CFSBK superstar Rickke M. is traveling in Barcelona right now and while not working, eating, or beaching, he’s CrossFitting! The above photo is from his visit to Condal CrossFit. Report on the affiliate coming soon in Travel Gym Recommendations! #winning
Modified Labor Day Schedule
Next Monday, September 1, 2014 (which is Labor Day, for those who don’t excel at remembering the holidays where day drinking is encouraged/an imperative), we are observing a modified class schedule:
Have You Signed Up for Fight Gone Bad 2014 Yet?
The registration deadline is Monday September 1, 2014. Head over to the event page to learn more and sign up now!
Since 2008, CrossFit South Brooklyn has conducted a yearly fundraiser in the form of a workout called Fight Gone Bad. Last year, we raised over $40,000 for the Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF), a local organization dedicated to improving the lives of people in Brooklyn by strengthening communities through local giving, grantmaking, and community service. This year, we’ll be partnering with BCF again and hope to surpass last year’s donation numbers. Last year we had 180 members participating and this year, we’re capping it at 200.
Call for CFSBK Artists!
Ever wonder what CFSBK would look like if it transformed into an art gallery? Well, you might have the opportunity to find out! We are considering hosting the very first CFSBK Open Gallery this fall, which would involve displaying a variety of art created by our members, right here at the gym. If you are a visual artist (even if your art is just a hobby!) and are a member at CFSBK, we want to hear from you.
In order to move forward, we must hear from at least 10-15 artists by August 31 who are willing to commit to participating. The aim of the evening is to showcase the often hidden talents of our members, bring our community together in a novel way, and perhaps be the first CrossFit gym ever to curate an art show.
The more diversity of mediums the better—painting, photography, film, collage, printmaking, design, textiles, installations, or something we haven’t heard of yet. (We have a 180” projector that can be used for video-based art.) If you make cool shit that would look nice on our walls and want to participate, please email Kate at katharine [at] by August 31. Your email MUST INCLUDE 2-3 images of pieces you would consider showing or pieces that are similar to what you would create for the show.
Everything You Need to Know to Do a Perfect Pistol Breaking Muscle
The Stationary Bike of the Soul The Atlantic
The Art of SoulCycle Hairography well+good
Why Every Man Should Be Strong The Art of Manliness
Wednesday's Programming
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to last exposure.
Performance: 1 x 20
Add 5-15 pounds to last exposure.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
30 Kettlebell Swings
21 Dumbbell Push Presses
30 Kettlebell Swings
15 Dumbbell Push Presses
30 Kettlebell Swings
9 Dumbbell Push Presses
Kettlebell swings should be unbroken. Go heavy-ish on the dumbbells.
For time:
9 Power Cleans 185/135
21 Handstand Push Ups
7 Power Cleans
5 Power Cleans
One AbMat scale max, 10 minute cap.
Post Rx and time to comments.
September Meat:
McKensey and I will be in Spain for all of September. Does anyone want to buy our meat share for the month? Please let me know joel dot wertheimer at gmail dot com
6am with Jess and McD. Jen and I were the only 2 doing tomorrow's workout, so as Fox said, it was Lady's Lifting Hour with Jess. Continued my progression on the squats, working up to 165x3x5.
WOD – did the fitness version at 20kg on the kb, russian swings and 20lbs on the dumbbells. Overhead movements have been feeling better, but still keeping the weight low so as not to aggravate my shoulder. Finished in 5:07, kb swings all unbroken, even though I really wanted to drop it on the last round as my grip was starting to go. I broke up the push presses with a few breaths, doing 7/7/7, 8/7, 5/4.
I'll post it in the classifieds, but if anyone is interested in a free TV, we are looking to get rid of our 55" Sony Wega HD, rear projection LCD. Dimensions are 58"x37"x19", weighs 92 pounds. Note that it's not wall mountable (i.e. 19" deep). Contact me at linda.hutsal(at)gmail dot com
Hi, we are also looking to sell our chicken-only share for September! I'll also post to classifieds too. katie (dot) mohrhauser (at) gmail.
Great article posted recently
An Open Letter to Everyone Who Has Told Women “Don’t Get Too Muscular”
5:30am drop in at CrossFit 650 in San Bruno, CA.
Worked on the snatch today with 5 sets of 3 power snatches. Had some helpful tips from Coach Nick today about setting up with my knees out and shoulders back.
95×3, 95×3, 105×3, 115×3, 115×3
5 rounds
300m row
7 knee to bottom of squat jumps
20 ball slams (20# med ball)
Knee to bottom of squat jumps were fun but a tough movement. Balls slams with a med ball are weird because the med ball would bounce back up a bit so it didn't feel like a proper ball slam.
Finished in 12:23.
Back to NYC tomorrow but always like dropping in to CF 650 when I'm in SF. I also dig the 5:30am class time (hint hint!)
6am with Jess & McDowell. I did Monday's work with McDowell (glad I didn't break up ladies' lifting hour). I got up to 135# on the rack jerks. These are much easier from the rack than after a clean. I like that. I could probably have gone up in weight a bit, but these felt like they were crisp and stable and moving well, so I'm not bummed I didn't push it. I did the WOD at the 15 pushup scale. McDowell was right: in the first round, I thought 15 was low, but by the last couple of rounds it was more of a struggle. Fastest round was 1:35, slowest was 1:55. The rows were very consistent, so the pushups accounted for the variation.
@camille Love that article. Can't tell you how many times I've heard that since I started lifting years ago… and let's be real- I'm still don't have that much muscle to speak of lol.
Camille, I loved that article as well! Thanks for sharing.
And while we're sharing articles, I just read this and it made me think of what some of us do with chalk. I totally use chalking up as a way to kill time/necessary ritual that makes me feel ready to lift (regardless of if my hands are actually sweaty):
10AM class with Jess on Monday's work. The gym was hoppin', and my hairography game was tight, or so I like to think. Partnered with Mia, and we worked up to a couple solid 93s# on the rack jerk. 98…not so much. The first one I pressed out and the second attempt I just couldn't get under and bailed. Arg. Jess told me that my elbows are dipping along with the dip, note to self to work on.
The workout was traumatic and yet fun at the same time. The rowing was easier for me to pull together than the pushups — I took a few naps between reps in later rounds. It helped a lot having a great partner/alarm clock on the workout. Thanks Mia!
Made up yesterday's work:
Split Jerk – 95×3, 135×3, 155×2, 175×2, 195×1, 205×1 – Right shoulder was feeling a little off so I didn't push it past that. Was feeling good overall though so it was kind of a bummer.
Row/Push-up: 1:06, 1:09, 1:16, 1:33, 1:36ish
This was hard. Push-ups felt great through round 3, but 4 and 5 were a debacle.
I definitely use chalk as a ritual. It also gives me a sense of comfort in that I know I will not be able to blame the bar slipping for a missed lift. Also, too, my hands get very sweaty.
Make up from yesterday 7:30pm
Racked split jerks at 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 150, 160, there's PRs in there, but that was way back when. I was glad I was able to catch the 160 and not bail it on the way down, I would've wanted to see how much more I could push.
WOD: w/15s from 1:24 to 2:07, everything was fine until the back end of round 4 and I just had to drop to my knees, no need to fight this. Spent a good 15 minutes mashing my biceps on a pvc and checking out the Oly lifters like a perv. They make it look so easy!
Great article Camille- thanks for posting.
Noon with Jeremy and McDowell.
45 x 10
95 x 5
125 x 3
150 x 20
This felt really heavy but it was so great to be squatting lbs and on a familiar platform with the squat whisperer a-whisperin.
Fitness WOD with 12kg KB, American swings and 20# DBs. Kept the KB light and was glad I did. It took me 7.21.
Everything felt better today. I am learning to scale appropriately for my current level of fitness.
Awesome article Camille- thanks for sharing!
I posted a job and some give-aways to classified…
Great article, *Camillionaire.
*Nickname credit to Coach Noah
Glad to share!!!
Ridin' dirty, always!!!
6am with McD….
Rack Jerk – worked up from 53# and ended at 73# for my 1 rep…more than I had planned to do 🙂
ERG/Push ups – my 5th round was actually my fastest at 1:33….this was harder than I thought it would be.
Delayed shout out to the CFSBK subway series teams….inspiring work!!!! It was a really fun event!
Anyone know of good boxes to visit in Portland (OR)?
Have I Signed Up For Fight Gone Bad 2014? Yes.
Snatch, 75%x1x3
Clean and jerk, 65%x2x2, 70%x1x3
Front Squat, 80%x2x3
Second week at CrossFit Boynton Beach…after an 11 hour work day I was ready to blow off some SERYUS steam…
15 min to establish 1RM power clean
8 min AMRAP @ 90%
135, 140, 145, 150, 152, 155F (just couldn't get under the bar quick enough)
-either way tho…6 pounds shy of my PR so heck yes!
AMRAP: 28 reps @ 135
-only a few reps felt messy. More than than the majority felt very crisp and consistent.
25 min of mobility…feeling really good!!!
7:30 pm with lady fox and noah!
Worked up to 83# on the split jerk, lady fox pointed out and had to make note of the earlier sets, not to rush going under the bar which reeeeallly helped on my heavier set! Gotta fix my back leg/toe though ugh (thanks for the pointers Allison!). Haven't been going to Sunday's classes but maybe now that subway series is over, I can work on it as well as at open gym. I think I have weird issues/fears about going under the bar that I need to get over, ha!
WOD was a little brutal, now my shoulders are smoked!!
Camillionaire is actually a Osorio joint.
Too much fitness with too little fuel today:
HBBSQ: 185×10, 200×8, 215×6, 230×6, 245×6
FSQ: 165×5, 195×5, 205×5, 205×5
12 Muscleups
24 OHS 115#
130M Farmer's Carry, 32KG/hand
24 OHS
12 MUs
FInished in 18:46, last 4 or so muscleups took forever. Was seriously low on gas at the start of the workout, and totally spent by the end, but fun. MUs are inching back towards respectability. OHS felt ok after I stopped trying to squat snatch em, and farmer's carry was not too bad- hook gripped the bastards.
Then soccer practice with some of the CFSBK Fighting Tacos. First game is next Sunday, can't wait!
(Accidentally posted this first under David's name, since I was logged in, and sort of wanted to leave it that way and add lots of exclamation points…)
6:30 class.
Pressed instead of jerking, 75x4x5.
WOD: I can't quite remember my times but they are dutifully logged in my journal. I added a sixth round because I scaled to 15 push-ups (still knees) and felt like I hadn't pushed myself hard enough. My slowest was 1:55, maybe fastest 1:38?
Forgive wherever this fits within the dialogue about women being strong/capable/etc., but I absolutely hate how much faster men can row. I was feeling competitive next to Brad, so I shortened my rest time to about two minutes and beat him. Sneaky, right?
And Katie Harper! Hi! We miss you!
Tuesday strength cycle. Shared a rack Earl, who doesn't f*** around, and Nick.
On squat did 240x5x2 then 240lbs rep out to 10 reps
On bench did 170x3x2 then 135lbs rep out to 15 reps
On deadlift did 305 for 5 reps.
Also – curious recommendation for protein powder — ideally something not overly processed.