AMRAP 15 Minutes:
100 Sit Ups
80 Calorie Row
60 Burpees
40 Russian Kettlebell Swings
20 Pull Ups
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
60 Calorie Row
50 Toes to Bar
40 Burpees
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings 72/53
20 Muscle Ups
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
David skinning some cats during gymnastics class with Ken
- Happy birthday, Adele M.!
CFSBK Art Show: Featuring Travis Poston
Do you have CFSBK’s first Art Show on your calendar? The show is NEXT Saturday, November 22, from 7:30-10:30pm, with a live mural painting from 8-10pm. Free alcohol and lots of art from some of your favorite CFSBKers! For a full list, click here.
One of our three featured artists is Travis Poston, a painter who makes East Williamsburg, Brooklyn his base of operations. The 38-year-old New Jersey/Tennessee native uses acrylic paint, oil-based paint pens, and ink to create richly textured collages on slabs of plywood and canvas. His busy, colorful designs explode off the the canvases and recall the old-school street art and graffiti of hip hop’s early years.
Poston describes his work as “psychedelic—detailed chaos, really,” he says. “Shape merges with illusion to create a tasteful disarray of color, these pictures throw you into the vibrant world of the unknown.” Poston says he is more interested in the life of the mind, memory and magical symbolism rather than realistic representation in his pieces. We will have a few of his pieces in the show, but you can preview his work here!
Human Evolution Big History Project
Fitness version of today's workout yesterday. 246 reps with 24# KB, Erg was the killer. Redlined at 30 calories and fought to keep my heart rate at a reasonable level. Cash out with 2 pooders. Thank you Noah for silencing the Jay-derz.
Oh yeah, Happy Birthday Adele! (Does anyone have a card they can lend me?)
Makeup post from yesterday's 7:30 class.
278 reps. Kind of mad I rested too long and didn't even finish the kb swings.
Killer workout – my abs were dying on the erg.
6am with McD and Arturo
I did Monday's "Hidden Karen" workout yesterday, making my bike ride to the gym feel like I was climbing Everest on a single speed bike. The warmup squats helped though. Did 187 reps on the perf version of the metcon; the T2B were the hardest part, so I paced them into sets of 7/7/7, then 5's until the end. Burpees were in sets of 10 with quick break in between, the KB's weren't that bad since you can get a bunch of momentum. I hit the rings and got a set of 3, then 2, then 1,1 for the MU's.
Quick makeup post from yesterday's WOD. Managed to get one more MU than last time, for a total of 6. Did the same pacing as last time for the wall balls, so 12 every 30 seconds (resting if I finished early). Came off the wall balls at 7:40, tripped a bit during DU's, and got to the rings with 2min left.
Happy birthday Adele!
6:30am strength cycle
LBBS: 195lbs x 3 x 5
Bench: 100lbs x 3 x 5
Power Clean: 108lbs x 3 x 3
Happy Birthday Adele!!
6am w/ McDowell and Ro
Performance WOD: 181 reps
Taking a week off and jumping into crush week is not ideal.
T2B: 7/77 then 5's, 4's and 3's
Burpees: 10/20/10 with short breaks
Swings: 10/10/10 – much easier then I was anticipating
MU: 1 — had approx 1 min on the clock, got the first one and knew that I didn't have the coordination to get another one. With MU, I try to push it since I have messed up my shoulder trying to salvage bad form.
By the way, I will be a very happy person never to see "Karen" based WOD again.
6:30am Strength Cycle (woohoo!)
LBBS: 110lbs 5 x 3
Feeling like I'm finally somewhat getting these right, although my numbers are still on the low side.
BP: 70lbs 5 x 3
Cleans: 60lbs x 2, 55 3 x 2
I could do without them and they could do without me. Bla
PS: Cranberry walnut square is NOT proper post-SC food. Results in sugar headache and hangriness
You guys, I heard the art show is gonna be surreal. Everyone should van gogh.
im with BK, i think karen (or any version of it) exists to mess/torture me!!!! i was hobbling all day yesterday O_O
haha JJ!!
art show related, does anyone have a staple gun i can borrow by any chance?!?
I don't want to picasso-so piece of art, but i think there will be manet good ones at this show. I'll be there.
I agree with Joel. Color me excited to see everyone's pieces.
You guys are killing me. Best puns ever. And Cam, I have a staple gun!
kate!! you are a life saver!!! thank you!!!
Perf WOD – 180 reps. Tried to pace the row so I wasn't dying when I got off. Took about 4:22. Toes to bar were broken up the entire time into sets of 2s and 3s. Burpees I jut kept going until they were done. Got to the Kettlebell (53) at about 13:30 and broke it up 10/6/9/5. Finished those at 14:55 so didn't have to attempt a pull up which I was going to do instead of muscle ups. Ouch this hurt.
OLY lifting class allowing me to do only 2 crush week workouts this week, love OLY class, but don't like missing out on crush week.
i love puns!!!
Performance WOD
182 reps (2 muscle ups)
Does anyone know if art will be sold at the show? I need to know how much monet to bring.
It also makes sense that there's only one link yesterday and today, because I went down a black hole of crash course videos while foam-rolling my karen tortured muscles last night. good stuff: soreness and online educational videos! Excited for today's workout.
I could take them or Dali-eve them.
Fitness WOD – ummm I have a confession to make, I thought it was 50 burpees until just this minute and I got 250 reps with 20 swings at 24kg. Should have gone harder on the row. But I was preparing myself for burpees, but now it doesn't really matter anyway since I did the wrong number. I wrote it on a whiteboard and everything. I wish I had T2B because sit-ups are too easy. Some day, perhaps.
Cash out- one walk with 30# DB and one tiny short walk with the jerry cans. Much orb love.
Allie! It's up to each artist whether to sell their work. That said, I believe most of the pieces will indeed be for sale.
Last night I swear the whiteboard said 50 burpees. I remember thinking it was particularly odd that it went 100-80-50-40-20. haha maybe I just have horrible eyesight?
I did 50 burpees too so at least you're not alone- 50 was hard enough man.
Had a two week hiatus. Back at it with Ro and the ROad to recovery 🙂
Squats–> going well and pain free. Still light, but I'll take it.
Handstand walks–> couple rounds making 4-5 full mats. 7 mats = new PR 🙂
The whiteboard DID say 50 burpees. I noticed that yesterday and just figured that 6 AM must have crashed and burned on the burpees.
4:30 pm class
DIY Soft tissue 10 min
15 push-ups
20 hollow rocks
25 squats
AMRAP 15 min
60 calorie row
50 T2B
40 burpees
30 Russian KB 2p
20 muscle ups
Completed 4 muscle ups
T2B were all sets of 4 then 2s and 1s
Partner 400m jerry can carry with Rickke
4:30 pm
Super sleepy today after midterm week. But the WOD went well!
Perf: 184 reps…squeezed in 4 bar muscle ups at the end. So not quite RX. But still! Glad I was able to do these even tho I was worn out from T2B…which also burnt out way quicker than I thought they would.
Nap time!
4:30pm with Noah and McD
Fitness: 228 reps. Not my best. Almost five minutes to get through the sit-ups, then almost six minutes on the row. I had to just go to that meditative space of making one move after the other. Always helps to have McDowell encouraging me to pick it up at the end. I am wiped from yesterday and am not looking forward to how my quads will feel tomorrow.
Crusssshhh weeekk.
Performance WOD –
188 reps (8 MU)
I had like 3:30 for the MU at the end, but struggled with them a bit. Still worn out from Monday I think.
Happy Birthday Adele!
1500m row, Hamstring stretching & mobilizing
Warm up x 2 plus squats
25 squats
20 hollow rocks
15 push-ups
AMRAP 15 min
60 Cal row (tried to stay above 800)
50 T2B (10,10, then 5s, 3, 2)
40 Burpees (my slowest burpee effort ever)
30 Russian KB 24kg (10, 10, 10 – better than i thought)
20 C2B pull-ups (mostly sets of 3, then 2, then singles )
Got through this once
Lil JB — Thanks for the encouragement and welcome back!
Lap with Evan
400m partner farmers carry with Aileen — 24kg KB