Work out of a rack and build to a 1 Rep Max Jerk for the day. We’ll review jerk mechanics as well as bailing safety. Today’s Jerks will only count for clean lock outs. Press outs will be no repped!
Post loads to comments.
Press e4/6
5 Rounds, Each for time of:
20 Calorie Row
25, 20 or 15 Push-Ups
Rows are all out efforts, for push-ups choose a rep scheme that challenges you but allows you to do them unbroken, or with minimal rest. Rest about 3 minutes between sets.
Post best and worst round time and Rx to comments.
Thank You and Congratulations!
We’d like to thank all the volunteers who helped make yesterday’s event a huge success! We were honored to host the last event for the 2014 CF Subway Series and had many people come up to us to say how impressed they were with the organization of the event as well as the quality of judging. We’d also like to thank any and all CFSBKers who came out (the black sea!) to support Team SBK. Finally, tremendous work to all the OPEN teams who competed in not only this event but all in the events of the last three weeks. Our COMP TEAM did an incredible job and took third place yesterday and second place overall after four weeks of competition.
Have you ever competed in CrossFit? What about other sports? What are some of your highlights (or lowlights) from athletic competition?
Eva T Rack Jerks CrossFit
A Day in the Life of Lauren Fisher (9th Place, CrossFit Games, Junior National Champion in Olympic Weightlifting) Pure Pharma
Breakfast Downgraded From ‘Most Important Meal of the Day’ to ‘Meal’ The Atlantic
The Life Aquatic: Amazing Underwater Photos From Around the World CNN
6am. Swoleness. Rack jerk: 135×3, 165×3, 205×2, 215×2, 225×1, 235×1. Felt fast under the bar today. Was part of a three-top and we were moving pretty fast and still ran out of time. WOD: 1:17 (25), 1:22 (25), 1:31 (25), 1:40 (15), 1:55 (20). Chest felt like it was going go explode on the 4th round.
Only CrossFit competition I've done is the Open. I seem to always be out of town during local comps like the subway series. Highlight of my athletic career was doing the Alcatraz triathlon (years and years ago), though I was only competing against myself. Oh, and I did beat my wife in ping pong several times recently.
I've competed in the Open, a couple of Hail to the Queens, and one Subway Series. I think I like cheering on my fellow competitors more than I like actually competing, but that's because the stuff that tends to show up at CF comps is not as much in my wheelhouse. (Strict chinups? Bring it! Kipping pullups? WAH-WAH.)
Getting strong in the morning:
Squat 185x5x2 ("the price of admission," as Jeremy called it), then 185×10 ('the show"). Jeremy threatened that if I didn't squat to depth he'd end the set, which was good motivation.
Press 80x3x2, 65×11. I LOVE sets of three. I was pretty worn out after 11 reps but I do wish I'd tried for 12.
Deadlift 255×3. Worked for it plenty hard but I think I can do another 5-10# for a set of 3.
6:30am Strength Cycle
LBBS: 120lbs 3 x 3
Kind of lame that I couldn't do 5 x 3, since I came in to open gym Fri and did this same workout which felt light at the time. Three insomnia-filled nights later, I was moving like a sloth.
Press: 51lbs 5 x 3
Funny, I unracked the bar and it felt heavy but it went up quick
Deadlift: 160lbs x 5
Good. ❤ these, always.
PS: Also ❤ No Music Mondays
Hey everyone, wondering if anyone would be available to feed our (beautiful, sweet, loving) cat Willa for 5 days from Aug 29 – Sep 2? We live on Nevins just a few blocks from the gym. Our usual suspects aren't available. Shoot me an email at tcavallo at gmail dot com if you think you might be able to help.
10am class
135×3, 165×3
185×2, 205×2
225×1, 245×1
Ran past time. Would have liked to go for a PR. 245 felt light.
WOD with 25 push ups was 18 kinds of awful…
Best – :58
Worst – 2:13
Wanted to quit after the 2nd one. Erg sprints always do me dirty.
I've competed in CrossFit at numerous local throwdowns like the Subway Series and in the Open. When CrossFit was smaller (and I was younger) I was usually close to the top guys. Nowadays I fight to be a bit better than the "average" guy. I've competed in a few powerlifting meets which is where I had the most relative success recording a personal best total of 385/253/518 at a USAPL sanctioned meet, and in Olympic weightlifting (one small meet where I placed in my weight division with a 189kg Total). I really enjoy the focus of training for a specific sport like powerlifting or Olympic lifting, but the lack of focus in CrossFit is certainly liberating. I don't geek out about any CF competition I'm doing, I just show up, let the anxious energy fuel me, and do my best. Outside of CrossFit and barbell sports the only sport I play as an adult is softball, which is a blast even when we don't win because of tacos and beer and margaritas.
5:30am drop in at CrossFit 650 in San Bruno, CA
row 1k
30 back squat 175#
30 burpees over bar (lateral)
row 1k
scaled this to 135# and finished in 14:06. Probably could have gone up to 155# but just didn't have time to test that before we got started (had to start from the ground, so I was worried about getting 155 overhead and to my back.
Finished with 50 strict T2B.
Haven't competed in much since the glory days of high school, unless you count something like the NYC marathon, although I wouldn't say I "competed" in that…
6am with McDowell and Arturo. When initially saw the workout, I just assumed it would be a push jerk. I was happy to work on the split jerk instead. We also ran out of time with our 3-top, but managed to get up to a set of 2 at 93#. WOD – slowest row in 4 rounds was 1:06 and didn't really track the push-ups. My shoulder is still bothering me a bit, so only did 15 from the knees each round.
QOD: Competing at nationals in ultimate (frisbee), both in college and post-college. Best finish in the club division was 5th overall. I also just competed in the women's division at masters nationals (ages 30+) in July and we won the tournament!
I would love to compete in crossfit but still need to work on getting pull-ups, double unders and toes to bar.
Long time no see CSFBK folks! I've been away on weekends and travelling quite a bit, so super early mornings have been my only option lately, which is 5:30 start in midtown. Today was some bench, squats, and a lot of midline stabilization work to continue to support my lower back and take the pressure off my psoas when possible. All going well.
Competition. Is there anything better? In the old days probably boxing wins were the best. Wrestling was pretty awesome too, the wins as exhilarating as the losses were devastating.
These days it's on the squash court. I love it. I play any chance I get. I enter tourneys, and do the best that I can. Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue. Everyone ought to compete in something! That old saying is true, 80% of success is just showing up.
Added recommendations in Travel Gym Recommendations for Crossfit Napa Valley and NorCal Crossfit, San Jose. Didn't take a class at Napa Valley so can't speak to class, but big facility and good vibe at Open Gym. NorCal programming was similar to ours and I highly recommend it.
Today was one of those days I may have been better off staying at home. A combination of jet-lag, too much booze yesterday, two weeks with no conditioning and a barkier than usual puppy meant I did, in fact, quit after the second round (Fox- don't be jealous)
Worked up to 88# on the rack jerks- I have not had much exposure to this lift and was not feeling confident dropping under the bar.
I'll be back in somewhat better form tomorrow, hopefully.
I started a much-needed Whole 30 today. If anyone wants to join me, let me know!
As a teenager I used to be involved in coastal rowing and rowed in many regattas including the All-Ireland finals- came second in U16 boys (!) at age 14.
Fast forward fifteen years to the phenomenon that was CRASH-Bs last January- I was a nervous wreck and did not manage to pr in the race but definitely will next year.
I would like to compete in Crossfit comps but also need to work on pull-ups, t2b, DUs and oly lifts. Which, I guess, is most of it.
*18 years…
7:30pm with Noah and Arturo
The 133 was messy. Everything felt very rushed. I'd like to take some more time to work up to a heavy split jerk sometime soon and see where it goes. Thanks, Noah for the tips on my back knee.
Fastest split: 1:35
Slowest: 2:19
all with 25 push-ups. This was f–ing hard! I had planned to do some skill work afterwards but by the time I felt like I wasn't going to throw up, it was 9pm and I had to go home!
I grew up swimming competitively, but was never very good. Until I started competing in CrossFit, I hadn't done much in the way of competition–unless you count my family's competitive scrabble/hearts/hail/etc. games as a sport (which I certainly do.) In CrossFit, I've done The Open since 2012, a couple of individual comps, and a couple of team comps. I much prefer the latter–individual comps stress me out. I competed in one powerlifting meet last year and would love to do another one. Oly lifting meets are somewhere in my future too, though I don't feel like I have time in my schedule right now to focus on either (gotta get in on one of these cycles next time!)
Comp highlight: squatting double body weight for the first time at the powerlifting meet I did last November. I was wearing an awesome, pink, glittery singlet.
Comp lowlight: first individual CrossFit comp. A couple months into CrossFit. Had to do overhead squats at 65# which was hard for me at the time, and I kept on getting no repped by my judge because I wasn't getting low enough. At one point, I snatch the bar up, hit myself in the head, and burst into tears mid-wod. My judge had NO IDEA what to do.
8:30 with Noah.
Evidently my "progress" in the jerk is just me reverting to old bad habits, since I jerked 165# and thought it felt fine / easyish only to be told that my back was totally overextended. I should bring a tripod + video camera to open gym and figure out how the heck to do this right. I learned a ton in Frank's Oly class (take it!!!) but still didn't get this ironed out.
I don't feel at all bad about calling today's workout at four rounds, since I spent the next half hour shaking and thinking hard about not throwing up. Rounds in :50, :52, 1:03, and 1:17 with 10 pushups. Worked near 100% on the first two sprints, and hard on the next two. I don't think a fifth round would have served much purpose since I was spent after the 3rd. I second the "erg sprints always do me dirty" comment!
I haven't competed in a CrossFit event yet, but I have a feeling I might in the near future, if I keep working on upper body strength. I got out of mandatory PE in high school to focus on music and math classes and didn't discover exercise until my mid-thirties. It turns out I am totally in love with long slow endurance, preferably in the woods or at night.
Highlights: I didn't know any better, so I taught myself to swim and did an iron man in 2011, shortly before starting at CFSBK. Nobody would ever consider me "competitive" but I'm very happy with my time. I totally encourage anyone who is curious about ultra events to try one (*)! These events are all about preparation, to be honest I felt worse after today's workout than I did after finishing the IM (although not nearly as exhausted!).
Lowlights: today's WOD? Rates pretty low, with the worst maybe being the first time I did that 5 rounds bench-press + 250m erg sprint workout. Or, once upon a time I was taking a tae kwon do class and accidentally kicked my sparring partner below the belt. Mistake!
(*) subject to how much free time you have, how your family feels about it, how obsessive you are, how much you like eating six meals a day, and getting your heart checked out pre-race!
I always feel that the first day back from a vacation is always tough, especially when it's a week of ice cream, booze and sun. Luckily I had a good lifting day.
Split Jerk final was 235lbs which was a PR woohoo!
Best time for the row and 20 push ups was 1:05
Worst time was 1:20
Jerk: 145# — Could have gone higher, but strength time was up. I'm finally feeling better about my split jerk. Props to Noah for his coaching tips, and for focusing on getting the vertical upper body position right — that fix is pretty easy and helps stabilize everything else. Previously I was trying hard (and failing) at focusing on what my back foot was doing.
WOD: I'm with @Lil_JB and @dave_p on the barf front. I didn't track my total Erg+Pushup time, but my 20 calorie times were 0:52, 0:48, 0:47, 0:51, 0:52, which I'm happy with. 15 pushups each time. Then barfs for time.
QOD: Yes, I was in two competitions in Miami 7 months into doing CF. The first one was a team competition and we did the beginners' division. The second one was a two-day individual event, which I did in the scaled division. I don't know about highlights and lowlights; the whole thing was a strugglefest.
Pictures here (Nick, et al., please ignore my atrocious erg form): https://www.flickr.com/photos/blackbelt_in_karate/sets/72157639670642624/