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compare to 8.23.09
Accessory Work
Depth Lunges 3×8
WU: 10 Minutes at moderate pace of:
30 Double Unders
20 KB Swings
10 Knees to Elbows or 3 Skin the Cats
GI Jane, Greg Amundson CrossFit
Greg Amundson's Warm-up CrossFit
"Jackie" in 5:52 CrossFit
Laurel says
David – is this an AMRAPish warm-up? Looks fun.
David says
Sure is, Laurel.
Dan Rx'd says
I call “foul” on those GHD situps! Seriously though, I rather like that warm up — would keep my shoulders from getting destroyed!
Anne Ishii says
OHS/5 x 5 instead of 1x53245506065Felt good through all rounds. Have to admit egging on and being egged on by Ariel helped.
What felt even better than my OHS though, were my very first, very own DOUBLE-UNDERS!! David’s suggestion that “it didn’t matter how ugly it looked” unlocked the elusive jumprope move. (Sorry Cloyde! 😛 )
Chris Fox says
If you thought Fran was tough yesterday (I did!) check out today’s mainsite WOD…
Steph W says
HBBSQ 5 x 54242425252Not really a good day, but technique and consistency first, right?
Congrats Anne!
And thanks Shane for the extra help after class.
Sameer Parekh says
OHS 3-3-3-3-3
then i decided to go big for a single
probably could have hit it for 2. maybe should have tried 155? But I was happy. Weighed myself this morning and hit 150 bw, so that is perfect.
cloyde says
i was away for the weekend sad/happy that i missed fran and cleans. i’ll make them up one of these morning classes.
WOD: OHS – 45-65-95*5 (warmup)
felt good on the 135, think i can do more but i was on my 8th lift so i figured ill just end on a high note. probably should have made bigger jumps but i learned from vincent that lower jumps with good form is sometimes better that higher jumps that look like shit.did the 500m*2 with 1:00 rest 1:57 & 2:01.
congrats to anne on her double under :-(great to be back
tal says
Press 5×3:85, 95, 105, 115, 120(2)
David McG says
great WU. prior, 500m easy row.
OHSfinally finding out what faults my squat has. thank you thank you shane for post WOD squat correction and checking out my form during my lifts. good lifting with mike too. returned to a light weight to work on correcting my squat.
(barx5, 75×5) 95×3, 115×3, 125×3, 95×5, 95×5
2x500m row with minutes rest between1:43, 1:41
Sarah says
45 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Laurel says
Warm-Up: 1 pood kb, skin the cats5kb swings and 3 skin the cats short of three rounds.
OHS: (45×5,75×3)95,105,115,125,135F,135F,135F,135 (pr)
My first attempt at 135 I didn’t even get the bar fully up overhead. The second time I couldn’t get it locked out and stable, the third time Jeremy gave me another of his insightful cues (more shrug) and it went up, I held it, but then I forgot to get a bit of breath in before squating so I dropped it at the bottom, the FOURTH time it was wobbly but I DID IT! That’s bodyweight! HA!
Malcolm says
Today was frustrating. My double unders were terrible during the warm up, and then the OHS sucked.
I started at 135, did 155 (which was the max I did in the 5×3 last week) and then couldn’t jerk 165. Then set up a rack so I could walk the weight out over head, got down okay, but as I was come up one arm was able to support and the other wasn’t so I had an odd twisting bail which has my shoulder kind of twinging now. (ahh ice).
Was frustrated but didn’t want to do anything else that involved shoulders today so I just did some timed walk outs in a back squat rack to get used to supporting more than I can squat.
Did 30 seconds twice at 305.
Grmph. I guess after a great weekend like this I should have expected to not keep up the fantastic PR’s.
Bjorn says
135 pounds, Laurel? That’s magnificent. Congratulations!
David McG says
awesome laurel!!
David says
Warm-up:500m Row15 GHD Sit-up300m Row12 GHD Sit-ups250m Row8 GHD Sit-ups
“Fran”7:02 as rx’d
No strategy whatsoever, just planned on doing as many reps as I could without hitting a wall. Reps were scattered but consistent, i know I did 11 Thrusters unbroken round 1 and the last 9 pull-ups unbroken (thanks for the push Vincent).
It was really nice to “Fran” with Margie and Shane. As Margie would say, it was “peachy”.Thanks again to Vincent for keeping time and helping out with motivation.
great classes today. Good energy in Level 1, wonderful to see so many people getting better and better. Very impressed by Jeremy and Laurel’s OHS performances today too.
Jeremy says
OHS165x1185x1205x1215x1 (PR)225×1 (PR)235xFail
Couldn’t get 235 overhead, not sure if it was because my shoulders were fried or I can’t jerk that much with a wide grip.
The PR’s felt solid, the hardest part was keeping the weight stable, the squatting part wasn’t too bad.
Samir Chopra says
Second time doing OHS. This is a very interesting, ego-deflating, difficult lift. I had missed the first OHS lift in this cycle so I planned to do 3s today. Warmed up with 45×5, 65×5, 75×5, and then did 80×3, 85×3, 90×3, 95×3, 100×3. Did some rowing thereafter with Sameer, David Mak, Cloyde, David Mcg: two 500 meter rows with a minute rest (phew – that hurt). Jack was a trip throughout. And thanks to Shane for the squatting tips afterward. A very satisfying day.
Shane says
Made up Fran today. I think the last time I did this was in July 2008 when we did the three CrossFit games WODs in one day. I believe my time then was somewhere in the 7s.
Today hit 6:01
REALLY wanted something in the 5s. Hell even 5:59. Unlike David I had a game plan going in that worked to a point (doesn’t it always?).
I decided to break the 21 Thrusters into 13 & 8 but ended up doing 15 & 6. The first set of pull-ups didn’t feel smooth as my kip wasn’t really together.The goal for the set of 15s was 9 & 6 on the thrusters but that went to hell really quick as I eked out 5 before dropping the bar.
All in all had a good run of it but really wanted to break 6 minutes. So damn close. I’ve got to work on pushing myself to the edge in these Metcons
Really nice to do the WOD w/ David and Margie.
Had a great night watching OH and High-Bar Back Squats. Did a little squat therapy with some folks and saw some really nice adjustments.
Laurel’s 135 was awesome
David says
Now that you’re can clear the rope twice under, it’s time to work on refining it so that it’s more effective and efficient.Sometimes you just have to get a little aggressive to get those first couple doubles.
Chris Fox says
Christy says
First L1 class today!HBBSQ 5 x 54252627272Had help from both Shane and David with knees to elbows.
Laurel says
Thanks everyone! Sure made me happy.
Sameer Parekh says
aha forgot to post my row times. the first 500 piece was a solid pr, 1:46.5, but i couldn’t keep it up for the second, a total blowout at 2:03.1
this morning, more rowing. gr.
800m row30 burpees500m row20 burpees250m row10 burpees
stephaniep says
OHS(45×5, 65×3)70,80,85,90*,100(F)
90 is a PR and I really wanted to go for 100 but it just didn’t happen. Next time.
AWESOME work Laurel!
carlos says
did dead lifts singles due to shoulder. coincidentally my favorite lift.
275 315 345 350pr 355f
going to pick up our 1/2 pig then hiking in the Gunks. plenty of empty seats in people mover. interested in getting off your butt Gabrus? or anybody else.
leaving today Tues at about 10 30 am.
917 533 7225
Jess says
Laurel you rock!
Sad to have missed every day of OH squats but I can’t wait to try them next go around.
Mark says
This was my first Level 1 class out of Foundations.
500 m light row for warm up
Completed 3 full rounds for the WU: 10 Minutes at moderate pace of:30 Double Unders20 KB Swings10 Knees to Elbows or 3 Skin the Cats
Had help with Knees to Elbows from Shane and David. Also had good tips from Vinny about the KB Swings. Thanks Vin!
HBBSQ 5 x 55 x 755 x 855 x 955 x 1155 x 1251 x 145 (PR)
I didn’t want to go any higher on my first day and I didn’t feel like I had proper control of the movement as well.
Stayed after with Shane and went over Squats with the bench as a guide. Really helped. Thanks Shane!
Sameer Parekh says
ack would love to join you carlos, but have responsibilities today. =(
climbing tonight anyone? give me a ring.
i have to admit my distress at seeing laurel’s ruling ohs. she may yet defeat my evil plans. curses!
David Mak says
Laurel, awesome!Warm up was more taxing than I thought it was going to be. I took it easy but only got 2 and a half rounds. Started on K to E and did 1.5 pood on the KB. Double Unders are coming along nicely, I can regularly string together 10 – 18. Forearms felt heavy afterwards.
HBBS (damn you lack of shoulder mobility!)WU – 45×5; 85x5115x5; 155×5; 175×5; 185×5; 190x5Last time I did squats was for 1 rep max and I got to 215 so I’m happy with this fiver round. Really felt my knees get wobbly and drift in as I fatigued and the weight got heavy.Joe and Giles, thanks for the pointers and watching my form, it was great lifting with you both.
Shane mandated squat form practice – thanks so much, it was great. I think if others knew the level of coaching we all receive here there would be some serious jealousy.
Post WOD 2000m row – forgot to write down my time but I kept a very consistent 1:55ish throughout and kicked it the last 250m. So somewhere around 7:30.
Finished with some one arm hang to work grip, 3x skin the cats and one weak back lever attempt.
Joe says
Cool quasi-AMRAP warmup. Good times.
Great lifting with David Mak and Giles. Thanks for being patient on swapping out plates.
45 65 85 115 135(3+f) 135(2+f) 115
Afterwards I made up the last two sets of the DIY accessory work I skipped after Fran. 30 situps 15 Hip extensions x2