Turkish Get Up
Fitness: 3-3-3-3-3
Performance: 1-1-1-1-1
Work up to either a heavy triple or single, depending on your experience with the movement.
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Tabata Russian Kettlebell Swings
Go medium heavy and focus on perfect form.
Inverse Tabata L-Sit
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Check out this interview David did with Inc. back in March
Catching Up With CFSBK Classifieds
- Richard G. is looking for a part-time babysitter, for one, maybe two days a week. Thursday is his family’s most pressing need, about four hours worth of work. Read more here.
- Mike R. is selling a brand new ASSAULT Air Bike from GymSource and is selling it for a serious discount. Check out more here.
Travel Gym Recommendations
Have you traveled to another affiliate recently? Coach Noah wrote a great guide a few months ago about how to be a good visitor at other CrossFit gyms, titled “On the Road, and Sweaty: Visiting Other CrossFit Affiliates.” We love it when you post your experiences to the Travel Gym Recommendations tab in the bottom left bar. Check out these two recent ones and add your own!
- Stella Z. visited Cooperstown CrossFit in Cooperstown, NY.
- Mel L. visited CrossFit Misfit in Portland, ME.
- Allie B. visited CrossFit Southie in Boston, MA.
- K HarpZ wrote up her time at CrossFit Boynton Beach in Boynton Beach, FL.
8 Water Tricks That’ll Melt Your Mind
Ilya Ilyin 242kg Clean and Jerk World Record Almaty 2014
What Texting Does to the Spine The Atlantic
Blast! Left my asphalt gray/black lulu hoodie near the jerk blocks yesterday! Will be back this afternoon to pick it up if anyone has seen it!
Smolov Base Cycle – Week 3 Day 1
4 sets of 9 at at 355 – moved pretty well.
Press – 3×5 at 195 – getting heavy. Hoping to max out at 225+ by the end of the cycle.
6am with McDowell and Ro
Nice warm up but the run around the block in the freezing arctic void was a surprise. I kept thinking Ro was going to stop me before I walked out the door to say he was just kidding. He didn't.
Played with TGUs with Brad and Brad. Did a warm up with a 30#DB then 45#DB then 50#DB then 45#BB then 55#BB. I could have gone heavier but we ran out of time. It would be fun to test a 1RM on this.
KB Swings – Used a 32kg bell which wasn't that bad but my grip started to go towards the end. First two rounds were at 11, then 10s then 9s.
L-Sits – Legs were straight the whole time. And by straight I mean slightly bent.
Looking forward to Oly Class tonight.
6am with McDowell and Ro
Really! Running in the warmup! How does that do anything to warm anyone up… holy mother of god was it cold coming around the last corner… it actually wasn't so bad, I'm being dramatic.
Another fun day of rarely done movements. I'm kind of a big fan of TGUs now after having done them twice in one week and probably only twice ever before that. Worked up to a 55# barbell and could have kept going north, but I have a suspicion that balancing/controlling the barbell gets hard real fast.
KB swings were with a 32kg bell. Had to chalk up a few times toward the end as grip fatigue started to set in, but otherwise these were fine. Started with 11 per round and finished with 10. I think it was only the last two rounds at 10. L-sits were a grind as always, but I was able to do bonafide L-sits for the entire 10 seconds of each of the 8 rounds. If I remember right, we did this recently and I had to switch to single leg tucks halfway through, so this is proof of progress!
I would like to climb a rope before this back off week is over… just throwing that out there.
6:30am strength cycle
LBBS: 205lbs x 3 x 5
Bench: 105lbs x 3 x 5
Power Clean: 118lbs x 3 x 3
My work sets were a little inconsistent this morning and I really need to focus on bracing and staying tight on each rep, especially as it gets heavier.
6:30am Wicked Cold Strength Cycle
LBBS 117.5lbs 5 x 3
Realized I was grinding through each lift instead of popping up. Trying to work on that as it gets heavy.
Bench Press: 72.5lbs 5 x 3
OK, taking these more seriously (mentally) and pushed through them as I didn't want to fail and be put in BP detention.
Cleans: 63lbs x 2, F, 1, F, 1, F, 1, F.
This is becoming a hate-hate relationship
This was an old and bad video of me. Originally they said they'd just use my voice and maybe one shot of myself so I wasn't acting like I was on camera, more just thinking. I look like I just woke up! 🙁
The video itself was well done, Im just saying I come off as really disengaged
Back off week make up post:
Monday 4:30pm with Noah and Ro. Rocked some double unders but the triple is out of reach, it seems. Then 5 rounds of the accessory work with 30# DBs for the step ups. Tuesday 6:30pm with Jess. PRed my turkish get up with 55# on the left side, but alas, after several attempts it was not to be had on the right side. One time I made it up to standing but failed on the way back down, but never could complete the whole thing. Then tabata KB swings with 20kg. My low back was feeling a little lit up/unstable last night or I might have gone heavier.
I've said it before and I'll say it again – I love back off week! #backoffweek4evah
Damn, Cage! You should have tried for leaderboard! (Apparently you need to do TGU on only one side to qualify) 3rd place is 60#, just sayin'…
8am w/ Ro
First day back in since I re-injured my wrists 2 weeks ago getting my new Clean PR. (Of course, this is just another excuse I typically use/make-up when I blow off Crush Week)
David, I disagree. Your tone and attitude fit the mood and pace of the video perfectly. And your story made me cry. Well done!
Rare afternoon lifting session
Bench Press
Then jumped in with Ro and his band of merry men for 1/2 of the Outlaw WOD from earlier this week
12 Burpees
12 Thruster 115
12 Burpees
12 Power Snatch 115
12 Burpees
12 Push Jerk 115
12 Burpees
12 Hang Cleans 115
12 Burpees
12 Overhead Squat 115
Cash Out
Meatball Parm
I did the first and last BB movements unbroken, and rested mightily on the others. Burpees were a slog. Fun, nonetheless.
4:30pm Group Class
1 Round NFT:
30 Squats
600m Row
40 Sit-ups
(I was late to class!)
Turkish Get Up
Ran out of time!
Reverse Tabata L-Sit. Cleared all rounds legs extended
Tabata KB Swing. Used the 28kg bell and got 10 reps every round. The last three rounds were tough.
DIY Cash Out
5 Rounds NFT of:
5e Windmills 35lbs
5 Ring Dips
Thanks Chris :')
haven't posted in a bit but I promise I've been working out.
Need to squat since it's been a bit so I hit a medium-heavy set of 5 HBBS today:
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2) 195×5. 205×5
-note to self…don't take 2 weeks off between squatting.
Joined the boys for the wod that Fox described above but at 75#.
-Finished in 9:57
first time in a long time that i've beat any of these boyz in a wod (Ro, Fox, Noah, Mike) so I'll take it! Did the thrusters and OHS unbroken. Power snatches in 3-3-3-3. Push jerks and hang squat cleans in 6-6.
-The real version rx'd 2 rounds of this but I'm sure glad we decided to do only one round.
Just went to a yoga class, and have been taking this back off stuff to the next level (only did Monday's class). I have been so sore and felt beat up the last 10 days, and I only did 3 of the Crush Week WODs. My hip flexor has been tight since the week before Crush Week, and even though I haven't been working out that much, my body just aches everywhere. Maybe it's because I haven't been moving as much? I know other people have been expressing similar malaise. Can I blame it on the cold? It's painful. 🙁
overheard, two brothers, (not) brushing:
Scene 1
BOY 1: My biceps are humongous.
BOY 2: My upper body strength is like, not pleasant…
BOY 1: They are huge.
BOY 2: Sort of bulbous.
there are more…
Took a "personal day" from work.
So nice getting to the gym early for a long training session. THis week and next the volume is super high, and then the taper before AO.
2 Position Pause pull+Snatch
2 position pause pull+clean
3 sec Pause HBBS, 1RM, -15%x3x3
2 position Pause Clean pulls@374x2x3