Lauren B. during a hike at Squaw Creek in Lake Tahoe, hitting a handstand PR of 8 seconds
News and Notes
- Congrats to Stella Z. who hit a PR on her bench yesterday of 150#!
- There’s a new post over on Coach David’s blog Inside the Affiliate called “A CrossFit Coach’s Guide to Working with New or Troubled Movers.” Check it out!
PSYCH! You Still Have Time to Join the FGB Madness!
There are still some spots left for Fight Gone Bad, so we’ve extended the deadline to register. Read more here, sign up here.
Since 2008, CrossFit South Brooklyn has conducted a yearly fundraiser in the form of a workout called Fight Gone Bad. Last year, we raised over $40,000 for the Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF), a local organization dedicated to improving the lives of people in Brooklyn by strengthening communities through local giving, grantmaking, and community service. This year, we’ll be partnering with BCF again and hope to surpass last year’s donation numbers. Last year we had 180 members participating and this year, we’re capping it at 200.
QOD: Did you sign up for Fight Gone Bad 2014? If you’ve competed in a previous FGB, tell us about your experience!
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Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to last exposure.
Performance: 1 x 20
Add 5-15 pounds to last exposure.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds for Time:
5 Deadlift 275/185
10 Burpee
Deadlift should be heavy-ish (about 65-80% of max effort) and unbroken.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Thanks for the shoutout Kate!
I'm signed up for FGB. (Gulp…that means I have a month after the Total to get my conditioning back. I haven't touched a medicine ball since May…) I've done it three times already and it's been really interesting to see my place on the team change each time. The coaches are careful to mix up the athletes on each team so that there's a mix of athletic capacity and experience on each team. I was definitely the newbie on my first team, balanced out by a couple of firebreathers. I like to think that last year I was one of the experienced ones, although not exactly the most conditioned.
Apropos of nothing, I have come up with my team's name every time. Maybe it's because I write ad copy for a living.
As for the workout itself, it seems manageable when you sign up for it. While it's happening, you just want to die. Or at least, I do. I have a tendency to give up too easily, *especially* during a metcon when I feel terrible. Last year I was recovering from a cold while doing FGB, which made my wish to give up even worse. But Lauren Howe was my judge and she kept yelling in my ear, "NO WAY! DON'T YOU DARE GIVE UP!" Pretty sure my score was about 20% higher than it would have been without her!
I think this is my 4th or 5th year doing FGB.
Anywho- it's always fun meeting new people thanks to the team mash up. I always try and host a big team dinner prior to FGB so we can go through any questions folks might have and talk strategy and starting positions. I am definitely a creature of habit, so I like to start in the same position each time. That being said, I really need to break my plateau score this year so hopefully all this squatting will help me kill the SDHP and WBs. 😉
I agree with Stella, it's REALLY HARD to keep going (for me) during that 2nd round because it's not like "hey this is the last time I have to do this movement today". I try and set a "minimum" for each station and then add a rep or two depending on how I feel. That way I'm hitting a goal AND then exceeding it, especially during that last round (which is rough).
Also – don't go for broke on that first round. It will immediately bite you in the ass.
6am with Jess and McD.
BSQ 230x5x3
Definitely heavy now but still moving well.
WOD 6:24 Rx
I was worried Rx would be too heavy since 275 is just under 80% of my 1RM but I moved through it pretty well.
Signed up for my first FGB! I've done one FGB-style workout before and it was painful, so I unfortunately think I know what to expect…
6am. Bench pressing: 135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 265×1, 285×1, 305×1 (PR). Only a 5# PR, but given how little we bench press I'm pretty psyched with that number. Perf metcon 27 MUs: 10, 7, 6, 4. Lots of failed reps in the last two rounds. Wasn't keeping the rings in tight and my kip felt loose. Good wod, though. Left me a sweaty mess.
I'm looking forward to another FGB. The vibe in the gym is great and while the workout itself kicks my ass, it's wonderful to crack a beer with your team right after you finish.
Make up from yesterday,
Bench 135×5, 150×5, 160×4+1 an unfortunate helping hand from my spotter, It was going up slow, but I was determined in locking it. We need to have a talk again on when to help your benchmate. That would have been my 5RM boo.
WOD, started with a green band first 2 rounds, and got 12 on each (chin ups)
then added another blue band on top, and got 15 each remaining round. On my last round I discovered if I bend my knee on the way up, the band just catapulted me to a chest to bar, so kept doing that for the rest of the pull ups. I dont know if this is a frowned upon move.
I signed up for FGB, this will be my first. Last year I was still fresh to all this, and was very intimidated, so skipped it.
Hey all, I've got a new post over on Inside the Affiliate about working with troubled or new movers. Please check it out if you're interested.
Also- if you're on reddit, I've got it up on the CF reddit site and any upvotes would be appreciated 🙂
Noon Class:
WU: 3 rounds – 8 hard ring rows (1/2 false grip, 1/2 reg), 10 push-up, 15 kb swing (russian, 16kg)
BENCH: 45×5, 75×3, 95×2, 115, 125 (PR), 130 (PR)
-previous PR was 120# (with a pause). 125 was weird; there was a little hitch in the middle and it went down for half a second before I pushed it straight up. McD and Courtney witnessed, and none of us are sure why this happened. 130 went up with pretty much no problem. More in the tank! (Not pausing at the bottom definitely makes a difference, though…)
WOD: 4 rounds 270m run, max pull-ups in 3 minutes. 2 min rest.
-Came in from each run around 1:15-1:23
-Pull-ups: 22, 22, 20, 8
-Could've probably gotten myself to 15-20 in the last round, but felt that squeeze/pinch in my left hand on the last round and would've torn. called it. as it is, I have a blood blister forming beneath the skin that will probably pop tomorrow.
*Kipping Epiphany today. even though i've seen it, known it, and coached it many times… today I really REALLY got what it means to stay tight and keep stability at the bottom of my kip. it just clicked in my body in a way it hasn't before. not just keeping legs together, but really squeezing butt and abs (ribs locked down) at the bottom of the swing!!
this weekend: Saturday: lugging my 30# dog from brooklyn to grand central on the subway. Sunday ~3mi run (yuck), tabata burpees (51 total), and paddleboarding. Monday: amrap bagels+cream cheese, paddleboarding.
Question about FGB: Is there a way to state a preference for being on a team that WODs and is judged early or late? I realize that with so many variables for the coaches to account for in forming the teams, it might not be possible to honor such preferences — but I figured I'd ask. Unfortunately FGB always hits on the same day as a Saturday afternoon rehearsal that my choir has (this is why I am never in the group photo, alas). Last year my team was one of the last to go and I ended up arriving at rehearsal quite late. Would love to be one of the morning teams if possible, although I understand if I can't.
PS: Damn, Peter! That is a big number on the bench. Props.
just email me with the request, stella.
8:30 with Noah, doing Monday's work.
Bench – really happy with 170×5, that's about as much as I've been able to do at CFSBK. I remember failing a 175x5x3 about a year ago after consistent practice so 170 is great.
"WOD doesn't look so bad," I thought to myself before coming in. WRONG as always. If I had sandbagged the runs it would have been fine, but instead I was sprinting after someone (? didn't catch his name) the whole time. Caught up twice but never managed to pass. Did the runs in :53, :51, :55, :52, very hard. Pullups: 20 (!!), 11, 6, then switched to ring rows. Not including several clear no reps on the 2nd and 3rd rounds.
Oh yeah – @charlie, you mentioned starting a whole 30 last week – I'm totally joining you, started with lunch today. Not looking forward to drinking my coffee black but everything else: yes!
Turbo session after a long day at work
Clean+FS+2 Jerks
Snatch DL 264x3x4
Today's work yestaday:
Back Squat: 195 lbs. Two-double-O, I'm comin for you on Saturday.
WOD: 5:43. I did the deadlifts at 225 lbs, and they were tough.
So I'm a little confused: While in Portland last week, I did 5 rounds of 15 DLs at 215 lbs (plus running and situps), and those sets felt WAY easier than last night's sets of 5 DLs at 225 lbs. What's up with that? Yes, they were ten pounds lighter, but there were also 10 more reps per round.
This probably calls for some math analysis that I'm ill-equipped to handle, so I'll just leave it there.