Work up to a heavy load on the complex:
Fitness: Power Clean + FSQ
Performance: Clean Pull + High Hang Clean
The Clean Pull reinforces finishing hip and knee extension in a vertical manner. It should exactly mimic your clean, minus the third pull, aka racking the bar. In the first version the lifter reaches triple extension (ankle, knee, hip) and shrugs at the top. In the second version the lifter hits all the same points of performance and adds in a sharp redirection under the bar without actually racking it.
With no redirection.
With rapid redirection, aka “Panda Pull.”
Post loads to comments.
Fitness and Performance: 1 x 5 Linear Progression
Back off a bit from where you ended last cycle with the goal of surpassing it by the end of this cycle. Reread Coach Noah’s article on Monday, “Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail: Planning Your Lifts Before and During a Cycle” to get a more specific sense of where you should start.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 6 Minutes:
12 Split Jumps
6 Toes to Bar or 8 V-Ups
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Whether performing a deadlift, snatch, or clean, the following points of performance always apply when setting up to pull a barbell off the floor:
– Your back should be set in absolute extension
– Your feet should be in the “power stance” with the weight balanced towards the mid-foot
– The bar should be touching your shins
– Your lats should be engaged and you should feel like you’re pulling up on the bar without actually lifting it.
– The bar should be held towards the base of your fingers so that no skin gets pinched when you start to pull
- Happy birthday, Morris L.!
Updates to RSVP to CFSBK
- You no longer have to leave this blog to RSVP. Simply click on the Class Schedule and RSVP tab in the left-hand column (under General Information) and select the class for which you’d like to RSVP. Zen Planner will load on the page and you can follow the same steps as before.
- We’ve removed the one-hour limit on time to cancel your RSVP.
- If you’ve RSVP-ed for a different class than the one for which you show up (though ideally this doesn’t happen), please ask the Front Desk to uncheck you from the original class, so you don’t get charged for two classes.
- Effective Monday, Active Recovery drop-ins will now be $20 (the same price as Yoga and Pilates). We are offering a 10-class Active Recovery punch card for $150 ($15/class), which has a six-month expiration. Yoga and Pilates punch cards will remain at 5 classes for $85.
Nike releases its first “CrossFit” shoe, the Nike Metcon 1 Nike
Failing, Bailing, and Training Culture at CrossFit Affiliates Inside the Affiliate
A Four Year Degree Versus a Two Day Seminar The Russells
8am. Olympic lifting homework. Back squats: 275x3x2, 275x2x5. Came forward on my toes on the 3rd rep of the 2nd set. No real reason, just wasn't paying attention. Legs felt a little tired today. Snatch (2 transitions from power position to knee + power snatch + overhead squat): 95x3x5. Felt snappy on almost all reps today. Overhead squat felt strong. Snatch pulls: 185x3x5. Fox said my legs looked a little too straight after the pull from the floor to the knee. Felt strong, though. Was pulling 185 to my upper chest. I'd better be able to snatch this weight at some point.
8am. Clean: worked up to 175 and all were feeling pretty good. Deadlift: 295×5. Probably started too heavy if I was going to have 8 weeks of this but I'll only get to the 4th exposure before I move, so I'm ok here.
WOD: I had a whiteboard but thought I could keep rounds in my head at first. I started forgetting where I was so I _think_ I ended up with 9 rounds + 3 T2B but it could have easily have been 8 rounds instead. Back in for rings class at 2.
Make up from yesterday.
Worked out at CrossFit East Bay (my old gym) in Oakland
Gave up on the Low Bar. Was have a lot of trouble finding my balance and pacing, and figured it made more sense to stick with, and train with, what I know going up to the meet. Definitely felt way more comfortable with the high bar. 195 was HARD, but doable. Might try to go up to 200 next time, though I don't think I could do three sets of five in 15 minutes.
Heavy and hard.
8am with the Foxes. I worked up to 145 on the clean complex. The bar path on these felt good – it felt like I was maintaining the same path from the pause drills, which isn't always the case. Fox's cue to push my elbows wider on the catch made the whole affair feel more stable than usual. Looking forward to dialing these in and adding weight over the next 8 weeks.
225 on the deadlifts-hook gripped. I think 225 was the right place to start the cycle-these felt good, not light at all, but clearly with room to add weight.
I finished 6 rounds plus 12 split jumps in the WOD. I REALLY need to work on kipping toes to bars. These were a shit show. On the bright side, stopping my wild seining in the bar provided a little rest.
Big ol' 10 AM class.
Got to 93 on the performance clean complex. I've been doing the clean pull all wrong, which is unsurprising. God, I can't wait for the new space to open so Oly class can be offered at more times!
215 for the deadlift. Given that there are 8 exposures, I may have started too heavy — but on the other hand, I want to peak for Iron Maidens, so I'm okay with that. I'll probably back off a bit once that happens.
One T2B shy of 6 rounds on the WOD. I had 30 seconds to get that last rep but I just…could…not get the height! I tried though, I really did.
Quote of the day from Fox: "I bet Tom Brady deadlifts in Uggs."
Cleans: worked up to 155.
Deadlifts: 255×5
WOD: 6 rounds + 9 split jumps.
Currently laying in bed totally dead from today.
11am class
Continued my Back squat LP instead of cleans.
3×5 at 165#. These are definitely getting ugly. I was out of breath by the third rep. Thanks for all who encouraged me! I'm still shocked I've added 25 lbs to my 3×5 squat in a few weeks though.
Also continued the DL LP from last cycle instead of backing off (like Stella I plan to back off after iron maidens). 1×5 at 190#… So heavy!
WOD with tuck v ups .. Got 8 rounds plus 5 v ups.
My quads want to kill me
Woke up at 5am today when my son Oedipus crawled into my marital bed.
Great handstand/kipping sesh with Melo. I think she has more confidence in me now . Unlike last week she didnt show up in her full catchers uniform (honestly I though the mitt was a bit much). Lifetime wall kick-up tally remains at 3.
150for sets across yesterday. Perfecting my own version of the paused front squat – whereby you pause halfway up rather than in the hole. Taught you that Noah!
Excited for the big game tonight. Chelsea v. Man City! Should be a cracker. Steve Perry from American Idol is performing at halftime.
Jay, never stop being awesome.
Cleans and Deads from an undisclosed location, away from the prying eyes of anyone who could help me with my form.
Power Cleans + FSQ:
155×1 (because the professor inspired me)
Deads: It was all the weights. That's because I only have 225# handy.
Cleans were fun, but the results only okay – the sets at 115 and 135 were my best – my L shoulder is far less awesome than is optimal, and so the lighter weights and the 155 were harder to get my L elbow up.
Deads were great, as I felt pretty warmed up and 225 is a great weight for five reps for me. Goldilocks level thingy.
WOD: Woodpile management, NFT.
I know there is a big game today – Go Giants!
Nooner today!
Worked up to 83# on power cleans + front squat. Pretty solid 1st set then got tired way quickly and a tad ugly. Those front squats made me so tired zzzzz
Did 155# DL today hmm now that I saw what Jenny and Stella did I should've gone up from what I did at OG (175# 1×5 PR!) for Maidens hmmmm!
WOD got a tad brutal after awhile with 8 rnds (with v tucks). Can I just give a shout out to KH for her Pilates class for this??? These used to be HARD. You are my core savior!!! *emoticon praying hands*
Also RIP Quads (1980-2015)
You were so young!!
Fitness Clean + Front squat. MeLo pointed out that I'm not moving my elbows fast enough…I think I was at 103# at that point so dropped down to 93# to work on elbows then worked up to 108#.
Deadlift @185#. This is 85% of my 5RM, but still felt heavy…probably bc I only hit deadlifts 2-3 times last cycle. Might stay at this weight next week.
WOD: 7 rounds + 12 lunges with T2B. Need to learn how to string together my T2B so I can move faster through these.
Cam, my quads are burning too. It was nice talking to you and Asha after class today!
Likewise 😀
WOD at CrossFit East Bay
Front Squat:
Definitely a new 3rm.
Push jerk
5x1x115. Keeping it light (about 75%), imagining Ro saying "back knee, JB!" each time. All but the last one felt pretty solid.
AMRAP 10 min
10 c2b
15 wall ball (14lb to 9')
20 box jumps (20")
5 rounds even. Just messing around with some movements I need to work on and that I know will show up in the open. Feeling a little de-conditioned, I've been skipping some metcons the past couple of weeks in favor of lifting.
Also, I've realized I've completely lost my ability to tell the difference between a 15kg bar and a 20kg bar without color coded tape!
Jenny and Cam! Way to kill it! Everybody else, too! 🙂
I didn't even worry about Iron Maidens today: focused on technique on the cleans & deadlifts with Grace, which was very fun. Managed to go up 5 pounds from Friday for the DL: 125X5, so at least I made some progress there.
I tried Toes to Bar for the first time during a workout. I found it pretty challenging, mainly because I was afraid of/preoccupied with being in someone's way. It threw off my workout (and I was tired), so I switched to V-ups after 3 rounds. Ended up doing 4 more rounds.
aww thanks ALLIE way to kill it on DLs too!
Clean perf: worked up to 123#
Deadlift: 235#x5
Wanted to start off a bit lighter since the cycle is 8 weeks, plus I was lifting in my adipowers and it really threw me off!
WOD: 8 rds + 10 lunges
My lats were fried after round 2! Minimal energy today.
1pm class
Clean performance: worked up to 103#. I haven't cleaned outside of a WOD in, oh, 2-3 months because of my various injuries. Felt great to get back into this.
Deadlift: 175×5
WOD: I forgot to count. Subbed the lunges for jumping squats since lunges are still where my hip hurts the most.
Accessory work: DB rows 20# 3×12 each arm, Crossover Symmetry, loooots of AR.
I won't even try to make up all my missing posts. I'm excited for this cycle!
Post Teaser Class Workout.
Had a killer headache which didnt get any better with movement!
Paused HBBSQ
Alternating DB Presses
Showed up to yoga but had the day wrong :/ So instead..
Warm up x3
15 box jumps 24"
5 ring push ups
20 rev lunges 25# OH
12 supine band pull aparts
75x3x5 – 80%
Single arm handstands alternating sides x4x5
2000k row — possible first time?
Slow.. stopped being able to sing along w music after 2nd power 10
9:49.4 – yikes