Performance: 2×5 Across followed by a rep out capped at 10 reps.
Today should still feel ‘easy’ and you should definitely make all 10 on the rep out.
Fitness: 3×5 across
Linear. Add 2-5 lbs to last week. These should still feel ‘easy’.
Post loads to comments.
Press e2/6
Every Minute On The Minute for 10 Minutes:
Odd Minutes: 3 Heavy Thrusters
Even Minutes: 10-15 Burpees
Max Hold At the Top of a Chin Up
Post Thruster weight and hold time to comments.
Fight Gone Bad 2012 Portraits: Part 1
Thruster? I Hardly Know Her
Sarah la Rosa, Dan Langevin, Ryan Joyce, Greg Nofi, Katie Hull
Here For the Beer
Santiago gonzalez, Robyn O’Brien, Chris Ahrens, Vincent Dugan
The 5 Muske-Poods
Devi Aurora, Eric Lau, Marian Lai, McDowell Myers, Jacob Faber
Peace Came Good
Brian Zimbler, Teresa Belling, Rebecca Carvalho, Jason Horowitz, Rickke Mananzala
In Praise of Folly
Sergey Brestovitskiy, Arturo Ruiz, Alex Cox, Allison Keiley, Jake Leivent
17 Minutes In Heaven
Rachel Bertsch, Tom Shpetner, Andrew Migdail, Sarah Marquez, Stella Zawistowski
CSA Pick-Up Today!
Yesterday’s CSA pick-up will happen today at the normal time frames (12-1p & 6-8p). Please contact Michele at 347-645-4524 ff the date change is causing you extreme difficulty.
- NEXT WEDNESDAY is the final veg, meat and egg delivery.
- Wednesday, Nov 14 is the final chicken delivery
Group Class Sizes
We realize a bunch of folks are off work and are looking for some mid-day CrossFit love. Just incase anyone is looking to beat the crowds, 7pm and 8pm have all been very small as well as the morning classes. 12pm, 5pm and 6pm have all been in the 50-30 range since Tuesday. Just sayin!
michele says
6-8 PM as usual. If the date change is causing you extreme difficulty, call me to make arrangements: 347-645-4524.
NEXT WEDNESDAY is the final veg, meat and egg delivery.
Wednesday, Nov 14 is the final chicken delivery. says
Well, we's gonna have a MARATHON.
Eep! says
I think my favorite detail of these pictures is Sergey straight up brandishing a blade for no reason whatsoever. It looks so natural in his hands.
We had 7 at 6am, 1 at 7am and 9 at 8am. If you want to beat the Post-Sandy Crowds, my recommendation is come to 7 or 8pm. Last night 8pm only had 4 people where as noon had about 50, 5pm had about 40 and 6pm had close to 30
Just sayin
Peter says
6am with D.O.
Press: 130×5, 130×5, 130×10. The sets of 5 felt easy. The last rep of the rep out was tough. Amazing what an extra 5 reps will do. Metcon with 155# thrusters and 10 burpees per round except the first round where I did 15 burpees. Thought initially I could have gone heaver on the thrusters, but the burpees sapped my strength in later rounds. 50 second chin-up static hold. Think my muscles could have gone longer, but I lacked the mental fortitude to push further today.
KH says
Nice small 8am class with Coach Fox. Last week for the press I hit 55# for 10, and this week I went up to 58# and was only able to slog through 8 on the rep out. Argh! I'll probably stay at that weight next week and try to hit all 10.
WOD went by surprisingly quickly, used 65# for the thrusters (probably could've done 75# and suffered a bit more) and was sprinting through 8 burpees in about :30, so chose that as my number for each round, as per Fox's suggestion. In order to find out what my thruster weight should be, I just asked Fox "What weight would your wife do?" and then I took 2/3 of that weight and voila! I think it would be pretty cool to make up some sort of rubber bracelets for gym members: W.W.J.F.D.? We could then all scale appropriately.
:27 hold on the chin up. I love anything that resembles Zombie Apocalypse training!
dee aitch three says
flickr stream of the mta damage says
No more workouts for me this week. The marathon is ON LIKE DONKEY KONG. says
Squat (week 2 of the Paul Carter 5 week program):
45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 205×5, 235×4, 280×3, 310×2, 320×1, 340×1, 350×1
I crushed 340 again. On 350 I descended a little gingerly and messed up my bounce. It was an OK rep, but slower than I'd like.
Paused Squats : 265x3x3 (a good 2 second pause)
I was getting tired at this point, but solid.
Bench : (Steel 5 week program. Week 4 workout A)
115×5, 135×5, 160×2, 185x2x12
Wow, that was a lot of doubles. Definitely fatiguing at the end.
Fox says
Hit Press yesterday on my deadlift day
135x5x2, 135×10
1st Volume Day on deadlifts. Haven't picked up a heavy bar for more than 3 reps in, I dunno…
Wasn't sure where to take this. Had to eventually switch grip for the reps and my back is smoked so I guess it was heavy enough. 5×5 is a lot of deadlifting!
Fox says
In case you hadn't seen this nonsense
Fox says
Also, BAZ is hilarious. And does Sergey really have a knife? Next year I'm doing FGB with a cleaver, just try and no-rep me. says
Looks like the knife fight went bad for Arturo. Just sayin'
Lisa F says
yeah that knife caught my eye too. i did a double-take. in praise of folly looks like a thuggish pirate sleepytime mashup. nice!
i hadn't seen that video, fox. and now i'm sad. that's the last thing people need to associate with crossfit. i always brag about how (especially at CFSBK) form is always first and foremost and that's the only reason we can go as hard as we do. some friends of mine seem to write off crossfit (based on just watching videos of intense workouts) as cult-like and just idiotic. What they don't see is the painstaking (and not so sexy) hours in Foundations or the drills that come before every lift. Que sera. People will either get it (or be open to getting it) or they won't.
Sarah M says
Hey guys – for anyone interested in volunteering, Johanna and I went down to Red Hook Initiative, which is one of the place in the list posted here yesterday. They are in dire need of a lot of stuff down there – especially food, water, flashlights, and kids stuff (diapers, wipes, clothing). We went down just to drop off a car load and actually got put right to work going out to do home visits for housebound elderly and sick people to make sure they had everything they needed.
When we were leaving today, power was coming back on in some of the buildings, and the National Guard was rolling in, so hopefully things are looking up. But I'm sure they could still use help, if anyone else is home from work and stir crazy. We called the number listed and were able to get info about specifics. They also have a big list down there with a lot of different sites looking for clean up help (Red Hook Community Garden, etc). says
Was going to Snatch and then do today's workout but just was able to snatch before I started co-coaching the big 5pm class with Josh. I'll make up the WOD tomorrow.
Worked up to 165×1
Overall feeling more confident with the lift in the last 3 weeks but I really need to work on organizing my first pull. I keep shifting forward.
Shaye says
58 on the Press 3×5
Did #53 on the thrusters and definitely could've gone up, probably to 63. Good to know for next time.
Pretty excited for the partay on Saturday. Feels like the day before, the day before Christmas/Hanukkah/Festivus says
Press 109x3x5. Happy with this, went up smooth and feels like there is room to grow. 111 or 112 next time.
Wod with 115 and 10 burpies per round. says
Out in Garden City for an electricity-free WOD at CFGC.
Massive chipper as part of their box's Lurong Paleo Challenge. 25min AMRAP of:
25 calories // 100 DUs // 80 American KB swings @ 24kg // 100 air squats // 60 push-ups // 100 DUs // 40 sit-ups // 100 reverse lunges // 20 burpees
Made it through 20 of the second set of DUs, for 385 total reps. With only speed ropes available I had absolutely zero rhythm on the DUs, missing even on the first single at times. Apart from that, I felt I moved pretty well. Had to break the KB swings up into 15s and 10s, and the next round of squats went 20/30/30/20. Push-ups were in 6s, then 3s and 2s, but all were chest-to-deck.
Was sort of frustrated after the WOD–I felt I could've gotten through more if not for the DUs–but looking back it was great to just get to do a long chipper.
Back to SBK tomorrow.
dee aitch three says
For those up late watch jimmy kimmel tonite. Was at the live show today and saw jon stewart and steven colbert. GOLD.
Noah says
Press 120X5, X5, X9. I think I accidentally made a 10# jump here, but I think I would have had 10, but got a bit hinked up and out of rhythm. 5 pound jump next time fo sho.
WOD at 135 and 12 burpees. Thrusters felt ok, burpees were le suck.
I mailed in the flexed hang, cause I'm a chump like that.
I'd like to call everyone's attention to Mr. Brian Zimbler's saucy pose above. His little brother Pip Zimbler was in class with me tonight, that little rascal. says
All, a friend of mine alerted me to the fact that the Park Slope Armory, which is where a lot of older and invalid people who were evacuated from nursing homes are now staying, could use stuff like board games, magazines, and other elder- and ill-person-friendly activities, as well as clothing in larger sizes.
This hits close to home because the rehab center where my dad is currently staying is a pretty lonely, boring place (the more so when it lost power, which has fortunately been restored, on Tuesday night). I'm taking over a bunch of board games tomorrow and I wanted to let others at SBK know since it's our 'hood.
JakeL says
This felt solid, i will go up next week for sure. I didnt do the MetCon though. My sleep has been basically nill for the past 2 days, and my legs are sore from yesterdays heavy squats. Looking forward to a day or two off.
lady fox says
Great 6pm class with J-Mart and Melo.
Warmup: 3rnft of
10 dislocates
20 hollow rocks
20 hard erg pulls
Chats about sandy
(45×5, 55×5, 65×5)
70x5x2, 70×10
-all were with a static start except for my very last press in my rep out. This felt good but may need to consider a 2.5lb jump next week.
EMOTM for 10 mins:
3 thrusters at 95#
Burpees: 12, 11, 11, 10, 9 all strict.
-whoa was that a doozy but good! It was great to partner with Noor on this. Special thanks to Dave who helped me switch out plates each round!
Max chin up: 22secs.
-didn't have much left by this point.