5 Rounds For time of
5 Deadlifts, 275
10 Burpees
Post time to comments.
compare to. 12.14.08
Accessory Work
Lever or Skin the Cat training
Levers: 5 sets of :10 Hold
Skin The Cats: 4 sets of 3 reps
WU: SDHP Practice at competition weights
Coping with Prostate Cancer NY Times Video
Oooohh, today’s WOD looks Deee-licious!
This WOD is like SO last year!
For those playing along at home this is one of the 2008 CF Games WODs. Last time I did it I think I pulled 225 or 245. This time I’m going for the whole kit and kaboodle. Looking forward to this.
Had a great time last night w/ the Tuesday night climbing crew. Hoping to make that a semi-regular albeit informal thing. See you guys tonight!
I’d appreciate some advice on scaling the DLs. The last time I did 3s, I finished up at 185. (I also did a single of 195 after that, but thats just an oddity).
We’ll discussing scaling this tonight. Prior to this WOD appearing at the games DL WODs were usually 225# in most WODs. So the intention is to go pretty heavy. Five should be a challenge and might have to be broken up in the latter sets.
However, this is supposed to be a relatively quick WOD. Definitely sub-10 minutes.
Last call for any surfers/potential surfers. We’re locked in for Friday at 1:30pm out in Rockaway. 90 bucks gets you in the 2-hour lesson and wetsuit/surfboard rental. email me if you’re interested
dammit I want to do this WOD
dagnabbitt! missing a good one!
Tuesday am WOD800m row30 burpees500m row20 burpees250m row10 burpees
time – 12:21
Oooo, surfing… I can’t make it though. Bummer.
Just did the WOD at Slope Fitness. Thankfully, no one hassled me. I fear conflict. Got 5:49 as RX’d.
this wod looks fun/painful. hopefully ill be there in the am but i think ill be doing my 1 rep cleans instead. surfing looks “interesting” but im working. isnt it too cold already? or is that just my skinniness talking?
8:22 at 185 pounds, with none of my usual bs rest. A quick jog around the GHD and back on the bar, chasing the blackness. 🙂
5:09 at … 95 pounds. I could definitely have DL-ed more weight but after my last encounter deadlifting WAY too much weight to start a 3×5 without warmup I (no exaggerating) couldn’t walk for two days… bah. excuses excuses. I was scared of lifting too much weight. That’s all.
Good seeing Jess back. Needed her to tell me to up the ante.
5:15 as rx’d. I was dreading this wod but it wasn’t as bad as I thought, did all the DLs unbroken.
6:20 rx’d
Not a bad performance. I can feel my deadlift getting weaker, which is upsetting. As for the burpees, well, I make no secret of not being a fan of those bastards, but in this workout they didn’t seem as bad. When I was done, my legs were on fire. Did a little writhing on the mat for a minute.
It was great working again with Paul. He’s really been hitting a stride recently that’s impressive to witness, even if it’s while eating his dust. It’s good dust. What?
5:00 226lb dl. couldve gone heavier. thanks to jack for the help.
5:40 something, Rx’d
Fun WOD, last time I did this it was at 225 in something like 7 minutes.
I’ve got to get past that tingley/pukey feeling that hits me about 3 minutes into these type of WODs…right?
Good fun working with Mike tonight.
Good fun watching 6 of my peeps from July Foundations kick ass on this tonight!
Did skin the cats and a few levers. After made an attempt at a bit of a mini FGB workout with Jess but ended after 1 rnd cause our legs were shot. Hit the GHD for 3×10 sit-ups.
6:17 with 215lbs. Samir provided some great motivation and then kicked ass himself, great working with you! Damn burpees suck but did the deadlifts unbroken.
4 rnds of 3 skin the cats.
Malcolm — Feel better!
David — Don’t throw those egg cartons away, I’ll pick them up tomorrow.
6:54@ 150lbs… This was fun! I liked this WOD a lot… although I didn’t realize ladies Rx’d was 155. Spent all day think 155 might be good, then plugged in my max deadlift to that 1.45 formula and got 135… then got bullied to 145, then Jules made me add another 5lbs. I think I could have gone heavier – would have been slower, but then would have been Rx’d!
Today I came in after a long, exhausting and stressful day at work, walked into the gym and just felt so happy looking around at everyone. I’m so lucky Malcolm discovered CFSBK and asked me to come with him. I wouldn’t have gone to a normal gym tonight, but I couldn’t wait to get an hour in with our community. Thanks everyone.
4:50 subbing 12 box jumps for burpees due to shoulder. Thanks Dan for keeping my back set and David for guarding my shoulder, 2 things i have no patience for.
I saw this on the ’08 video and have been doing it on my own to up my game at work. Typically, I got the details wrong and have done 255#DL/ burpee 21,15,9 which takes alot longer.
It works though, work is feeling lighter and easier thanks to CFSB.
6:22 with 135 (interestingly enough 195(my 1RM/1.45) = 134.48 so that worked :)) I could have gone heavier but was worried about form breaking down with all its attendant terrible consequences.
Great working with David; having a kick-ass partner is a sure way to get a great workout.
Laurel: Spot on.
7:38 with 125lb DL’s and modified pushup burpees. This was so much harder than I thought it would be. I miss judged my office work today and unfortunately missed lunch. Not a good idea. Definitely felt extremely light-headed around round 3 but pushed through thanks to Anne, David and Chris. David got me through my last set of DL’s unbroken. Oh and I Hate Burpees!!
Loved working on SDHP to prepare for FGB4. My goal is to do it rx’d but 55lbs sure felt heavy!
Worked on a few skin the cats after class and attempted to do a couple rounds of 1min row and wall balls with Chris. Bad idea after today’s wod. Got the 1min of row done then 30secs of WB and called it quits. Thanks to Mike for agreeing to keep our not-needed time:)
Definitely saw a lot of bad @ss folks tonight. You all are such great motivation for us newer CFers. Thank you!
As Rx’d: 4:30
I haven’t done this workout since CF Games 2008. I was crap on my deadlifts — 275 was my 1rm at the time! Did it anyway, as RX’d and it took me over 16 minutes. It really sucked. Have come a long way!
Laurel’s feelings are seconded by me. I was really looking forward to seeing everyone. But definitely was feeling like crap when I got off the train at Union today. Seeing everyone there just makes me happy, changes my attitude, and recharges me.
Had considered not doing this workout at all, that the burpees would kill my shoulder. And that I should just resting instead. As usual, I have no discipline for saying no to the CrossFit crack…
Went surprisingly well. Not happy about not being able to dump the weight though. Dumped on the 5th rep in the 3rd round and had to pick it back up. Lost some time there and wasted energy I didn’t need to.
Burpees weren’t bad, and my shoulder held up surprisingly well. Going to ice shortly. Dixie cups rule!
Thanks to Carlos and Mike V for cheering me on! Go 007!
Props to Stephanie for rocking the workout, good luck on finalizing your move! Can’t wait for you to be my neighbor. Since Jenna moved away, have had no company for those cold walks over to the Lyceum…
Laurel, you did amazing! Super hero stuff. Say hi to Malcolm for me, and take the kryptonite away!
Erik, was good to have you across from me, needed the motivation to keep moving. You killed it, you dead-lifting maniac!
Carlos, those rx’d deadlifts were legit– 25 reps is no joke!
Was awesome to see the new folks from foundations mixing it up and rocking the workout.
Looking forward to tomorrow, until then, Ice, Ice baby…
9:56 RXed (155#)
HARD! usually burpees are what kill me in a workout, but these DLs were HEAVY! i’m glad i did it, but definitely wasted a lot of time in between each individual rep.
warmed up ahead of time with some 500m rows around 1:57 pace, ended with some kipping pull ups – i haven’t done any in a wod lately so trying to keep my hands nice and, wait – they don’t look nice at all right now.
i second laurel’s thoughts – i’ve been all over the place mentally with work and living out of a suitcase and i walk into the lyceum and all that stress and craziness goes away. 🙂
Liked this WOD. And agree with Christian. Need to get past the gut-check at 3-4 minutes. Maybe I just need to boot all over the gym and get it over with. Kidding.
And bummer to have missed all the July Foundations people. I’ve been doing AM and late Sat/Sun. Really cool that ever single person has stuck with it.
For the WOD.
Back is tight already. Figure this is the usual with this sort of movement. Will try to walk around today.
M/ 35/ 130 lbs/ 5′-6″8:40I did the first round with 2752nd round I used 275 for first 3 and then dropped to 245Finished the rest with 245I rarely work on my DL and I’ll need to. My grip was a big limit in that I had to do 3’s 2’s and singles sometimes after the 2nd round. I think I will do 255 next time the whole way and then up it to 265, etc. Hopefully I’ll start getting that endurance with relatively high weight.Funny is that the first 275 felt great and then after the 3rd rep of the 2nd round, I just was not exploding up with my hams and felt like I couldn’t realyl pop up out of the bottom.. my hams were really tight and I did NOT want to push to injury by overcompensating with smaller body parts, etc to just get it up.I think if I just work on my DL once a week for a while my old explosion will come back.I think I should also bring some chaulk when I do this WOD as well.
!2:40 but finished with the kind and gentle coaxing of our fearless leader. Thanks David!
Did this work out on Tuesday Sept 8.
Warm up with 500 m row at low pace staying with 18m a stroke.
Deadlift warm ups:
5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 575 – 95 – 115 – 135 – 155
5 Rounds For time of5 Deadlifts, 15510 Burpees
Time – 7:39
Worked on my form with David afterwards. Need to keep my butt higher and knees slightly bent.