Fitness: 3 Rep Max or 1 Rep Max
Only more experienced lifters (3+ cycles consistently following an Linear Progression) are allowed to go for a 1RM. Start at about 5% above your 3 x 5 weight. Add about 5% to your next attempt and go from there.
Performance: 90%x 1 x 5
Post loads to comments.
4 Rounds Not for Time:
25 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
25 Calories Rowed
Focus on developing a rhythm on each movement and doing the wall ball unbroken. Rest as needed between movements. If you can perform the Rx for wall balls easily unbroken, consider scaling up by using a heavier ball or a higher target.
News and Notes
- Fight Gone Bad 2014 teams have been announced! Please check your email for details. If you registered but received nothing, please email Info [at] Fight Gone Belated emails have not been sent yet, so hold your tiny horses on that one.
- Happy belated birthday, Alex B.! And happy birthday, Murat U.!
- Congrats to Front Desk Super Star Lindsay S. and Megan D. who participated in the GORUCK challenge to commemorate 9/11.
- Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney is canceled today. Check out Active Recovery at 11am and 12pm with Coach David instead. He’ll ask you a bunch of weird questions and his cute dog Herschel might be co-coaching…
- If you signed up for Ken H.’s rings class, remember that you’re meeting today from 2-3:30pm!
Strength Total Tomorrow at 2pm
Coach Jeremy’s Strength Cyclers will wrap up their eight-week cycle tomorrow starting at 2:00pm. Each lifter will be testing their 1RM in the back squat, press, and deadlift. All are welcome to come by and hang out. Get ready for some massive PRs!
Squatting Specifics—What Technique Is Best For Your Sport? Juggernaut
The Upside of Pessimism The Atlantic