Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Start a bit off where you left off last cycle. Aim to add 5-10 lbs each week.
Performance: 92.5% x 1, 72.5% x 10
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters
30 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
Mel L. warming up her squat at Open Gym last night
Have you signed up yet for the 2015 CrossFit Open? We’re now 19 days away from Open Workout 15.1! Register today! There will be Rx’d and scaled versions of each workout, so you can only help CFSBK’s team by signing up. Even if you do one rep for one of the WODs, it won’t bring the team down. We just want you to join us! Sign up here, and after you complete your registration, make sure to join CFSBK’s team (you can see everyone who has already signed up here).
News and Notes
- DON’T FORGET TO RSVP TO CLASS: Click on the Class Schedule and RSVP tab in the left-hand column (under General Information) and select the class for which you’d like to RSVP.
- Want to work out TOMORROW at 9am and bring your kid/s? Now you can! Sign them up at the Front Desk for CFSBK Kids Club, and learn more here.
- Happy birthday, Pilates Maven KH (aka Cage)!!!
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9am with David and Melissa
Front squats are still moving well. 1 rep at 215# and all 10 at 175#.
WOD Rx'd at 9:40.
I was pretty good at keeping below a 2:00min pace but it creeped past there a few times. Thrusters were unbroken and much easier than I thought they would be. The first 5 or 10 burpees though were way harder than I thought they would be. Ended up settling into a good pace and the last 10 were fast.
9am class with DO, Melo, MattyChm, Brandon, Rob U, Manu, Barbara, Pablo, a guy in a blue shirt, some ladies and other people.
FSQ – 155x3x3. WOD in 10:40.
Still toying with the idea of starting my own crossfit-themed blog. Trying to decide between two different concepts:
1) Constantly Varied Fashionable Moments (lifestyle theme, but think GOOD not GOOP). I've mentioned this one on the blog before – check your bookmarks. Alternate title: Jây-à-Porter
2) "Through a dark lens of pain and shame: Personal stories of humiliation" (also lifestyle theme)
It just occurred to me that I could combine the two: "Black and Bleak"?
I'd love some feedback from you all . . .
8am with David and MeLo. Performance programming for the front squats: 1 rep at 170 and 10 reps and 135. These were moving well, though my bar partner, Pavel, noticed that on some reps I was pitching forward a little bit. Gotta remember to lead up with my elbows. David's notes on elbow position were also helpful in making my rack position feel more stable.
I surprised myself on the WOD, finishing in 7:49. The row took about 4 minutes – most of it spent at at little over 2:00 split and a stroke rate of about 27. The thrusters were unbroken other than a short 4-breaths rest while still holding the barbell after the 30th rep. The burpees went surprisingly quickly – especially the last 10, which I did at an all-out sprint on David's advice. Several hours later, my lungs are still tickling a bit, but this was fun.
12PM with Whit, Noah, McD
45 x 5
115 x 3
135 x 1
145 3 x 3
These moved well. Found myself focusing on keeping a balance between a quick descent and a straight back. Pitched forward on the second set and my heels came up. I corrected that on the third set.
WOD RX – 8:22
This was a fun WOD, I also really like chippers.
Row: I kept the row between 1:50 and 2:00 with a few power strokes at 500 and 250 that brought me down to 1:40. The last 50m I took really easy to catch my breath.
Thrusters: I liked working through the discomfort. It was a great mental challenge. With every rep I tried to rest 1-2 seconds at the top, sometimes that scaled up to 5. I sprinted through the last 10 to get through them. Next time I'll rest less at the top less or consistently throughout.
Burpees: Just kept going, no matter how slow they were.
I really want another go at this. Confident I could be in the 7 minute mark.
Cash Out: I did it.
180 on the FS and felt good. Amazing what a difference 3×3 is vs 3×5.
8:50 on the wod. Burpees were fine. Thrusters were thrusters and they can go bite rocks.
Is today Cage's birthday???!!!
Front squatted light since I'm back squatting in OG tomorrow.
God that WOD… painful.
9:39 with a 33# bar.
Finished the row in about 4:10 and definitely had to break up the thrusters after about 15 reps.. ouch- shoulders were in major pain
Happy Birthday Cage!!
Pause Bench Press.
45 x 5
75 x 4
95 x 3
105 x 2
115 x 2
125 x 3 x 3
Totally forgot to do a drop set.
135 x 4
185 x 4
215 x 4
235 x 4
250 x 4
265 x 4
280 x 4 (PR for reps)
260 x 4
Today- 1pm class.
Pause Front Squat
45 x 5
75 x 5
95 x 4
115 x 2
135 x 3 x 3
McDowell said my position at the bottom looked good. I felt like he had won a prize. 🙂
1000M row
50 thrusters @ 45#
30 burpees
10:49. This was hard. I do not like pain.
* I. I felt like I had won a prize.
Happy birthday, KH! One of the funniest women I know.
Jay-Star, combine the two. No question.
Makeup from OG last night:
Press 65x3x10
Doing a new progression since I topped out a couple LPs at 87.5#. Will add 5-10 pound next week.
Deadlift 165x3x5 Volume day, still feel like I should be lifting more than this. :/
Did K HarpZ's WOD from Wednesday:
For time:
30 cal row
30 WB
50 DU
20 WB
50 DU
10 WB
30 cal row
Finished in 9:01, WB unbroken. First time I've done WB in a workout since I strained my hip flexor. Go team!
1pm class today with Mc-Noah-ney.
Front squat 105x3x3 (first set accidentally did 5)
My form feels dialed in and great. Happy with this weight for week 2.
WOD in 10:31 with 45# bar, thrusters broken up in sets of 10. Charlie, are you sure you weren't 9:49? I know you finished before me. Maybe I was 11:31, but I'm pretty sure I was at 10 min… What a great, seemingly endless opportunity to get comfortable being super uncomfortable.
Quite possible, Kate! Thought I saw a 10 up there but my brain was pretty fuzzy 🙂