In teams of three with one partner working at a time, complete AMRAP in 30 Minutes of:
Max Unbroken Reps Bench Press
250 Meter Row
Choose a load that allows around 10+ reps when fresh. Score total pounds moved by the team on the bench press. Use a spotter for each and every set.
Post total pounds to comments.
Competing in a team CrossFit competition is a great way to test yourself and have fun with your fellow SBKers in the process
Bend, Stretch, Mobilize, and Swing on the Rings
- Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney at 10am.
- Active Recovery is back on at 11am and noon today with Coach David.
- If you signed up for Ken H.’s rings class, remember that you’re meeting today from 2-3:30pm!
Busting a Barrier, Preserving the Seams: Clothing Start-Ups Design Jeans for Muscular Athletes New York Times
@ Allie B
That's my frog in the lego bin!! Version 1.0. Will have to check in and see what you contributed tomorrow morning.
Make up from yesterday:
OG–only had an hour.
3×3 Front Squat at 155. Oof!! Not sure if it's because I lost a little weight or just don't have my usual umph, but these were so hard. 3×3 at 165 a couple of weeks ago felt much better! Only did two on my last set—could barely make it out of the second one. :/
Barbell Bear Complex with Kate Reece and KHarpz for 20 min (they went for 25, I had to leave at 20). Started at 73, went up to 83 after about 5min, did the last 5 min at 88. About one complex per minute. The perfect little workout for getting back into things.
Big congrats to Kate R on your kipping pull-ups and Katie Harpz on your muscle-up!!! I wish I could make it to OG to witness moments like this. So proud of you ladies.
Thanks, Charlie!
11am class + noon AR. Got through six rounds on the WOD with Erik and Matt. 95# on the bench (12/12/10/10/10/11) and the rows were 55.3, 55.5, 56.7, 55.1, 56.1, and 53.5. Pulled it out at the end. Fun WOD but I'm hungover and almost fell asleep in AR.
Today's WOD was fun! Hard, gasping fun.
I've been doing CRASH-B workouts so this was my first actual "WOD" in 2 weeks. My partners and I (including TFBA drop-in Jenna, I think her name was) decided to do this at 95# – "a little light," I thought to myself. "Maybe I'll get some more reps in." But yeah muscular endurance isn't really my thing so I went 30-15-12-10-10-10. Overall we got 250 reps and both Jenna and I hit the erg 6 times. I tried to go HAM on the erg sets but it wasn't really happening – I ended "oh my god so tired" instead of "I'm shaking uncontrollably and questioning my life decisions." Maybe it was the long BP sets or maybe I should have set the damper a little harder but I was a little surprised. Great workout, felt pretty swole after class.
About today's article – has anyone tried any of these brands, like barbell apparel? Fitting clothes is getting a little quad-focused these days. Not sure CRASH-Bs is going to help with that.
Did this at 155. Bench fell apart real fast: 20,14,10,7,7,7 It was really just the lock-out, the bar was moving well off my chest. Same problem with high rep push-ups so probably something I should do some work on.
Rowing was OK – ranged from :46 to a little over :48
9am with David and Melissa
We have done several versions of this couplet in the past and I think this is my favorite. The rep out bench paired with the short erg sprint is pretty much made for crush week. I used 135# which at first felt too light and later felt just right.
Teamed up with Cliff and Evan. We hit 6 full rounds and Cliff and I hit a 7th due to "lucky" spots at the top of the order. Rows were between 48 and 51. Bench went 21-15-11-10-10-9-8.
Then I went to the beach and took my shirt off so everyone could see what was up.
Great energy in the gym today for comp class/PR city olympic lifting session
Front squat, 3RM
385×2, Failed 3rd
375×2, Failed 3rd
405F. Figured id see how this felt. It was really close. With fresher legs def. have it in me.
Behind the neck press, 3RM
Behind the neck push press 3RM
Pendlay Rows
Jump rope warm-up
2:00 calf mash each leg
2:00 couch stretch each leg
(5) Red band muscle up transition with dip
(5) Handstand hold :15 pulling off the wall for as long as possible
2000m row
Bench press
45×5, 65×5, 75×5, 85×5, 90×5, 95×5 – good speed
Red band pull aparts 12×2
I think I'm getting close to a set schedule and that will mean a set training program. Can't wait
8am with DO and Melo. Teamed up with Brian and Tim on the workout. I was at the top of the order, so I got in a 6th set on the bench presses, which I was doing at 105#. My sets went 13, 15, 15, 13, 13, 17. I haven't done much "rep out" work, so I don't have a great sense of when I "have a couple left in the tank." So, maybe I could have done a few more reps in each set? I could have done this with a bit more weight on the bar, too, I think. But after yesterday's shit-tastrophe, feeling like I was moving well was good for my mental state. The erg sprints went 1:00, :58, :56, :57, :54. I'm morbidly curious about what's on tap for tomorrow.
Shawn. I heard a terrifying rumor, you might be better off sleeping in and hitting brunch. A 10 minute amrap of alternating big toe smashes with a hammer would be less painful.
Rugged crush week, especially coming off a 10 day break.
2pm Comp Team Practice
Partner WOD
Thruster 95
Pull Up
*partner a completes the 15s, then partner b…
Ro and I did this in 18+ minutes. He was by far the faster mover. Very hard. Happy to have a butterfly pull up PR of 15, then 9, then do then for the majority of the workout thereafter. Previous best was 7.