EMOTM for 10 minutes
Clean Deadlift + Hang Power Clean + Front Squat (1+1+1)
EMOTM for 10 minutes
2 Squat Cleans
Front Squat
Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 5lbs to last week’s exposure weight.
Performance Heavy 3
Attempt to best last week’s triples by 5-10lbs.
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Clean/FSQ e3/6
3x 130m Heavy Zercher or Goblet Carry
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Dmitry Klokov does “DT” ATG
Stella is on "Milliom Second Quiz" right now! Live steaming on
Oh boy the bar felt heavy today
Cleans OTM
Really wanted to just power clean these up, the second squat was rough
Have to work on staying more vertical and using my quads
100# – 120# keg half way – 100#
Cleans: 57 lbs, felt great
Front squats: 85 lbs, felt heaaaavy. Need to stay upright and not lean forward.
Walk: 50 lbs, felt weird and awkward but okay
10 am with Fox and Arturo.
Cleans at 83# which is a pr by 10#. I would never have tried that weight except that I was partnered with Alex who can clean a lot more than me, so I felt inspired to go heavier. Still a bit 'wobbly' according to Fox and I definitely felt like I need to move faster but I am glad that I can at least somewhat organize that weight. I like when cleans are with other movements because then I do not overthink them.
Front squats felt pretty solid at 110#.
I did the first 130m carrying 65# db, which was awkward and then Shawna let me carry her! Thanks Shawna!!! Third round was with the lightest keg.
1000m erg cool down.
Rings class was so much fun yesterday and I can't wait for next week!
Also- qod freaked me out today and I blurted out my funeral song. Everyone else's was funny. Maybe it's a morbid Irish thing… I still have not thought of a theme song… Good question though!!
Any word on when Fight Gone Bad teams will be assigned or when the individual fundraising pages will be available?
Paired up with Fraisure for the cleans 130 felt solid. Could have been greedy and went for 135 I think. Was feeling it with 150 pound front squats.
The keg the first 130 was rough but told not carried the right way so used the small dense green bag for 3 more rounds of walking.
Legs are feeling the past two days or workouts will see how tomorrow goes.
11am class this morning with Mello and Arturo
Cleans on the minute
Felt great I could have gone heavier but decided to focus on technique and getting under the bar
Front Squat has always been my arch nemesis. Lack of shoulder mobility make it challenging to keep the bar leveled.
I ended it going for a bit more volume since I missed last couple exposures.
The goblet carry was rough. did not look like much but definitely hit the spot.
88#, 100, 100
The last carry was total agony in the last few yards.
Noon with/ MelRo
2 Cleans on the minute at #85. Felt really good.
Accessory work: strict press 3×5 @ #73
Carry: #50, #55, #65 those were a lot tougher than I thought.
11am class.
2 squat cleans EMOTM for 10 mins:
-all at 133#.
-felt pretty good though MeLo pointed out that I wasn't finishing my pull.
Fsq-heavy triple
-worked up to 175×3
-feel pretty confident that I've got 185×3
Carries were hard. First was with the large green sandbag, 2nd with the 28kg KB and third with the 48# keg. They all required at least one break.
Power Clean and Split Jerk OTM x 12 Minutes
187lbs (no misses)
Paused Front Squat
3 Rounds for time of:
50 Unbroken Double Unders (+10 rep penalty for breaking)
20 Unbroken Wall Ball Shots (+5 rep pentalty for breaking)
15 Unbroken Toes To Bars (+5 rep penalty for breaking)
1st Round: all unbroken
2nd round: dropped the medball by mistake at 8, rest unbroken
3rd Round: Missed a double at 37, rest unbroken, wall balls were painful.
I hated it.
Dan, within a week
Thanks David, just want to get much find raising ducks in a row.
Came in for open gym so I could do today's front squats.
205x5x3 (I repeated the weight from two weeks ago as I had missed the last two sessions).
Sunday open gym is very mellow compared to Friday's.
Left to my own devices, I never know what will happen. Today I got a lot done.
3 min Row; Warm up #2 x 3
Warmed up Clean & Jerk
– mid-hang clean x2, then split jerk x2 @ 53#, 63#, 73#, 83#, 93#, 98# (only 1x)
EMOTM for 10 min Clean & Jerk @ 103# Felt fine; Split Jerk notes:
– Mid-foot for dip
– Bend back leg, legs a little narrow on landing
FSQ 105x5x3; seemed to move fast (1st exposure this cycle)
A little time left, so, in lieu of farmers carry (sometimes it feels like my life is one continuous farmers carry):
3 RNDS of 15 wall ball (14x, 10') and 15 sit-ups
Correction – 9' target on wall ball
Make-up post from Fri and Sat:
Fri OG. foam roll and lax ball for about… 45 minutes.
Then Wednesday's workout. (15-12-9-6-3 of thrusters, box jumps at 20", and kipping pull-ups). Kept thrusters at 63# instead of 753 (fit rx) b/c my hip was feeling sore/funky. and 63 is effing heavy enough, apparently.
I stopped at about 11 and a half minutes in (even though it was a 15 min cap) b/c I couldn't bring myself to go back to the thrusters. Kept feeling my left shoulder in the lock out and release back down; an acute pain in the front of my shoulder. So I got thru 15-12-9 of everything and then just did 9 more box jumps to finish it out. No reason to push.
Shoulder felt fine the next day. Sat group class…
fun with Muscle-Up 101. feel decent with the false grip and the general movement pattern, just need to keep practicing keeping my hands/arms/elbows in super tight and get stronger at that pull.
WOD with 16kg bell, strict push-ups. Time was 13:29. All KB swings were unbroken and push-ups were 5-5-5, then 5-4-3-3, then 3-3-3-3-3 to keep decent form. Fun one!
Started dance rehearsals again. I'll be performing in about 7 weeks. So that was another 6 hours of movement over the weekend! Whew!
I think I left my water bottle at the gym. :-/
If found leave it out and I'll get in at 7am
I also saw this Wod and hope. We never have to do it.
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