Fitness: Hang Snatch Pull + Hang Power Snatch
Performance: Snatch Deadlift (with a pause at the knee) + Touch and Go Squat Snatch
Take 15 minutes to work up to a moderately heavy load on today’s complexes. See if you can meet last week’s numbers or surpass them with good form.
High Bar Back Squat
Fitness: 3×8 Across
Add 2.5-5lbs from exposure 3
Performance Heavy 3
Try to beat last week’s heavy 8 by 5-10lbs. Use Spotters.
Post loads to comments.
Snatch/HBBSQ e4/6
Choose one to perform:
8 Minutes of Kipping Pull-Up Practice
5 sets of 2 Strict Pull-ups with as little assistance as possible
The buy in for kipping pull-up practice is 5 strict pull-ups for the guys and 3 strict pull-ups for the ladies.
A tradition for CFSBK is to start most classes with intros and a Question of the Day (QOD) while we do basic movement prep. The intention behind this practice is to help break the ice between members and establish an informal and welcoming tone to every class.
What are your opionions of this practice and what are some of your most memorable QODs?
- Want to improve your gymnastics? Check out the upcoming Gymnastics Strength Series with Ken H starting on the 14th.
CFSBKer Radhika Vaz Performing Again
“At 40 I have the confidence I wish I’d had at 20, the body I hope I’ll have at 60, and nose hair. At 40 there is a lot of nose hair.”
Written and performed by Radhika Vaz.
- Sept 25, 26, 27, 28 @ 8pm. Sept 29 @ 7pm.
The Producers Club. 358 W 44th Street. NYC.
SUPER SALE $12 tickets at GROUPON! Instead of $25 at the door!
For more information check out
Programming Training Intensity for Weightlifters ATG
6am with Jess and D.O. Woke up with sore traps and the beginnings of a cold in the back of my throat. Surprised to hit 154 on the performance complex, though that rep was a power snatch and not a squat snatch. 154 matches my squat snatch PR. Hit 270×3 on the high-bar back squats. Pretty sure I could have done 275 or 280.
The QOD was SO helpful to me when I first started classes at CFSBK back in December. Post-foundations and the safe, nurturing womb created by Fox, I knew it would take me awhile to feel like I wasn't flailing through each class. The QOD blessedly helped alleviate said flailing so much faster. The coaches, like, really listened not only to our names, but to our answers. I was pretty shocked by how interested people were in really getting to know and help each other. Also, so many of you are just damn funny. And funny = more fun, obvs.
My favorite QOD was probably one of the open-ended ones, like "share a weird fact," when David answered that he often fantasizes about swimming in a pool of mercury. I mean, what…
I hated every second of that workout yesterday. Had no gas, wanted to quit after the first set of thrusters. I did the fitness version and only got through 7 of the thrusters in the 9 round. I felt depleted from the get. Rickke was my partner and he really crushed the performance version after me. That dude could box jump onto a waterbed and not wake anyone up.
I love QODs…except the ones where we get two unpleasant alternatives to choose from. ๐ Instead of "would you rather be stretched to death or crushed to death?" how about questions like "Would you rather get a back rub from Ryan Gosling or a foot rub from Olivia Wilde?"
My favorite QOD will always be the impromptu one that happened during a NickDowell Friday class. There had been a real QOD for everyone; I don't remember what it was. Then McDowell took his Thursday-workout people off for some mild-mannered foam rolling, and Nick was with us Saturday WOD-ers. Somehow a celebrity came up (and truly, Charlotte, I don't remember who it was) and Nick said, "I think he's on Charlotte's freebies list." Which turned into a second QOD: "Name someone on your freebies list." I still remember that Luca said Monica Bellucci, KH said Edward Norton, and I said Cole Hamels (although I would like to retroactively change my answer to Roger Federer). I also remember McDowell looking over from his side of the room and going, "Some of us are trying to work out over here…"
Best Friday morning ever.
OH! Also:
It's been way too long since the SBK pub quiz team was in action. It's time for Supple Leopard to ride again.
If you like trivia and are free on Sunday night, you should come! It's a lot of fun and winning free shots is often involved.
WHAT: Trivial Dispute pub quiz
WHERE: Skylark
WHEN: Sunday at 7 PM, though I'll try to show up by 6:30 in order to secure a table
HOW MUCH: No cover, just buy your own drinks. Skylark has a small but tasty menu, and they're pretty chill about letting you BYO food if you want to keep things Paleo.
If you want to come, please email me (stellavision, gmail) so I have an idea of how many people might be there. Would like to have at least 4.
I really like the QOD. I was quite nervous coming out of foundations in November, but the QOD helped me get to know everyone. And surprisingly people sometimes laugh at my poor attempt of a funny response to the QODs.
As for favorite, I have to go with Josh asking how to make his shoes smell better.
Monica Bellucci's recently single too. Now's my chance!
I like the intros and QOD. There used to be a time when I used to know everyone's name in class, and now, obviously, I don't, but it's nice to keep trying. I like the QOD's that are like 'what is your favorite X or 'your first Y' or 'your last Z' – I'm always impressed by the diversity and variety in our groups.
@Luca: Really? Poor Vince!
Sad to miss this morning's class but a late night made it a no-go. I fear I'm doomed to miss all Oly lift days for the rest of my life.
I love the QOD and the circle. It can take a lot of time in huge classes but the coaches are generally really adept (impressively so) at walking us through relatively complex mobility stuff in between everyone's names and answers.
I love David's questions. They are frequently so grim. I loved the "pulled apart or crushed" one because people's answers were so uniformly certain, like everyone had actually thought about it before.
In the old days we used to sometimes do plank holds while someone recited something. I particularly remember one time when Brian Scott recited kinds of wine for two minutes. it was awesome.
Sad to miss this morning's class but a late night made it a no-go. I fear I'm doomed to miss all Oly lift days for the rest of my life.
I love the QOD and the circle. It can take a lot of time in huge classes but the coaches are generally really adept (impressively so) at walking us through relatively complex mobility stuff in between everyone's names and answers.
I love David's questions. They are frequently so grim. I loved the "pulled apart or crushed" one because people's answers were so uniformly certain, like everyone had actually thought about it before.
In the old days we used to sometimes do plank holds while someone recited something. I particularly remember one time when Brian Scott recited kinds of wine for two minutes. it was awesome.
Sad to miss this morning's class but a late night made it a no-go. I fear I'm doomed to miss all Oly lift days for the rest of my life.
I love the QOD and the circle. It can take a lot of time in huge classes but the coaches are generally really adept (impressively so) at walking us through relatively complex mobility stuff in between everyone's names and answers.
I love David's questions. They are frequently so grim. I loved the "pulled apart or crushed" one because people's answers were so uniformly certain, like everyone had actually thought about it before.
In the old days we used to sometimes do plank holds while someone recited something. I particularly remember one time when Brian Scott recited kinds of wine for two minutes. it was awesome.
Sad to miss this morning's class but a late night made it a no-go. I fear I'm doomed to miss all Oly lift days for the rest of my life.
I love the QOD and the circle. It can take a lot of time in huge classes but the coaches are generally really adept (impressively so) at walking us through relatively complex mobility stuff in between everyone's names and answers.
I love David's questions. They are frequently so grim. I loved the "pulled apart or crushed" one because people's answers were so uniformly certain, like everyone had actually thought about it before.
In the old days we used to sometimes do plank holds while someone recited something. I particularly remember one time when Brian Scott recited kinds of wine for two minutes. it was awesome.
Wow Charlotte is like, reeeeeeeally sad she missed class!
Yesterday- 8am with Noah
Fun! Love Wednesdays! Could have perhaps either gone heavier or done assisted pull-ups instead of ring rows, now that I look at my time. Learning every day…
55# thrusters, 20" box jumps, ring rows. Time: 9.37.
Today- 8am with Fox
Snatch-63#… and yet more things to work on here.
HBBS-115 x 8 x 3….mainly must watch my knees. Lady Fox was amazingly awe-inspiring on the platform beside me.
5 sets of 2 chin-ups unassisted- first time I have managd that.
Pull-up Club A Day DB work. 3 supersets of- DB curls at 20# and DB bench press at 30# (Finally moved up to 30# yay! Thanks Micheline for inspiring me with your 35#)
When I first started the question made me anxious and blurt out the first thing that popped into my head and miss all of everyone's answers and names. This still happens when the question is 'difficult' ie; I have to think about it/ it's open-ended.
I love the 'either/or' questions like those mentioned above, or the ones that make me laugh; 'which would you prefer; legs as long as fingers or fingers as long as legs?' I had a good old giggle visualizing this cycling home from work the other night.
I also love anything that gives me more insight into people's lives- work, food, play, books, movies.. but sometimes these are the ones I can't hear because I am trying to think.
Today's question (Any strange sleeping habits/quirks?) was great and everyone at the 8am class had an interesting answer and I heard all of them. Win!
Charlotte, I forgot about those days! One day David made us hold a plank while one person named every musical instrument they could think of. Those were also the days when we didn't say our names–David would pick one person who had to go around the circle and name everyone. I learned a lot of names that way.
Another also: if you haven't had the pleasure of experiencing trivia with Stella–even if you HATE trivia or feel like you stink at it–she is a fierce force to be reckoned with when it comes to knowing things I didn't know a person could know (sans Google, at least). My Clueless trivia time was an extremely enjoyable experience, even though I mostly stared slack-jawed at Stella.
Keep that QOD feedback coming! I'm going to hopefully use it for a writing project in the near future! Much appreciated!!! Also any good/weird/Funny QODs you remember.
Performance Snatch Complex:
185×1 (PR!)
Very happy about hitting that snatch number. I even felt like it was a little slow, excited to see where I end up. Go CrossFit!
Having organization/bracing issues with the squat so I kept the weight lower and did a little more volume. :/
7am for my omg I'm not recovered from yesterday's death Wod.
Hit 100 on my snatch and that was a backslide of 10 pounds. my wrists were still sore from the thrusters as I tried to get the bar overhead for the squat… Hit 170 on my hbbs and that was the same as last week. The pull-ups also were cranky as I killed 45 of them yesterday less than 24 hours earlier.
I have always loved QOD my biggest issue now ESP with a really big class is I can't hear everyone. I too once made it a point to try and remember everyone in class and now I'm lucky to add two new names. I don't have favorites but I always enjoy those that help us to get to know each other better.
New trivia spot huh? I might be able to show up. I just hope they actually ask random trivia than the guys at the Standard.
Congrats on the PR David!
My favorite QOD so far was from McDowell. – Would you rather battle one duck the size of a horse or one hundred horses the size of a duck? That sparked some real debate in the 6am class.
I also liked when we gave our real name and our porn star name. (First pet you had and street you grew up on.) Mine is Starburst West.
QODs are funny because sometimes the most mundane questions can turn out to be very illuminating about your group (a lot of CrossFitters prefer the Stones to The Beatles…weird) and other times really interesting questions reveal nothing (who's your favorite superhero returned 25 answers of Spiderman.)
I think my favorite QOD was least favorite ice cream flavor because people got SO ANGRY. There was almost a brawl when someone said mint chocolate chip. Also, when we were asked if we'd ever been in a fight and MeLo said she hadn't, but it was a goal. ๐
Now I'm pretty bummed that Charlotte missed morning class too. I'm so impressionable by the multi-impressions. Advertising works!
The Strength peeps usually don't get the QOD but we get to hear about Jeremy's latest obsession. There's almost always a weekly tirade about something which is almost always bound to be entertaining. Sometimes we even get to put our two cents in unless it's the first day of said rant and he is really on a roll.
The cool thing about strength cycle is the classes are tiny and we almost always bond as a group in some way. Even the rivalries that form are formed as a bond under the bar. Yes, I'm looking at you D-Turn, I'm looking at you. Miss you buddy, but I'm sure you are making great progress at the beer halls in Germany.
QOD Fave: Have you ever peed in public. 25+ class all but two said yes.
Mark-Paul Gosselaar does CrossFit. He answered a round of 2013 questions as old Zach Morris – one of which was CF and him v Slater:
I like the QODs where you are asked to admit an embarrassing truth about yourself (eg how often do you wash your towels, do you use your cellphone in the bathroom), and its readily apparent that the degree of honesty within the group is dependent upon how much the first respondent is willing to reveal.
@JJ A good example of that was the 4:30 Labor Day class when David asked us to share the weirdest thing we have in our bedrooms. The most interesting answer was someone who found mold in their air conditioner (helping to create a new deep fear for me to deal with). Other than that, no one budged.
@samir, i think you mean lucky Luca
i'm ok with QOD/DROMs, though I'd also be ok without them. Sometimes they go on forever and take up useful warmup-proscrastinating time. i like the embarrassing ones too. yes/no questions get boring. it's often too noisy to hear anything anyway. i'm also terrible with names
also, i thought I wouldn't be able to make FGB, but I can now but it's full. Is there a wait list?
Ditto to Luca's comment about FGB.
DO, whatever you do, do not open this url…
I just learned I suffer from trypophobia.
Matty: I hate the porn name question because the only pet I ever had was a gerbil named Luigi!
(I was really into the Super Mario games at the time, and my cousin had named his hamster Mario)
I love QOD. It really helps build the community and I'm terrible with names so it helps. As Charlie said, I like the ones that give you insights into people's lives or preferences, even silly ones like favorite duo. I also wasn't crazy about choice of two awful things and the generic "what are you doing this weekend" just gives me anxiety. I don't know! It's lame! Lol. How long without showering. Wow- who knew we were such a dirty crew.
I also thoroughly enjoy the QOD, live & QOD website edition.
One of my faves recently was "Where did you go/ would you go on your honeymoon?" because it turned into an engagement version of the newlywed game for Aileen & Dave. Dave was late getting to the circle and had missed Aileen's answer so he was in the hot spot to get the answer right. He didn't, oh Fung!
I've also spent more time than I'd like after the fact thinking about having fingers the length of my legs or legs the length of my fingers. much like an annoying commercial those "two undesirable situation" type questions get stuck in my head.
I enjoy all the different types of QOD though, personal preferences, random facts, settling some weird debate for josh, incriminating personal hygiene, all the kinds.
Inquiring minds.
My favorite QOD was when Josh asked us if we would rather eat grains or drink blood. And so naturally I thought he really took his paleo diet seriously. That's cool, but I like my grains. Then everyone started answering "blood"… I was just amazed at this merciless paleo circle and began to think I should really embrace the challenge. But, I took a stand and very proudly declared grains. Josh looked perplexed ๐ I felt rejected. And then someone after me took a stand too and answered… brains. Someone who actually heard the QOD. So thankfully I wasn't that GUY who eats grains, just that GUY who makes up his own QOD.
This has brought to my attention yet another way that cfsbk has infiltrated my life. When in a group of 3 or more I just might ask a random have-you-ever or personal preference question. I can't say for sure whether I've always done this. I'm thinking no.
Big fan of introductions and hearing bizarre bits about people. When you're new it makes you feel part of what's going on instantly. Over time it builds community. Discovering your own strange habits and opinions is a nice bonus. I didn't know I would prefer feasting on blood (preferably chilled) over brains, or that there was anything weird at all about my sleeping ritual. Without QOD I would have gone along thinking I was completely normal.
@Josue….that just made me laugh…funny stuff. I really love the QOD. About 2 weeks ago, at the 6AM, McD and Noah didnt have a QOD ready and asked us what it should be? Rivas(spelling?) said it should be, "What is our favorite QOD?" That set off a pretty funny DROM session. What was great was that everyone seemed to have a quick answer ready to go as if we've thought about them often. Ive actually started using some age appropriate QODs with my 8th graders. They love it!
@Samir…I know what you mean about names. I remember taking 6pm class at the Lyceum with like 8 people and really learning names….now i can't hear many. Maybe bc I'm trying to figure out if i'd rather fight 100 duck sized horses or 1 horse sized duck?
@josue, I did the same thing. I was like, time to slowly back away from the paleo cult…
I love QOD I feel it makes us closer in a weird way ….I visited another box last weekend and they didn't do that at all and it made me feel like I was an outsider and not connected to them!
I did my first kipping pull up!!! Yayyyyyy
I love listening to and answering QODs but hate cooking them up. That probably says something about me. I agree with many of you, people need to speak up! People often respond like it's a dialogue between themselves and the coach, to the detriment of the folks in the cheap seats. Use those outside voices folks!
Love QOD's of all types, but any that reveal personal insights are my favorites. Also love the circle of introductions…went to SF Crossfit twice this week and they make everyone walk around at the beginning and introduce themselves one-on-one. It was weird.
I also slept on signing up for FGB before I left town. Definitely in for a waitlist if there is one.
I'm late to the party but my 2 cents is… I like QOD most of the time, but sometimes when I feel really put on the spot over a certain question or someone takes a REALLY long time to think of an answer (usually people walking in late), makes me wish "pass" was an acceptable answer sometimes!
135 for a bunch of reps. Felt good. Pre warm up helped. Nice to see Capitan nail 185.
Eight is a lot
Taught Kipping for a cash out
I like the QOD. My goal is always to know every name in class. Love when a good laugh starts a fresh hour. What Noah said….speak up!
Love Rob's answer.