Paused Bench Press
Work up to a heavy single for the day on a paused bench press. Maintain tension as you lower the bar to your chest and pause with control for a 2 count. At the command of “Press” from your spotter, drive the bar as fast as possible to lockout.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP, 20 Minutes:
Calories Rowed
Hold between 20 and 25 s/m.
Post calories to comments.
Ben W.’s last day at CFSBK was Thursday (pictured above, between Dave F. and Luca L.). He wrote to tell us his CFSBK story: “After years of uninspired, on-and-off again lifting sessions at New York Sports Club, I needed something different. I played rugby with Luca, and he was the first person I ever heard talking about CrossFit. I was intrigued, but hesitant to try it because I was coming off a serious back injury. Eventually I ended up in Foundations with Coach Fox in Feb/March 2011, back when Noah and Jess were Foundation trainees. I was hooked pretty quickly. I’ve tried it all over the years—Strength Cycle, C.R.A.S.H.-B.’s, the Olympic Lifting Program, Rings/Backflip/Double Under classes, etc. I really enjoyed Murph, Fight Gone Bad, and other gym events, strategizing and comparing WOD performances with Luca and Dave E. during the day, joking around with people after class, and playing softball. When my job moved up to Stamford and we decided to move, I was slow to put our place on the market. I loved my time in Brooklyn and the gym was no small part of that. I met a lot of great people and I will definitely miss the gym. David’s attention to detail sets the tone for a great group of coaches. I’m sorry to miss out on the expansion but I’m grateful for my time at SBK. I feel like it was a transformative few years for me.” We will miss you, Ben! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY today!
- There are still five spaces left in the AM cycle of Coach Frankie’s Olympic Lifting Program. Don’t miss your chance to perfect your snatch and clean and jerk! Learn more and sign up here.
Seeking: Volunteers for Free Class This Friday at 3:30pm
This Friday (1/23), Coach David will be offering a free class to CFSBK members of all abilities and sizes. The class will include standardized warm-ups, bench pressing, deadlifting, and a WOD. The class is free, but there will be a videographer (fellow CFSBKer Nate P.!) filming, and the footage will be used on Coach David’s blog Inside the Affiliate. If you’re interested, sign up by emailing David [at] The class is capped at 16 participants.
Deadline to RSVP to CFSBK
Starting today, CFSBK requires our members to preregister online before coming to CrossFit group classes (including Open Gym), Active Recovery, Pilates, and Yoga for Athletes. While we’re not actually capping classes, registration allows you to know how many people have signed up for the class you plan to attend, which will add another level of transparency to your membership. You may decide to modify your class selection based on your class-size preferences. We hope this will more evenly distribute attendance, help us plan ahead for larger classes, and inform our consideration for which classes to add when our new space opens.
Exciting side note: You can now attend Pilates on Tuesdays at 7:30pm and Yoga for Athletes class on Saturdays at 10am using your CrossFit membership! (Each class is capped at 12 participants)
You are required to participate. The process only takes a couple minutes, so start now:
Steps to RSVP to CFSBK:
1. Go to the CFSBK Online Store.
2. Log In. (Save your log-in information to your cookies if you want to skip this step moving forward.)
3. Click “Calendar” from the left-hand column.
4. Select the class you plan on attending.
5. Press the blue “Reserve” button on the right-hand side of the screen.
Learn more on the RSVP to CFSBK page (located in the left-hand column under General Information).
If you have any questions about the new RSVP to CFSBK process, please post in the comments!
Ben – what the fuck? You're really serious about moving? Miss you already.
God, I hate when the good ones leave.
I never took a single class with Ben, I don't think, but always considered him part of The Crew – always around, always working hard, always thoughtful and consistent and funny and, a crucial detail for SBK'ers, always self-deprecating. He was also an enthusiastic member of the CSA and we slyly traded recipes on more than one occasion.
I wish you the best in the suburbs, friend. Please don't be a stranger.
6am with McDowell and Melissa
Pause Bench
Worked up to 215# which was nice and heavy. I don't think I had another 5# in me.
Hit 4,744m and 296 calories. Feeling very jelly legged right now.
I just wanted give a shout out to the 6am class – everyone who attended RSVPed beforehand!
Best of luck, Ben!! And happy birthday!
A year after my move to NJ and I still read the blog almost every day …. CFSBK forever.
6AM with Jess and McDowell
Hit #155 on the bench which basically blows my PR out of the water. In other words I've been been a huge chicken. Tried for #165 but fell short.
281 calories on the row. Somewhere around the 12:00 mark I got unfocused. Also could have done a much better job of doing strong pulls and keeping my s/m down. At many points I was up around 26-30 s/m which played a limiting role during the row.
Good luck Ben!
Happy birthday Ben! We'll miss you.
Hell of a weekend of training. Catching up…
Final day of Smolov – 1RM test of High Bar Back Squat
505×1 – Decent bounce, good speed, felt fine. This was a 5 pound PR from a few weeks ago.
525×1 – Actually felt like I got better depth/bounce than 505, but started to get grindy on the way up. This was my goal for the day and really happy that I got it.
535F – Always fail my third attempt. My head wasn't there and I lost it at the bottom.
I've got some thoughts on Smolov that I'll write later, but overall this got me from 465 to 525. Not a bad jump.
290 3×5 – All felt good and relatively fast . Thanks to Fox for a tip about trying to "break" the bar more to avoid weird shoulder internal rotation. This was a reset, so I'm glad it went well.
Whoo boy. This was something else. My second time ever on the assault bike and first time doing tabata. Took a lot out of me and left me dazed, but I'm glad I did it. I'd like to hit this once a week if I can.
305×1 (PR)
This was five pounds heavier than when I pressed out the jerk last week. Thanks to McDowell for watching and making sure I got under the jerk this time around. I'm still going too wide on the clean at this weight and not getting as low as I wanted.
Worked to 225. Felt wonky after the C+J so didn't push it too hard.
30 calorie row
50 Thruster – 105lbs
30 calorie row
Originally planned to break up the thrusters at 20-15-15. That did not work out. Started with 17, then 8, then sets of 5-7. This was tough and took a lot out of me.
4 min AMRAP at 80% pace
7 snatches – 135
14 box jump overs – 24 inches
Was still feeling real beat up when we started this, took the snatches as singles. Got 2 rounds in the four minutes
2 min AMRAP – all-out pace
Oof. This was tough, but I could've pushed myself harder. Ended up doing singles again on the snatches when I could've probably gone unbroken.
4×60 sec hollow holds – HELL
Isabel – 2:00 RXed
Happy to beat my old time of 2:23, but wish I had gone just a little faster and gotten to the top of the leaderboard.
Broke up the reps 10-5-5, then singles, then 3. Should've gone for another set of 5 singles. Thanks to Melo for yelling/cheering me on.
Happy to take a rest day today.
8am with McDowell and MeLo. I took it pretty damn easy on the row and kept it at about 23-24 strokes per minute all the way through. 202 cals altogether.
I went into the bench pressing not quite sure of where I'd end up, but took a guess at 150 since that was about where I finished off the 3×5 last cycle. I actually worked up to 185, which surprised me. Maybe I should have been benching at a higher weight. In any event, this was fun – but I'm happy to be taking a rest day tomorrow.
Question about reservations — I'm in the OLY cycle (my normal membership is ON HOLD), where we have two additional classes to book in a week. When I go to reserve, for example, Open Gym, I cannot, as my membership is listed as on hold. What should the Oly cyclers do re: these 2 classes?
BENNNNN happy birthday! sad you are not at the gym anymore ;_; best of luck with everything!!
Ben, it was great having you in my classes. Best of luck in Ct.
6am. Paused bench: 135×3 / 165×1 / 185×1 / 195×1 / 205×1 / 215×1. 195 was a little slow so I didn't think I would hit anything above that, but I happily got both of the next 2 weights. Finished with 274 calls. Probably should have pushed a bit harder during the first half but finished with a strong effort in the second half.
Love seeing Rebecca C posting today!!! Miss having you around!
BDubbs will be deeply missed. One of the greats!
Make Up post from yesterday afternoon:
-Was supposed to deadlift, but feeling beat up and SORE from comp class and tabata stuff the two days before. Stuck with upper body.
PRESS: 33×5, 43×5, 53×3
This was a backoff/reset weight and it still feels very difficult. Chalk it up to going heavier OH on Sat than I have in months and the thruster wod.
MU strength/skill work. 5 sets of:
-3 transitions (Blue band)
-5 proximal strength transition
-3 planche out-and-ins (each side)
-5 box humps
-3 ring dips
These continue to feel a bit easier, though I've increased the volume, which makes the last 2 sets very challenging.
Had a PT session but was feeling good afterward and wanted to do another MU attempt.
I got 2 (kipping!). Getting over actually felt easy. Didn't really think so much about pulling, just focused on getting through. Had to do like 17 mini kips to dip them out though. Committed to continuing to work dip strength. Did these a few minutes apart. YAY!!!!
The meditation workshop was GREAT, and I'm going to put a 10 minute sit back in my daily practice.
Ben and I were platform brothers during our Strength Cycle in Jan-Feb 2012. A good man. You'll be missed, dude. Don't be a stranger.
195# on the two-second-pause bench press.
4210 meters on the 20 minute row.
RSVP feedback:
I'd like to be able to register for a full week's worth of classes at a time, so please extend the lead time allowed for registration. It would also be nice to be able to register for several classes at once, perhaps by clicking a checkbox on the calendar for the days/times you want. Finally, a "same schedule as last week" button would be awesome.
Pretty interesting little essay about separating mind and body during intense running, and staying in a calm place despite pain:
Thanks for sharing that, Sam! I think that the "calm conversation" that the author talks about is super valuable during a hard WOD—and I definitely notice big (negative) differences in my performance on days when I–for whatever reason–don't have the energy or positivity to stay calm an maintain some distance from the pain of a workout. Pretty much all I think about during Fran is breathing. Though it may sound totally new age-y, I've heard coaches go so far as to tell their athletes to avoid assuming "postures of defeat" during workouts (bending over with hands on knees is a big favorite), as doing so is a pretty good guarantee that an athlete is succumbing to the pain of a workout rather than staying calm/positive and working through it.
It felt really nice to be back at the gym today after traveling last week and working out in a teensy tiny hotel fitness room (and eating like crap.) Came in to lift at 11am, stayed for 12pm Bench and Row.
Feeling better this week, though my balance still feels a little off.
Pause Bench (with the noon class):
1×125 (new pr!)
This was a grind, but not impossible. I definitely need to find time to keep benching regularly as Iron Maiden's approaches.
20 min Row: 241 calories
DO's coaching helped a lot here. Tried to focus on keeping my curve nice and flat, with some minutes with a bit more push. Definitely saved too much at the end, but it was nice to think about form a bit more here.
Oh, and good luck with everything Ben! You will be missed!
I need to replace my weightlifting shoes (I have Risto's.) When I bought them years ago, they were the only weightlifting shoes in the city you could try on in person before buying.
I don't want another pair of Risto's, so tell me where in either BK or Manhattan has the best selection of shoes…. is there a super huge Adidas shop with all the models, for example? Please and thank you ๐
Happy birthday and best of luck, Ben!
10am class with Noah and Melissa.
Pause Bench Press.
45 x 5
75 x 04
95 x 3
115 x 2
125 x 1 (PR)
130 x 1
132 x 1
135 x 1
Think I had more but left it there. Felt great!
Skipped the row because I am avoiding longer rows because of my knee which is currently just fine.
Rack pulls
OK so I totally messed this up. I had planned to do 290 x 5 but it was feeling really heavy warming up so I tried 285 and couldn't believe It but I was definitely done after three reps. was pretty upset as I had done this weight last week but then I noticed that I had counted the two blue plates as green plates which meant actually that I did 315 x 3, which is my deadlift 1RM from July. Relieved that I hadn't somehow lost a lot of strength in a week! Kind of surprised I was able to pull that weight three times though. Also glad I knew to stop at three. Will drop back to maybe 300 next week. And I'll be more careful about counting in future.
Went to the Russian bath house afterwards for a few hours of bliss. Highly recommended AR point there.
@Amanda, when did you attempt to rsvp? I know I made updates to both the Oly and Strength 2x/week add-ons yesterday so I thought this was all good to go. But, if you tried today then I've got to figure out how to fix it. Please let me know. Any other Strength/Oly folks having this same issue?
@Elliot(t), we can change the system to allow rsvp's up to one week in advance, but we decided to start with 3 days. We wanted to avoid people registering so far in advance and then forgetting about it and missing class. I'm open to changing it to one week once people get fully onboard. And sadly, Zen Planner doesn't have the capability to register for more than one class at a time or for the 'same as last week' feature. It's a great idea though and something we can ask them to consider.
Had a client cancel at 12pm which meant I could get my lifts in earlier!
(45×5, 135×5, 175×3, 210×2)
-first set felt the best. still doing these unbelted but I felt myself overextending a bit in the later reps of the 2nd and 3rd set. Trying to hold off on using the belt, but I'm getting close to my limits. pretty sure this is a PR for 3×5. Actually, this might be a 5RM PR.
(45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 105×1)
-these felt great today. had a spotter and a lift off for each one so I was able to keep a good shoulder position. also FINALLY found the right positioning for my feet. Maybe it's the new shoes?
10 calories, assault bike
10e birddogs
10 false grip ring rows
Mobility: 20min lower body
Good luck up north Ben.
Make up for yesterday
3:50 @ 105#
Broken into 10-5-5-4-3-3
First time doing Isabel and I enjoyed it. I've never really cycled snatches before so I wasn't quite sure what my pace was going to be. I lost a bunch of time re gripping the bar.
I'll go heavier next time.
I think Paragon is the only place where you can possibly find addidas lifters, but I'd call first or have someone else chime in if they know otherwise. There are plenty of places that the Reebok CrossFit Oly Lifters are available, notably, the CF Reebok store. I like the Lifter Plus but you might have a specific pair in mind.
@ Lady Fox this was I think on Saturday when I tried — yep it looks like now it's all good to go! Thanks!
Michele- I vote for stalking people at the gym with a similar foot size and asking to try theirs on .. that's what I did with Sam Peltz and I got the perfect fit for my Nikes- thanks Sam ๐
The Adidas store on Broadway and Houston carries the lifters. (And other key pieces of my wardrobe).
Hate to see you go, but love to watch you leave ๐
No seriously, Ben has been a staple of the gym since joining and it won't be the same without him. It won't be the same without you!
BEN! You will be missed man.
Front Squat, 3RM, -5%x3x2
BTN Press, 3RM, -5%, -10%x3
209×2, F3rd
GREAT Lifting today with Arturo, and Margie. Energy in the gym was ON POINT. Atmosphere is everything.
Snatch Pull w/pause below knee+Snatch
Clean Pull+Clean and jerk
Snatch pulls w/pause Below knee
Lifts tonight. Just got right to it. Minimal warm-up: row and hip openers.
SQUAT: 45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 145×1
-Felt good tonight. My quads are super sore from WOD on saturday, but squatting was great.
-Second set was probably the wonkiest. Lost some tension in the middle reps, and started coming up in two pieces again (butt, then chest). Otherwise, these felt solid to me and I feel ready to keep bumping up!
-no belt yet
DEADLIFT: 135×5, 165×3, 185×1
Drop Set: 155×8
-Took video and am happy with this. I have been losing position on reps 4 and 5 in the past few weeks that I've done 5's, so was happy to hit this weight in good form. Only rep 5 was just a hair soft in mid-back.
-Warm-ups double overhand. Work set switch grip. Drop set hook grip.
-no belt yet
Soooooo I'm finally trying my new years resolution of actually posting to the blog.
Ben Whitney! Happy birthday and I miss seeing you around the gym already. You better be coming back to visit!! Wish you all the best in CT.
Paused bench 100# (apparently it was fast since MeLo's reaction was "put weight on that bar") looking forward to MOAR benching this cycle!
*note. My phone automatically put that in all caps…iPhone, you know me like no one else.
AMCRAP (as many calories rowed as possible) = 229. I got all zen like on the erg and stuff.
4:30 today, huge class!
Pause Bench: 45×5, 75×4, 95×3, 115×2, 130x1F, 130x1F
We were running out of time and I felt confident about 125, so I upped it. My 1RM without the pause is 135, and I almost got this up the second time, so I'm fine with the fail.
Finished with 246 cals, and got some good tips from Arturo about locking out my legs and using my quads, which I had just been telling Katie I haven't figured out how to do. Think I got it now! Also, is it weird/wrong/insignificant that I hook grip when I row?
Did a strict press today instead of the bench since I benched in OG last night.
worked up to 4 reps at 60# and missed the 5th. 1 rep at 65#.
The last time I did a press was early August around when I injured my shoulder and that was at 55# so I'm not too upset by 60! I've avoided most overhead work for 4 months now so I wasn't expecting any miracles.
20 minute row… ughhh. 4428 meters, 261 calories.
Will definitely miss Ben! He's one of the few evening people who indulged my lame jokes and complaints about the WODs. Come back and visit us! ๐
Also: Ben, you were one of the first people to go out of your way to be nice to me when I was starting back in 2013. And I won't name names, but I happen to know there is a sizable contingent of women at the gym who have a "serious friend crush" on you. You will be missed.
Didn't have many classes with you, but I knew you were in the 40+ crew with me. Good luck to you, Ben.
Happy B-day Ben and good riddance! JK, I'm kinda in denial that you've left us. You'll be missed!!!
Pause Bench: 45×5, 75×3, 95×1, 105×1, 115×1
No clue what my PR is, this felt heavy today, but i definitely could add some weight here.
Seem to have forgotten my calories rowed, but i enjoyed this. Tried to do 10 strong pulls every 90 seconds or so to keep the ol ' CV system on its toes.
FYI: I went home from the workout and flossed immediately.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN!!! good luck with everything, you will be missed!
6pm lifts
Felt great. Ankle felt good enough to be able to bounce a bit. Back is feeling better, although some of my multifidi may still be showing.
Felt strong. Paused the last double. Wrist also feeling better.
8:30pm Olympic Cycle
85% x1x5
Actually did 8 singles. No misses and they felt good, but I just realized I messed up my math and should have been working at 78kg instead of 72…oops. Don't throw head back, legs not hips.
Snatch Pulls
50kg x5x5
Oly Yoga. Mobility. Fun stuff.
Heavy Single @ #80
246 Calories