Row as many meters as possible in 15 minutes
There is a 23 strokes per minute cap on this workout.
Can you hit 3000m? 3500? 4000?
Check out this video of Nick or Nick's Dad rowing. Watch the smoothness of their pulls, the relaxed recovery and the consistency in their technique. Take notes, people.
Post meters to comments.
3 Rounds NFT
8 OH Walking lunges witha Kettlebell, each leg
16 Hand to Hand Swings
8 Bent over Rows with a kettlbell, each arm
Post weight to comments.
This is the last Back Off Week WOD.
Resident badass, Teresa B hit 42 Unbroken Push-Ups yesterday!
No Mas Tuesday 7-8pm Open Gym
We are no longer holding open gym on Tuesdays at 7pm. Due to logistic issues, we're going to keep that time open for other programs. If you've got any questions or comments please email David directly at David(At)
How does your body feel coming into the new cycle? Which of the three movements we're focusing on this cycle are you most excited for? (Push Press, Snatch, Front Squat)
The SBK Paleolilith's 5 Week Wrap-Up
Prehistoric Pregnancy Booster now Fuels Diabetes Wired
Paleo Physicians Network