4 Rounds for max reps of :
1 Minute Deadlift 315/215
1 Minute Ring Dip, Bar Dip (no bands) or Push-Up
1 Minute Double Unders
1 Minute Rest
Post total reps per movement and Rx to comments.
Hear Ye Hear Ye!!
All may return thy shoes to the coat room now! We're holding all the unclaimed shoes (and there's a lot of them) hostage in the office in a big (air tight) box. Let us know if we took your shoes otherwise they're all being donated at the end of the week.
On a similar note.. Please claim any belongings from the lost and found! Again, anything left unclaimed by Saturday the 21st will be donated to charity.
Go Team SBK!
Remember you can follow our the CrossFit South Brooklyn Ragnar Relay team on twitter at #sbkragnar. Please send them some love. Remember, you're currently sitting on your butt at the computer and they're running 200 miles!
Squatting Toes-Out Vs Squatting Toes-Forward Cathletics
Better Hip Positioning for Better Deadlifting Mobility WOD
Ring Dip Shoulders and Shoulder Stability Mobility WOD