Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Start at about 90% of where you left last cycle.
Performance: 95% x 1, 75% x 10
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 3 Minutes:
Clean and Jerks 135/95
Rest 3 Minutes
AMRAP 3 Minutes:
7 Toes to Bar
7 Push Ups
Rest 3 Minutes
AMRAP 3 Minutes:
Calories Rowed
Barbell should be light-ish. Toes to bar and push ups should be mostly unbroken. Row HARD.
Post load and Rx to comments.
Our two CFSBK teams at CrossFit Solace’s February Fling yesterday. Huge congrats to Alex B. and Coach MeLo on taking third place!!
News and Notes
- Coach David has a new post over on his blog Inside the Affiliate about programming Not For Time work at CFSBK. Check it out to learn more about our programming: “Turn Off the Clock: Why You Should Program Not For Time Work at CrossFit Gyms.”
- Have you signed up yet for the 2015 CrossFit Open? We’re now 17 days away from Open Workout 15.1! There will be Rx’d and scaled versions of each workout, so you can only help CFSBK’s team by signing up. Sign up here, and after you complete your registration, make sure to join CFSBK’s team (you can see everyone who has already signed up here).
- Happy birthday, Rob P.!
Join Us For a FREE CrossFit Kids Teaser Class Monday, February 16th!
You’ve been asking us about CrossFit Kids! While we’re putting together the program, we want to give you a sneak peek of what to expect when we launch.
CrossFit Kids is not just a scaled down version of adult classes! It combines gymnastics, body-weight movements, and weightlifting elements that encourage bone density and vestibular system development. Children have a great opportunity to maximize their physical skills when exposed to this stimulus during years of peak physical development. Classes are designed to be engaging, fast-paced, and most importantly FUN! Kids will learn proper mechanics and gain a lifelong love of health and fitness.
Spaces are limited. Sign up now to guarantee your spot. 3-2-1-GO!
Preschool (3 – 5): Monday, Feb 16th at 8am
Kids (6 – 8): Monday, Feb 16th at 10am
Not Competing In Iron Maidens, But Interested In Helping Out?
We are looking for a few strong women to volunteer during the day! Please email margie [at] TODAY if you’re interested in one of the following jobs, and indicate which shift(s) work for you (all shifts subject to slight change). You won’t want to miss being part of this epic day.
4-6 women who have experience lifting and spotting, and are relatively strong. You MUST be comfortable responding quickly to calls for spot and working with a team to keep the lifters safe. Shifts are roughly 9:30am to 1pm and 2:30pm to 5ish.
1-2 women who can weigh-in competitors and take opening attempts weights. Shifts are 8:30-10am and from 12-1pm.
2-4 scorers who are comfortable using USAPL software to enter competitors scores during the meet. Will train scorers on software. Shifts are 9am-2pm and 1pm to 5pm.
1 or 2 volunteers to fill in where needed, and help sponsors get set up.
Shifts throughout the day
Astounding Workout Art Barstarzzz
Secrets of the Animals That Dive Deep Into the Ocean BBC
Amazing Time-Lapse Film of National Treasure BBC
Awesome job, Team SBK!
Make-up from yesterday:
Wendler 3 Week – HBBS
330 x 3
375 x 3
425 x 10 rep out.
Felt good, kept a few in the tank.
210lbs 4 x 3
Felt better than last week. The first rep is always the hardest at this weight, which is odd.
Sunday's Tabata Mash-up
157 at 24 inch box/2 pood kettlebell.
Used this as a way to practice bounding box jumps, which I don't do much of anymore. I've got to get better mentally – was stopping before the beep and looking at the clock. Should just go all out until the beep comes.
KHarpz: THEM PANTS THOUGH! Nicely done, team SBK! (But someone please explain to me that photo I saw on FB with MeLo and Ro licking…rolled up T-shirts?)
Bench: super fun to partner with Pigeon, who helped me practice the pause and rack commands during warmups. 142.5 for the single, 112.5×10. I made the latter harder than it had to be by gripping the bar too narrowly. Whoops.
Too many numbers to remember for the WOD. Pro tip: Fight your partners for the chance to do the movements in the order posted on the blog. When you start with the second part and end with the C&J…ew! C&J are TERRIBLE after a row!
6am with NickDowell
Bench press: 45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 105×5, x5, x4
I should've had the last rep on the last set but just didn't focus on staying right. I'll be repeating this weight next week.
Crash-b's recovery row instead of the wod. My traps are very sore, so Nick recommended taking it easy. I'm feeling a little intimidated by the workouts ahead this week.
7am with mcnick,
Bench with Stella, is it weird that im more impressed by the 10x bench rather than 1x 95%?
Failed last rep last week so this was a repeat; 150x5x3, felt good.
Crash B 4×5'/5' rest, goal was to stay consistent at race pace +5", I added another second on that math to feel good about myself and hit my numbers.
Showed up to work an hour late, kinda feels good to look around and not have anyone dare judge me.
Rings class = awesome. Ken = awesome.
BTW – I will be debuting two new pairs of shoes this week. Not sure what days/times yet – so keep the 6:30 – 9:30pm time slots open.
10am class
Very tough.
T2B and Push Ups
49 reps
Row Cals
C&J 135
Grace in 2:43
Didn't redline on any of it except for the last 5 or so C&J. This was fun.
Every time I think Jay can't get any funnier, he does.
Jay-Star, you are too much 🙂
6am. Bench: 135×5 / 165×3 / 195×1 / 218.5×1 / 175×10. All moved well here.
WOD: 139 reps Rx. Started with T2B/pull-ups. 62 reps there. Kip fell apart after round 2. Then 60 cal on the rower, then 17 C&J. C&J was mostly in doubles. Pretty tough after those first 2 movements and especially the row.
6:30am Strength Cycle
I hit a mental plateau with squats this cycle. Then loaded 5 extra pounds by mistake on my first exposure today, and lifted the weight without realizing it…. So, yeah, mental plateau.
LBBS: 122.5lbs x 5, 117.5 5 x 2
Press: 57.5lbs 5 x 2, 55 x 6
Deadlift: 160 x 3
Also, my fist love, deadlifts have been causing me problems ever since I helped my roommate move a sh*t load of heavy boxes. Lower side of back has been bothering me for 2 weeks and I don't know to fix it.
Also, bitching fest in full effect. Should have started with that.
Bench Press: 185x5x3
LP starting to feel heavy.
Metcon: 148 reps total
#135 C&J: 17 reps
ttb/pushups: 69 reps
row: 62 cals
Peaked too early on the row and really felt like quitting but a sense of shame kept me going.
@Jaystar that's a good one.
Oops, 57 on the T2B/Push Up couplet.
Congrats to the crew from Solace. Harps' tight game is indeed, tight.
Ooh excited about Crossfit Kids! Monday 8am is a weird time for us but looking forward to future dates and times. 🙂
Glad everyone was digging the tights! I spotted them on Lauren Fisher at Wodapalooza and had to have em.
5 min to establish a 1RM C&J: opened at 145#, 150#, 155(F)- failed the clean???, 155#, 160# (F)
Was really happy with 155#, it felt fairly solid too. Didn't even give 160# (current PR) a chance, cleaned it, dipped, then dropped. Me and Ro totaled 420# though, which was pretty sweet! Which means he got 265#, even tho he PRed at 270# in the warmup : D
5 min front squat/OHS partner WOD @ 115#: 104 reps
I did the front squats, Ro was doing OHS in sets of 12 for most of them, i switched off sets of 8-10. Felt MUCH better than when we ran through this last week. He definitely got more reps in than I did, but I was happy I could hold it down for this many.
WOD 3, was a BOTCH:
max pullups/muscle ups in 2 min: I ended up with about 15 unbroken pullups to start, then I lost count
immediately followed by 4 rds partner WOD:
Row 250
15 T2B
Our rower broke! so we had to just stand there and wait for a new ERG while everyone else kept going. About 3 minutes into the workout we finally got back into it. We ended up finishing before a group too. But the judges only gave us 1.5 minutes back. Which was lame because we probably wouldve been bumped up a place or two in the rankings : ( but overall I felt like we crushed it! We ran through it before and completed somewhere in the low 6s. So thats probably closer to where we finished, vs. 7:24….
We ended up placing 9th, which is still really great! It was an awesome day, so happy that I finally got to compete!! I've been itching to for quite some time now. Onnnn to the next one, Flex this weekend!
Testing…..1 2 3…i think my big huge blog post got eaten! = O : (
Power jerk out of blocks (kgs)
2 rounds NFT
5 hang clusters
5 chin-ups
10 push-ups
Bench press
45×5, 135×5, 155×3, 165×3
Took the WOD at about 75% intensity today
3:00 AMRAP
7 T2B
7 push-ups
4 rounds
3:00 AMRAP
CALS rowed (50)
3:00 AMRAP
Power clean, push press 135
15 reps
Kept it to a strict push press which actually felt really light
1 rep at 250 – felt a little heavier than expected but moved reasonably well. 195×10 moved well
Metcon in order: 167 reps. 30 c & j 72 reps of the couplet and 65 calories on the erg
GHD situpsx10x4
Assault bike tabata…CARDIO!
Congrats to the February Fling competitors!
Spent a lot of time doing AR last night which was great — I am making the commitment to get back into the habit of mobilizing and meditating at night.
Before class – lax glutes and traps — gnarly left trap seems to be the origin of my left shoulder problem
Bench press – 2 sec pause
3 min on 3 min off:
Row – 40 cal
C&J – worked on cycling at 73# – 23
7 T2B/7 push-ups – 4 RNDs plus 7 T2B and 5 push-ups
I've been averaging fewer CrossFit classes than I'm used to (1-2 instead of 4-5/wk) so I'm cutting myself some slack on these workouts. It was nice to go a little lighter on the cleans and try out cycling reps. Also trying to be smarter about showing up to oly class not fried.
45 x 10 (felt a bit creaky so kept going)
95 x 4
135 x 4
185 x 4
205 x 4
225 x 4
240 x 4 (PR for reps)
225 x 4
Somehow my heavy set felt lighter and more solid than my last warm-up set.
Bench Press
45 x 5,
65 x 4,
85 x 3,
115 x 1,
125 x 3, failed fourth rep.
125 x 3 x 2.
Disappointed but I was bound to fail eventually, though I think on another day I might have pushed harder. The following two sets of three were just fine. When I consider that before this LP, my best 3 x 5 was 105, I feel better about this.
Rack pull
135 x 5,
185 x 4
235 x 3
275 x 2
290 x 1
305 x 5
This felt way lighter than 300# felt last week.
worked up to 95# on the bench today shooting for 3×3. Missed 1 rep on the first set because I wasn't confident. The second and third set moved slow but I did it!
C&J at 63#, 17 reps.
situps/strict pushups: 42 reps. My pushups were just not happening fast tonight.
row: 50 cals – this was last but definitely felt the strongest.
109 total reps.
makeup post…
(45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×1, 250×1)
-Friday's will now be 3RM day until the meet. These were challenging but manageable.
(45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 120×1)
-paused the first one. no problem.
(135×5, 185×4, 225×3, 255×1)
-moved to 3's to make bigger jumps. I've been so focused on the squat that my deadlift game was lacking. finally abandoned the hook grip. heavy but totally doable. goal is to make 10# jumps till the meet.
Friday Night and Saturday Comp Team Practice: bunch of stuff.
(45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×1)
-dropping back a bit in weight so keep volume in on Mondays. Will add 5# next week.
(45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 115×1)
-paused the first rep of each set. only the last rep of the last couple sets got challenging. happy about this.
Definitely impressed by the February Fling folks, the Birthday Girl Charlie, and all the other ladies gearing up for Iron Maidens with mad weight!
Today I finally got through 3X5 with #75 on the bench press (I failed this on Friday). Helpful advice from Noah regarding the arch in my back and also pausing only on the first rep for practice…definitely helped me get through the reps!
Also got great advice from Whit regarding the WOD. I have the skill of T2B, but wasn't sure I'd be able to string 7 of them together for a WOD of multiple rounds. She encouraged me to practice after the workout, and to just scale the # of reps next time, instead of choosing situps. Pulling back away from the bar instead of just lifting my legs made a notable difference.
Oly class
2 jumping snatch pulls + 1 snatch
Clean and Jerk
Posting for yesterday and today!
SQUAT: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 160×1
This is 15# off my most recent 1RM for LBBS… which admittedly was a while ago.
No belt. Feelin' heavyish but pretty smooth still!
BENCH: 45×5, 75×4, 95×3 (pause 1), 105×2 (pause 1), 115×1 (pause),
122.5×3 (pause 1)
Fine. Will do this weight for sets across sans pause on Wednesday.
Shoulders just feeling a bit tired.
WU: 3 rounds: 20 lunges (15# plate OH), 4 chins, :20ish hollow hold
DEADLIFT: 135×5, 175×3, 190×1
Belted. Switch grip. Felt pretty decent. 3rd rep a hair soft, but not bad.
I find switch grip puts me so much wider b/c I have a big carrying angle at my elbow and if i try to put my hands in closer (where I would double OH), my elbow runs into my leg. interesting.
WOD, in order as written: 125 reps total, with scaled weight.
C&J @ 75#. 22 reps. Happy to scale this since I still haven't done any real volume/speed/intensity with dynamic S2O. Did 5 unbroken-ish, and then mostly singles. Should practice cycling more before the open. No pain with this, but a bit of lingering ache in shoulder joints on the way out of the gym. Felt fine within 30 min or so.
TTB/PushUps: 4 rds even (56 reps). First round of push-ups unbroken. Everything else was 4+3. Last TTB round was 3, 2, 2. Still need to be better about cycling as I fatigue. Stay tighter in the front of the swing!!!
Row: 47 cal. nauseating. ate a bit too much before coming to the gym.
Real conditioning! Wooooo!
@Whit H #carryingangleprobz On the bright side, I bet those bad boys are pretty useful for hauling a big ol double bag of groceries. Which in my opinion, is a true test of fitness. I always judge my shoulder/grip endurance on my ability to farmers carry my groceries a half a mile without taking a break. A month ago I had to stop 8 times, last week I only stopped TWICE! Functional Fitness FTW
M/ 41/ 135 lbs/ 5'-6"
I must have misread this, but did a slight variation of this WOD.. I did:
7 minutes AMRAP C&J 135 (terrible only got 32 reps-no bumpers so had to lower with lots of control each rep)
rest 3 minutes
7 min AMRAP 7 T2B & 7 pushups (slow and steady 145 reps)
rest 3 minutes
7 min AMRAP for calories on Rower (slow and stead-93 cals)
for a total of 270 reps/ cals.
The rower was BRUTAL.. the clock was not moving and I was feeling it in my hams for sure.
lots of rolling out post WOD for me. cramping up in my calves and butt.
Good workout.
I want to do this as Rx for only 3 minutes so I can go super fast. 7 minutes is too long to go all out 3 times in a row. I did like the 7 on 3 off however.