AMRAP 20 minutes:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
Compare to 10.31.2013.
Post Rx and rounds to comments.
15 Minutes Not For Time:
5 Turkish Get Up Left
5 Turkish Get Up Right
300m Row
Post loads to comments.
Attention: Hail to the Queen Competitors!
Coach Jess Fox is organizing a training session for all of the CFSBK women who are competing in Hail to the Queen IV. If you are competing, please email her ASAP to let her know at info [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com. If you haven’t seen the event’s WODs or are curious, check out our event page.
Throwback Thursday
On this day in 2009, the following people graduated from Foundations: Julie E., Lisa M., Ben W., Ariel K., Samir C., Joe W., Cloyde M., Samantha H., and Vincent D. The Question of the Day was what is your favorite cheat food (David responded that his fave was 1-2 Diet Cokes a week). And Malcolm S. shared a link to these photos from a recent WOD at the Brooklyn Lyceum. Who knows what might happen today that you’ll remember four or five years from now…
So tell us: What’s your favorite “cheat” food?
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