Take 12 minutes to work up to a moderately heavy (around 75%) triple on the front squat.
Should be fast and crisp. No failing.
Post loads to comments.
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Deadlifts 135/95
Shoulder to Overheads 135/95
Chest to bar Pull-ups
10 Rounds for time of:
5 Deadlifts
5 Push Presses
5 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
Choose a load that allows you to move unbroken on the Push Press
The 2014 Open is Upon us!
Team CFSBK has 89 members signed up, the 23rd biggest team in the world! Interested? Sign up here.
The 2014 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge is “Over”
The six week 2014 Look, Feel, and Perform Better Challenge is over and we want to hear about your experiences. Please get your
Post Challenge Entry in. The deadline for entries to be considered for awards is Monday. These challenges improve from year to year based largely on learning what worked well for the most amount of people so whether you killed it or withered a bit, please take a few moments to share. Also set your calendar for the wrap up potluck on Saturday where we’ll also speak about how you can make these changes last longer than 6 weeks, and unveil the bonus challenge!
Inside the Affiliate
As we’re sure you’re aware, there’s a massive shortage of videos on the Internet. To rectify this dearth, we’ve created a swell video about fitness over on ITA. More specifically, a video about how we break down group instruction during Olympic lifting segments in Group Classes. Check it out, CFSBKers! We sure love your love.
Cellar Dwellers!!