Tabata Mash-Up the following two movements
Kettlebell Swings, 2 Pood
Box Jumps, 24"
Post total reps for each movement to comments.
compare to 5.30.09
Suggested Back Off
Accessory Work
3+ Strict Pull-ups: Kip Practice
0-2 Strict Pull-ups: Ring Rows 2×8, Pull-ups 2×5
Nick (3rd from front) during the 2000 Games in Sydney
1 on 1 Rowing at South Brooklyn
CFSBK is now proud to offer private training on the Erg with our in-house Rowing Coach, Nick Peterson.
I can provide coaching to a full range of athletes – from someone who has never pulled a stroke, to a former collegiate rower. For all athletes, I will provide sound coaching of your rowing form. My goal is to help you row efficiently, with a relaxed, powerful stroke that you can sustain in any workout or competition scenario. I can also provide you with a workout schedule tailored to your needs, goals, technical skill, and fitness level. For the beginner, I'll provide a complete breakdown of the rowing stroke and coach you through achieving good form. I'll explain how to use the rowing machine, or erg, to track your performance and measure your progress. For the more advanced athlete, I'll focus on fine-tuning your stroke and developing more challenging workouts.
I rowed competitively for 13 years, starting in 9th grade at TC Williams High School (of "Remember the Titans" fame!) and culminating in the 2000 Olympic Games, where I raced in the men's quadruple sculls (7th place). I also competed at the 1998 and 1999 World Championships (men's quadruple sculls and men's double sculls, respectively), and won at the Royal Henley Regatta in the same events. I rowed at Harvard College, where I graduated in 1995.
For more information or to book a session, please email Nick(at)
Haha Awesome hair Nick.
P.S. I know a lot of folks have iPhones, and a lot of folks are tech people. Anyone ever get a water damaged iPhone fixed? I know apple doesnt do it–Ive seen a couple places on craigslist. But if anyone has recommendations let me know. Otherwise I have the world’s prettiest paperweight.
Yeah, great hair, huh?
Shawn, you’re probably SOL on the phone, but I recommend Portatronics. Great folks. They’ll look at it to determine if they can fix it, and if they can’t they won’t charge. (I have a very expensive paperweight at home. It’s definitely a bummer.)
Nice Nick. I found portatronics through craigslist. Thats actually who Im going to bring it to. Saw great reviews. Nice to see someone else I know who recommends them…Off to 12:15class!
2 x 5 Strict Pull ups1 x 5 Ring Rows1 x 5 Strict Pull ups
Kettlebell Swings, 1.5 Pood -77Box Jumps, 19″ – 67
Total amount 144
Great class today. Was exactly what I need to kick off the Holiday weekend.
WU500m rowdromsfoam rollpull up practice always appreciated..
WOD me like tabataas rx’dBJ – 75 KB – 79total – 154
CD500m row4x10 hip extensionsstretching
Made up the press wod first. 105, 115, 120, 125pr, 130f, 130f.
Then did the kb box jump tabata mashup wod as rx’d. 43 kb and 63 box jumps = 106.
2 pood = heavy.
I concur with Malcolm 2 pood = suck. So much different than 1.5.
I had 118I think something like 51kb and 67bj
2 pood
kb was stronger than expected, box jumps weaker. cycle time on the box jumps was not so good.
WOD: bj/kb 24″/1.5 pood
116 ~55 of each.
1.5 was harder than expected. kinda sorta thanks to Malcolm for making me go heavier, i’ll be huge if i keep hanging around him and laurel. form did break down during the swings thogh so my back was tweaked a bit, did soe foam rolls so we’ll see how my back feels in the morning
Hey neighbors
Just wanted to let you know we are holding some Fight Gone Bad training sessions for the next few Sundays. It’s free for people registered for FGB4. I know you guys are probably far ahead of us on preparing for this but if you want to get in some more practice…
Feel free to stop by The Brooklyn Barbell Club tomorrow at 11am. We’ll go over some of the exercises and do some drills.
Warm-Up21-15-9 reps ofCalories on the RowerGHD Sit-ups
Needed to make up some missed lifts from the previous MEBB cycle.
Press 3×1(45×5, 75×3, 95×1)115×1, 125×1, 130F
DB Presses, 30’sx5, 40’sx5, 50’sx5
Clean 3×1(75×3, 115×3, 145×1)165×1, 175F, 175F
Front Squat 135×3, 155×3, 165x1x2
On approx. 1 hour of sleep. Feeling shitty.
KB/BJ Mash-up – 120
Next time I’ll try Dead to Overhead like Malcomn said. A few of the latter rounds it took me 2-3 swings to get the bell overhead.
Made up Press yesterday, did 5×3 cause I didn’t feel up to a 1RM at 6am.
Great burger today at Prime Meats in Carrol Gardens…T minus 9 dats ’till Paleo Challenge.
Chris – by the end of the wod today I had lost my ground to overhead in one swing. Very rough.
I forgot to mention in my post earlier that I got my strict muscle-up today with some tips from Laurel. Very satisfying.
Went rock climbing this afternoon as a nice cool down…
WOD: 1.5 pood kb, 24 inch boxkb:45, bj: 52 = 97 total reps.
This was my second time swinging 1.5 pood – the first time was during one of those warm-up sessions where we rotated to other people’s bells and swung them for 30 seconds. It was heavy.
Dry-wretched once, but managed not to throw-up. I’m annoyed at this new pattern, particularly as it is likely just mental. bah!
Picnic in the park today, lovely! Followed by rock climbing and Ethiopian food. Excellent day.
Great numbers Nick and David Mcg! Very impressive.
Get Better Dan!!
Get sleep David and Shane! (EIGHT HOURS OF IT like you are supposed to.)
If you wear something special for running tomorro, bring them.
Someone didn’t proofread. There’s running tomorrow.
WOD: 1.5 pood / 24″ bj
46kb/53bj = 99
1.5 = HEAVY
WOD: 1.5 pood / 24″ bj
KB: 58Box Jump: 64—122
Thought about going RX’d, glad I didn’t. The 1.5 pood was plenty heavy!
WU: Worked on pull-ups.
wod: with 12kg KB and 20 in. box = 189
Will do this Rx’d, next time.
After wod, worked on my sumo lift and push press with Jess and Becca.
Late on this post…but it’s my first completely rx’d WOD (thanks to no pull-ups/pushups)!
1 pood KB swings = 7220″ box jump = 65Total = 137
Super hard wod. Thought I might hurl.
The ring row accessory work felt fairly easy, but then the pull-ups without a band were tough. I can definitely tell I’m getting better though.
Tabata drill-6
Pushups, Squats, Situps 3+10
Burpies and boxes: 5:3121-15-9