Coach David hopes you’re having a great Crush Week!
Introducing: RSVP to CFSBK
Starting on Monday, January 19, CFSBK will require our members to preregister online before coming to CrossFit group classes, Active Recovery, Pilates, and Yoga for Athletes. While we’re not actually capping classes, registration allows you to know how many people have signed up for the class you plan to attend, which will add another level of transparency to your membership. You may decide to modify your class selection based on your class-size preferences. We hope this will more evenly distribute attendance, help us plan ahead for larger classes, and inform our consideration for which classes to add when our new space opens.
Exciting side note: You can now attend Pilates class on Tuesdays at 7:30pm or Yoga for Athletes class on Saturdays at 10am using your CrossFit membership! (Each class is capped at 12 participants)
You are required to participate. The process only takes a couple minutes, so start now:
Steps to RSVP to CFSBK:
1. Go to the CFSBK Online Store.
2. Log In. (Save your log-in information to your cookies if you want to skip this step moving forward.)
3. Click “Calendar” from the left-hand column.
4. Select the class you plan on attending.
5. Press the blue “Reserve” button on the right-hand side of the screen.
You can do this on your computer or phone. The attendance display on your computer shows how many people out of 50 have signed up and will be displayed as such: (e.g., 10/50) while the mobile version shows how many are left based on a hypothetical 50 members. So 40 would mean 10 people have pre-registered.
RSVP to the Following Classes:
CrossFit Group Classes (including Open gym)
Active Recovery
Pilates with KH
Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney
Strength Cycle with Coach Jeremy
Olympic Weightlifting with Coach Frank
Personal Training
+ When you get to the gym, you’ll still need to swipe in as usual.
+ If you can’t make it to a class you signed up for, please cancel as soon as you know you can’t make it. If you don’t cancel within one hour of class, the system will think you attended and you’ll need to ask Front Desk to uncheck you from class.
+ Classes can be reserved as early as three days in advance and as late as an hour before. If you forget toRSVP, you can still come to class, but please be aware that our aim is for 100% participation. If you fail to participate, we will notice, we will be bummed, you will be bummed about being hassled, and you may incur a “Karen” penalty. Don’t be that person.
+ Do not RSVP if you’re using a banked class. Discuss it with the Front Desk as normal.
Seeking: Volunteers for Free Class Next Friday at 3:30pm
Next Friday (1/23), Coach David will be offering a free class to CFSBK members of all abilities and sizes. The class will include standardized warm-ups, bench pressing, deadlifting, and a WOD. The class is free, but there will be a videographer (fellow CFSBKer Nate P.!) filming, and the footage will be used on Coach David’s blog Inside the Affiliate. If you’re interested, sign up by emailing David [at] The class is capped at 16 participants.
20 Aphorisms That I Thought Were Dumb as a Boy But Now Appreciate as a Grown Man The Art of Manliness
When You Burn Fat, Where Does it Go? SciShow
Literary Quotes That Double As Excellent Mantras During A Final Set (Or: Things I Have Whispered Quietly To Myself At The Gym) The Toast says
Saturday's Programming
7 Rounds for Time:
3 Muscle Ups
7 Thrusters 95/65
7 Rounds For Time:
7 Thrusters 95/65
14 Russian Kettlebell Swings 72/53
Post time and Rx to comments.
Michele says
Oly class update:
Do we have to RSVP for open gym?
Front Desk says
@Matt Katz, yes sir.
Keith W says
How is rsvp going to work with the new space? Pick class and space? Or are classes going to be staggard by 30 min.?
Manu says
"You can now try a Pilates class on Tuesdays at 7:30pm or Yoga for Athletes class on Saturdays at 10am using your CrossFit membership!"
Does this mean we can only attend a one-time only trial, or that we can attend them every week as part of a regular schedule? Thanks.
Peter says
6am. Oly snatch technique work. Used 65# except for a few warmup sets with just the barbell and the one drill that used just the PVC.
High-hang snatch: 5×5
High-hang to knee (PVC): 5×5
Knee w/ pause at high-hang snatch: 5×3
First pull (floor to knee): 5×5
Then, front squats: 245x2x8
Per Frank's suggestion, kept my full hand on the bar for these instead of resting the bar in my fingertips. Definitely harder to keep my elbows up. Was my back more rigid? Hard to say. My upper back certainly feels a bit tired right now.
BK says
Yesterdays metcon: 387 reps
Pullups and pushups broken down a little sooner than I was expecting.
Front Desk says
@Manu You can regularly attend the yoga and pilates classes using your group membership! says
This morning I completed my 4th crush week workout in 5 days, and while my weights are still less than most everyone else, even doing that volume of workout would have been inconceivable when I first joined Crossfit nine months ago. I want to say an extra thank you to a few of the female 7 AM regulars – Shawn, Stella and Rachel – who inspire me daily with how much power and strength you have on a petite female frame! And to all the coaches: you are each to great at what you do and have helped me so much this year. I feel so appreciative, thank you guys. says
Last night at 7:30
355 total reps on the tabatas:
76 cals on the row
106 squats
45 pull-ups
52 push-ups
76 sit-ups
As luck would have it, the screen on the erg shut-off right as Ro shouted "Go!" to start the workout, so my first round was only 8 cals, since I spent a few seconds waiting for it to turn back on. Oh well. says
Hey CFSBK folks. I'm facing a laparoscopic bilateral inguinal hernia repair ('cause why have one when you can have two) on Feb. 6. Anyone at SBK been through this? I'm trying to get as much info as I can on what an active person can expect from recovery (besides what my surgeon is telling me). If you've been through this, or know someone who has, find me on FaceBook. THANKS!!! says
the toast wining just always.
also, if you're an iron maiden lady reading this with nothing to do tonight, you should come into open gym and lift with a few of us. there may even be a paleo challenge-y dinner afterwards, WHO KNOWS? says
Ooooh! Pilates and Yoga included with membership! That is great news! 😀 says
Are you still down in Noth Carolina? I think McD dealt with something similar.
About 10:00 AR
12:00pm Group Class with the golden child, McDowell Myers
3 Rounds NFT
7 Thursters, 45lbs
7 Tempo Push-Ups
5 Pull-Ups
7 Rounds FT:
3 Muscle-Ups
7 Thrusters, 95lbs
9:55 as Rx'd
All movements unbroken, lots of transition rest.
3 Rounds NFT
20 Stokes, erg
:30 Hollow Rocks
Glad I did this today- Otherwise I would have had to do it alone after classes tomorrow. Thrusters and I don't get along well on our own, the group environment helps. says
Corbett 🙁 miss you!
Jynne, thanks! You warm my black little heart 🙂
Tomorrow's WOD, fitness Rx, 9:46. I feel like I shouldn't have broken up the thrusters and KB swings as early as I started doing so. I'm more than strong enough to do this wod well and I feel like I didn't quite make myself go to that deep horrible crush week place.
And that's it for crush week for me! Posting this from Ohio, where I'm visiting the in-laws.
I wish my in-laws lived somewhere warmer! 😛
JakeL says
Max out friday at Cal Strength
302.5M** Missed this behind!! AHHHH. so close
Clean and Jerk
385F, PR CLEAN!!! Barely missed the jerk!
Lauren says
Bbell warm/ups
39×1, gave up on 2nd
39×2 nice
40×1,f bailed forward
35 x2
50×2 — tired for 2nd, but 2nd jerk was the best bar path, caught by surprise
55×1, 2nd clean better but failed 2nd jerk
58×1 done — hungry and wiped out
20 min of hand stands, leg mashing and skin the cats
Whit H says
TABATA fun times at OG quickly after a PT sesh with Miss Penny the pup in attendance! Upper body is smoked from bench yesterday and I know there's shoulder stuff coming tmw/Sun, so left my upper body out of this one.
Resting 1:00 between each movement, Tabata….
ROW: 41 calories (all 5's, 6 on the last round)
BOX JUMP (20", bounding): 86 (realized about halfway through that I could rest atop the box)
SIT UP: 101
…those sit ups really give me a deeeeeeeep burnnnnnnn.
Total for all three movements: 228 reps.
Charlie says
45 x 5
95 x 5
135 x 4
185 x 3
200 x
210 x 5 x 3 (PR)
Bench Press
45 x 5
75 x 3
90 x 2
105 x 1
115 x 5 x 3 (PR)
135 x 5
185 x 4
215 x 3
245 x 2
265 x 1
275 x 3
lady fox says
Fun OG session:
(45×5, 135×5, 175×3, 205×2)
-damn this is getting heavy. The first set felt the best surprisingly as I had a couple reps in the last set where I pitched forward. Think it's probably time to use my belt.
(45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 115×1)
-just one work set today. felt good and fairly smooth.
(135×5, 185×3, 225×3, 245×1)
-still using the hook grip but switched to touch and go. my thumbs hurt.
4 chinups
1:00 forearm plank
10 glute bridge
10 birddogs
Finished with about 20mins of lower body mobz: couch stretch, big orb to hammies, quads, ITB, glutes. says
OG with Sam, Allie and Cam
It was a day of 5 rep PRs for me!
Back squat 3×5 at 150#
Bench 3×5 at 87#
Deadlift 1×5 at 170# definitely had a softened back on the last two. Something to work on.
173# was my last tested "1 rep max" from the summer so this is definitely an improvement