Christina on the erg. Tell us: would you rather row four 250m sprints, two 500m sprints, or a 1K?
Are You Ready To Compete?
Interested in representing CFSBK and putting your training to the test in 2015? Here are a couple of upcoming competitions you may be interested in:
Flex in the City Team Competition, Saturday, February 14th:
We’re trying to fill one of our Scaled teams and need one more male and female competitor to complete the team. Registration is $400 per team ($100 per team member). The event takes place at the 69th Regiment Armory in NYC.
Movement Standards: Pull-ups, Wall Balls to a 10-foot target: 14/10 (we have 6# balls available for additional scaling if necessary), Push Press: 95/50, Kettlebell Swing: 53/35 (we have 18# kettlebells available for additional scaling if necessary), Push-ups (push-ups on knees is the additional scaling option), Single Unders. All Scaled Flex athletes can scale standards further during competition.
More information can be found here.
2015 Reebok Spartan Race, Saturday, May 30th:
For the past 3 years, CFSBK has sent a group of adventure-seeking members up to Tuxedo Ridge Ski Resort to run the Tri-State Spartan Sprint. This is a 4-mile race up and down the mountain, with a variety of obstacles to overcome along the way. Interested? Register here.
More information can be found here.
Partner Competition at CrossFit Solace, Sunday, February 8, 2015:
Crossfit Solace located on East 32nd Street in NYC is hosting a “February Fling” partner competition on Sunday, February 8th. The format is a male/female partner competition with 3 qualifying WODs and a final WOD. Those will be released within the next week. There will be an Rx and a Scaled Division. Prizes will be awarded to podium finishers. The price of the competition per participant is $75 or $150/Team.
More information can be found here.
If you are interested in any of the above, email Coach MeLo at Melissa [at]
Collage with Caris
How Exercise Keeps Us Young The New York Times
Also… 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games Open registration begins on Thursday, January 15th! Get psyched.
Wednesday's Programming
4 Rounds For Time:
500m Row
10 Front Squats 185/125
10 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
Last smolov squat day before Friday's 1RM test. Both happy and sad that this is about to end.
425 4×4
425 felt light and fast. Good depth too. Yay!
Followed by 3×60 sec plank holds with a 55lb plate, and ABC.
Makeup from 4:30 yesterday.
WOD 6:58 155# with strict push-ups. DL in 11-10, 5-5-5, 5-4. On the 2nd, middle set, Noah indicated I was getting sloppy but I was able to fix and reset quickly. The push-ups slowed me down but I wouldn't have been able to do these strict a year ago, so I'm happy. I'm glad I got over my fear of HSPU on Sunday night and also glad I didn't try to go for it in the WOD. Thanks to Arturo for his wisdom on that. Will keep working on those.
LFPB Challenge: I didn't sign up for the Challenge but I'm doing a modified Paleo version (still eating some cheese and full-fat Greek yogurt), which is what I do most of the time anyway, but this last week has helped me focus on getting enough protein, cooking more, and eating veggies at almost every meal. I tend not to eat enough carbs and sometimes miss meals even after hard workouts, which leads to poor recovery and a weakened immune system. I'm glad I'm correcting that. My biggest aid is simply having good foods on hand. Since becoming a full-time freelancer, I tend to get enough sleep and I usually drink a lot of water. I don't mobilize enough outside of the gym, so picking that up again has been helpful.
I think I struggle with any sort of food challenge, since it seems like such a privileged thing to be able to be disciplined and hyper-focused on what we eat, but it's also a privileged (and often pretty wasteful) thing to constantly order food online because I didn't go to the grocery store. Or to have the ability to be healthy and squander it. So, you know. I'm glad our gym does this, and I can't wait to see who kicks the Challenge's ass!
Last night: day 1 of Oly cycle. Yikes.
So glad to be back, though:)
6am with Jess and McDowell. I scaled Diane to 185 lbs and push-ups. Finished in 6:20. I came into the gym today thinking I would scale to 155, but after looking around during the warmup I decided to move it up to 185. Glad I did. I broke the DLs up 10-6-5, 6-5-4, 9. I was (pleasantly) surprised that I managed to do the last 9 unbroken. Push-ups went 11-10, 9-6, 5-4. Doesn't take long for those to get tough. I can only imagine how that goes with hspu. Tomorrow looks like some fun…
Kate: full-fat greek yogurt is the best. I have far too much.
Have you guys had that White Moustache yogurt that they have at Brooklyn Larder? It's automatic portion control because one little jar of it costs $6…but holy moly, it's such a delightful splurge, especially the kind with sour cherries. I'm not having any during the challenge, but it's possibly my favorite dairy product ever.
Two surprises when I got in for 7 AM. One was delightful — weighted chinups! I got to +30# for a single, which is a PR for me by 5#. JB…oh my god. She was beating me not only in percentage of bodyweight added (duh), but also in *absolute* numbers. Amazing.
The second surprise was not so delightful, and I'm just going to leave it a surprise for everybody else. 😛 Anyway, WOD in 17:34 with 93# on the bar. Yeah, yeah, I know I can FSQ more than that, but the only way I could have done this WOD Rx is if I could have taken the bar out of the rack and had someone clean it back up for me every time I bailed it. #klutzproblems
Also: I have a feeling the answer to the QOD is going to be data-mined and whatever answer people pick the least is going to show up in a WOD very soon. Don't mind me and my conspiracy theories…
Fage yogurt is the shit. Put in a couple of berries, maybe mix it with protein powder, and you've got yourself a delicious, protein-filled breakfast/dessert/snack/whatever.
7:30 last night
4:59 for me on Diane with 225# deadlifts and 30-20-10 strict push-ups. Deadlifts were 16-5, 10-5, 9, push-ups in somewhat random bursts as I got close to redlining (although the last 10 were all doubles). Annoyed I haven't done the work to get HSPUs yet, but happy with this time, and felt like I had to really push it after watching MeLo completely terminate this one rx'd in 3:54 right before me.
Time to start spending some more time upside down…
Matt, same, and I also love Fage!
I forgot to ask… Since I got back from the DR last Saturday, I've been waking up daily with what feels like weird allergies. I don't remember this happening last year when it got really cold and dry. Is it the lack of air movement with all my windows closed? Is anyone else experiencing this/have an explanation?
6am with Jess on Wednesday's workout.
Weighted chin-ups were fun, never did these before. Ended with one rep using a 45# plate.
Tomorrows WOD, damn. I definitely underestimated this one. I didn't start it until 6:45 and at 7am, I had only just finished my 3rd round, which up to that point was pretty hard Front squats at 135# for 10 was tough after Diane yesterday. Had a little trouble with my grip, so dropped the bar twice, incurring an additional burpee penalty. Sadly, I had to leave after my 3rd round, leaving the only other person doing this workout today, Alex, on his own (sorry!). Had to get home and attend to a 4 year old and 1 1/2 year old. You'd think by this point they should be pretty self sufficient. Kids these days are so spoiled.
@Kate R – is the dryness of apartment heart? Every year, when ours kicks into high gear, I have a few days where I feel like I am getting a cold, but then realize it is just so dry in my house and that must be causing it.
Apartment heat, I should say…
weighted chins: worked up to #65
WOD @ #175: 24:08
tl;dr: 75% of a 1RM for the front squats was way too heavy (for me)
Seriously overestimated my front squats here. I honestly thought I could get through this workout Rx, but dropped down to 175 because I thought I wouldn't have to bail at that weight. Lol. I had to bail once every round on the front squats and sandbag the rowing (averaged around 2:00 splits) just to get through this, and it took me forever. If I could do it again I'd try #155, which was the weight I did on our workout a while back that was 4 cleans/4 front-squats/4 s2o for 4 rounds. I think this workout is pretty comparable to that one in terms of load.
Also, deadlifts yesterday were probably a factor, since the main limiter for me here was core stability and keeping the bar in the rack.
@MM I hear you about the 4-year-olds. I read Huck Finn once and I thought they'd be more like that by now.
@Alex – 2 days of opportunities to learn about proper scaling! Bravo.
Last night:
Lots of empty bar work in OL class, and even a remedial PVC drill especially for me 🙂 Frank has already noticed two of my "bad" habits. Looking forward to drilling technique at sub max loads so I can then lift heavy shit. Also picked up some fodder during a lecture about mobility and injury that I am going to adopt.
Back Squat (back to high bar through the Olympic cycle)
45×5, 95x5x2, 135×3, 185×3, 225×2, 265×1
85% (285) x2x8
Tentative on the bounce because of my still creaky right ankle and a minor (what feels like multifidus) tweak the other day but otherwise it was like getting back on a bicycle after a while off one. Slow going at first and easier as I went along.
@Michael C. That's probably it! I'll fire up a humidifier and see if that helps.
Hey Chris Fox, your multifidus is showing!
185 x 5 x 3 (paused)
75 x 3 x 3
12pm tiny group class- Wednesday's WOD.
20.25 @113#
Messed this one up a bit! I should have gone 10# lighter, I think. Went out too hard on the first row and never really caught my breath. Bailed on the eighth rep of the fourth round and the last rep of the last round so I had to do 10 extra burpees. I didn't make the decision to do extra burpees lightly, believe me, and it definitely was great motivation to keep going, but not quite enough to make me squeeze out those extra reps when it felt like I was just going to fall forwards if I tried. A bit frustrating as I know I should have been able to do it but I just didn't have the willpower today.
*third round….it felt like five rounds…
What's the code for the Kettlebell Kitchen discount?
Catch-up Post:
11am lifting:
Snatch–worked up to 44kg (~90%) for a few singles.
-Was on the fence about lifting or doing work but my new lifting shoes came in so it was a sign! They feel awesome and am actually looking forward to squatting tomorrow because of them.
15mins A/R
-couch stretch, glute bridges, lax ball and thoracic extension work.
Monday 8:30pm lifting:
(45×5, 115×5, 175×3, 200×1)
-ugh, these did not feel great. video shows that speed was fine. but i'm reaching my hips to far back to start and then trying to stand up leading with my chest.
(45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 110×2)
-had planned on going to 120 but I was lifting solo and didn't feel comfortable pulling the bar out solo. I've learned to do this solo in the R3 but I just don't feel like my shoulders can get into a good position.
I haven't worked out at 8:30pm in like 3 years and I didn't like it. I don't think I had enough fuel in me and/or I was too tired. I also don't like lifting by myself.
Joy – just sent an email to LFPB participants in case anyone else missed it.
On Sunday, I think I left my gold necklace with a diamond and emerald drop on a bench in the gym. It was between 2 and 3pm and I was working on power cleans with Ro.
Please let me know if you've seen it. It belonged to my mother.
Thank you,
It was found! It's behind Front Desk in the valuables L&F. You can pick it up when you're here next.
Really wanted to do Diane last night but was thwarted by overly complicated plans. By that I mean the coordinating of plans got me so exhausted and annoyed that I had to go home and take a hot bath with a bourbon.
Made it today after FOUR days of complete inactivity (it's amazing I'm sane) because of a gruesome stomach flu. The workout went as I should have expected… pretty poorly!
Ran to the gym
Warm up x3
12 PVC good mornings
:30 of Lat activations
Diane Abridged
I ended up doing 21-9 in 7:42-ish. No one likes the round of 15 anyway.
155# DL is tough for me, and my goal was sets of 6-5-5-5-5 for the first round, which I did but I was clearing my 3rd set of 5 just as Kristan Clever would have been completing her last HSPU
I wanted the HSPUs to go 8-7-6, but after a set of 8 I went straight to 3s, 2s and singles.
That was at about 5:36 and the DLs were making me nervous (to be explained), so I did 5-4 and then 9 HSPUs
Cash out x3
20 erg pulls
:30 hollow hold
Part of my problem today was the umbilical herniation I noticed yesterday — possibly triggered by my violent stomach bug. It's been distracting me and changed the way I braced for these movements. I also feel that my body may still be recovering from this virus.
I've been upset about what's going to happen with this herniation situation. It was really nice to talk to McDowell about it today — a balance of compassion, sound advice and personal experience. Bethany sent me a ton of useful information, too.
I showed a doctor today who referred me to a surgeon. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, but I'm not sure how useful that will be. Thanks to everyone who was at the gym today encouraging me in the work-out (which took me WAY long) and offering support and suggestions regarding my belly button problem. The crazy glue and duct tape don't seem to be working tho :/
To be continued…
5:30 class today, in the Monday section with Whitney:
Did a scaled version of Diane using 225 and lower volume (15,9,6) on the HSPU. Took somewhere b/w 12 and 13 minutes. Thanks to Whit and the rest of the 5:30 class, who all finished the WOD and then hung around to cheer me on as I pumped out singles every 30 seconds or so on the HSPU's during the last set. Would have been slower and less fun w/o the moral support. Thanks guys.
Gotta get better at HSPU's . . .
Cal Stregth training session today.
242×2, F second
264×2 PR at this weight
Clean and jerk
Clean Position pulls
I woke up this morning picturing my barbell from Diane last night. I re-did my math, and realized that I did 150 rather than 140. Since I use yellow plates like never, I just could not compute (under pre-WOD duress!) that 45 + 70 = 115 (kept thinking 105) + 15s and 2.5s. Sooo, I guess I could have done 155. Did strict push-ups and finished in 5:42.
Today, I wore the sorely neglected medieval belt chain that involves a screw fastening mechanism. After Sam was so kind to help me figure out how to put it on (which took 5 minutes – whereas a green band would have taken 15 seconds), I added a dainty 5 lb plate. I'd argue that with the chain, the total weight was close to 10 lbs. Since I got my first chin-up in July, I never imagined doing weighted ones. Did 3-3-2-2-1. Then the WOD at 83 lbs in 18:38.
Asha—I always have bar math fail realizations in my sleep too! What's up with that?
Thank you, Stella! Your comments on here always make me smile.
Wednesdays WOD at 7am:
…felt like I had a little more in me, but it was time to metcon.
Conditioning: 17:43, Rx. Moderate pace on the row and burpees with a good chunk of rest before picking up the bar for squats. I'm glad I took my time so that I could make it through all the squats unbroken!
Now off to Princeton for the next couple of days where I will not have access to transportation to any sort of CrossFit gym (and very little time to go). Hotel gym fun, here I come!