2-2-2-2 Advanced
4×2 Novice
Athletes have 20 minutes to hit their lifts
Post loads to comments.
(e2/4) compare to 6.16.11
For Time:
75 Double Unders
15 Push Jerks, 135/85
65 Double Unders
9 Push Jerks 135/85
55 Double Unders
6 Push Jerks 135/85
Post load and time to comments.
compare to 10.04.09
"The Professor", Samir C climbing Stok Kangri in the Ladakh Himalayas. Picture taken at 17,500 feet
Take Me Out To The Ball Game
CFSBK's own Ariel K is organizing a gym feild trip to a Brooklyn Cyclones game. Lovers of good clean fun rejoice! The planned date is Saturday, July 16th at 6 pm. If you're interested, please email akalishman at gmail.com with how many people you'd like us to plan for.
Comments Galore!
We've had 3 days of 30+ comments and we couldn't be happier! The comments section is a great place for people to talk shop, log workouts or share what's on their mind. It's also a great opportunity to learn more about the people that train at CFSBK.
Have something to say? Don't be shy, post it up!
CrossFit on NY1
Darren Taylor of the newly minted CrossFit Dumbo gives us and the other NY affiliates a shoutout on this segment they did about CrossFit. Watch it here!
Have you Followed Through with Coach Fox's Pull-Up Program? What kind of progress have you made?
Free Outdoor Summer Movies in NYC The Skint
Looking for Gold with the Bulgarian Method Wall Street Journal