Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to last exposure.
BSQ e11/12
Performance: 1 x 20
Add 5-15 pounds to last exposure. Use spotters.
BSQ e6/6
Post loads to comments.
4 Rounds, As Many Reps As Possible:
1 Minute Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull 72/53/35
1 Minute Box Jumps 20/16
1 Minute Push Presses 75/55/35
1 Minute Rest
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Katie… holds a barbell. We just think this is a nice picture.
Are You a Strong Woman Who Wants to Flex on the Beach?
Two pretty cool dudes, Alan L. and Mike F., are looking for a girl to compete in the Flex on the Beach this Saturday, Sept. 13th. If you can Rx the WODs and want to have a shit ton of fun, email Mike ASAP at mfiore319 [at]
Learn More About the Park Slope Babysitting Coop
CFSBK parents, are you looking for affordable and convenient babysitting? A way to get to to know other CFSBK/Park Slope families? The Park Slope Babysitting Coop—currently headed by CFSBK’s own Coach Nick (president) and Erica N. (secretary)—allows parents to trade babysitting shifts with each other, and is currently recruiting! The fall meeting will be held at CFSBK on October 5th at 3:30pm-5:30pm. If you are interested in joining or just want to learn more, please plan on attending!
About the Park Slope Babysitting Coop
The Park Slope Babysitting Coop is a convenient way to trade babysitting time with your neighbors! Babysit others’ children to earn points, and trade those points in when you need a night off. You have complete control over who you sit for and who sits for you. Scheduling and point management are handled though an easy-to-use website.
Best of all, trading babysitting is affordable. Annual coop dues ($10) pay for managing the website, and there are no additional costs for trading babysitting hours.
The Park Slope Babysitting Coop meets quarterly to ensure that all participants have a chance to get to know their potential sitters and children. Attendance at a meeting prior to joining is mandatory. If you are interested in joining, please plan to attend the summer meeting at CFSBK, October 5th, 3:30pm-5:30pm! RSVPing is appreciated, but not required.
Contact Erica N. with any questions and to RSVP: erica.nofi [at]
QOD: When you were in grade school, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you do now?
What I Find Myself Doing When I Watch CrossFit Videos
A Sure Sign of True Love at the Box
See the Irony?
What Do You Look Like When You Swing a Kettlebell?