Fitness: Clean Deadlift + Hang Power Clean
Work up to a heavy weight on the complex and perform 3-5 reps there.
Performance: Clean 5 x 1
Hit 5 singles between 80% and 90% of your recent 1RM. If you’re feeling good then work at the 90% end, if you’re feeling off then work at the 80% end. Your work reps must be no lighter than 80% and no heavier than 90%.
Post loads to comments.
Spend 15 minutes working one of the following options:
A) Strict Muscle Ups. Use a manual assist as necessary.
B) Muscle Up Progression:
-5×3 Box Humps (use a false grip, reset after each rep as necessary)
-5×3 Band Assisted Transitions (finish the dip as able)
Perform all reps of one then the other.
C) Upper Body Strength Work
-1a) 5×3 Strict Chin Ups, as difficult as possible
-1b) 5×3 Matador Dips, or Close Grip Push Ups
Alternate between exercise A and B.
Post what you worked on to comments.
CFSBK Public Service Announcement: Please don’t store your phone or keys on the cinderblock ledge. Though there might be a happy ending if you’re Coach JB and have fishing line, a hook, and a talented significant other…
News and Notes
- ATTENTION FIGHT GONE BAD TEAM CAPTAINS! All team shirts will be ordered on Friday, and you must get your info to Jess by 5pm Thursday. Any team that doesn’t provide this info will all get large t-shirts and the color of her choosing! Also, if your team has not heard from their team captain, contact Jess ASAP. Info [at]
- We’re at $8,662 as of 10:30pm last night! Nice job, FGB fundraisers! Special shout-out to Peter M. who pulled in first yesterday and Erik B. who continues to crush it! Team Wodtoberfest is in 1st Place!
- Happy birthday, Emily V.!
Catching Up With CFSBK Classifieds
- Pigeon is selling his iPad Mini retina 64gb, and is asking a great price for it!
- Mrav is selling a road bike!
- Mare has a furnished 1-bedroom condo in Crown Heights available for short-term stays, discounted to $95/night. Fully-equipped kitchen, washer, and dryer in the unit and private terrace, along with access to the shared roof.
Photographing the Extreme Transformation of the Meatpacking District Citylab
Swedish Scientists Square Off Over Who Can Sneak In Most Dylan Lyrics NPR
Mattias Adolfsson’s Manically Detailed Sketches and Doodles Colossal
Missing Lifts in Training Catalyst Athletics