25 Minutes Not For Rounds Of:
3 Wall Climbs (hold for a 2 count at the top)
6 Parallette pass-throughs (forward + back = 1)
12 Hug a Twinkies (hold for a 1 count at the top)
24 Hollow Rocks
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“The Chanster” (Chris C) Gets Ready To Pull
“The Substitute” Premiers Tonight!
Season two of “The Substitute” a quiz show on MTV hosted by our own John Gabrus Premiers tonight at 7pm. Gather the whole neighborhood to sit
Check out the trailer for the second season of Gabrus’ TV Show, “The Substitute”. Season 2 premiers April 16th at 7pm
Great Training Video
Here you can see Caity Matter Henniger Clean and Jerking the following work weights. 145, 155, 175, 180, 190(f), 190, 190lbs. Caity was the 2008 CrossFit Games Female Champion and is coached in this video by US National Team and Team CrossFit Olympic Weightlifer Natalie Burgener. Watch Caity’s lifts, listen to the feedback she gets and see if she can make the corrections. Video courtesy CrossFit.com
Doctor Detective with Spencer Nadolsky Case Study #3: Missing Libido and Low Testosterone Precision Nutrition
Parallette Pass Throughs and Wall Climbs CrossFit
Hug a Twinkies CrossFit