Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 5lbs from last week’s exposure.
Performance: 5/3/1 (3 week)
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Bench Press e5/6
Power Clean
Perform 2 Reps on the minute for 10 minutes.
Today’s reps should be heavy but crisp. Make sure every bar is racked correctly before fully recovering. Go heavier than last week
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Power Clean e5/6
Matt Chmielecki’s 2 year old, Lawson in training for the 2035 CrossFit Games
- Congratulations to the CFSBK Calaveras on their 14-2 win yesterday in Red Hook. This brings the team to a record of 5-1.
- Since Monday is “Murph Day”, we’ll be doing Sunday’s Deadlifts AND Monday’s Presses together on Sunday.
- We will not be running AM classes on Sunday, June 2nd as we’re hosting the CrossFit Movement and Mobility Course with Kelly Starrett
- Happy Birthday Julie Barnard!!
Memorial Day Murph Details
This year we’ll be holding “Murph Day” on Monday, May 27th. It’s a day where our community comes together to celebrate and honor our service men and women. Whether it’s by completing the workout, or cheering on a loved one, or just hanging out for the bbq…All are welcome! As mentioned yesterday, we need more grillers and are asking that folks bring some sides if they can. Details below:
What is Murph?
Run 1 Mile
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
Run 1 Mile
Partition the Pull-ups, Push-ups and Squats however you’d like. Start and end with the run. If you’ve got a 20lb vest or body armour, wear it. In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
You are expected to warm-up before your heat on your heat. A perfect warm-up would be some foam rolling or soft tissue work (here is an appropriate MWOD) and some rowing or light jogging. If your ankles are tight we suggest doing a calve smash on a kettlebell handle too. Get loose and ready to go.
Ok, what time do we show up?
The gym will open at 7:45AM and we will be starting the first heat exactly at 8:00AM. We’ll be starting new heats of up to 25 people every 45 minutes and recommend that you arrive 15 minutes early for whichever heat you’d like so that you can warm-up and do any movement prep you’d like. The last member’s heat will run at 11:45AM so make sure you’re here before then if you want to complete Murph.
The BBQ itself will start around 11AM and will last until 3pm. The gym will provide meat and beer. Members are encouraged to bring a salad, snacks, veggies or any additional sides/beverages to share. If you’re going to bring a something, please post it on the event page.
Yes, in order to try to balance out heats this year, we’re asking for you to sign-up in advance. Please use this Fancy Hi-Tech Spreadsheet to pick a heat that you plan to attend. Just fill in your name under one of the 25 spots for that heat and you’re all set. (Please don’t accidentally erase someone else’s information…but if you do, Control Z is your friend, right Bdubs?)
This Is Why You Can’t Outrun A Cheetah The Big Picture
Check out the brand new Mobility WOD website
Surreal Wildlife Paintings by Tiffany Bozic