, teaming up with someone encourages accountability and makes coming to class even more fun. Don't be shy!
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