Snatch Balance
Work up to a heavy single Snatch Balance. Focus on being fast under the bar with elbows locking out as your feet land. Stabilize the catch before recovering. If your Overhead Squat is less than ideal for the Snatch Balance (which requires a dynamic catch in the position), then perform a Snatch Grip Push Press + Overhead Squat instead.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
3 Overhead Squats 115/80
3 Burpees
6 Overhead Squats 115/80
6 Burpees
9 Overhead Squats 115/80
9 Burpees
…Add 3 reps per round until time is called
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
- Interested in food entrepreneurism, sustainability and investing? Coach Margie is working on a conference called Food + Enterprise, and they’re looking for some workshare volunteers. The Food + Enterprise Summit is happening April 8&9 at the old Pfizer building in Bushwick, now devoted to cultivating some of the best artisanal food makers in NYC. If you’d like to attend, and are willing to help out, check out this link to the workshare track for a drastically reduced ticket price.
Marathon Training and CrossFit: A Note from Nishi U.
While CrossFit and endurance training may seem to be at cross-purposes, the fact is that they can complement each other quite well. CFSBKer and marathoner Nishi U. recently sent this note on her recent success to Coaches Jess and David. It’s so good that we decided it to share it with the whole community. Enjoy!
Jess, you may not remember, but you asked me about testing my mile a few months back. That actually led me to ramp up my running speed work; however, after a few weeks, instead of planning a mile time trial, I jumped into my latest marathon training cycle. For the first time, I used the Hanson’s Marathon Method, which had intimidated me in the past due to its volume of speed and tempo work. Because I had been CrossFitting significantly more in my “downtime” since my last marathon (in October), I noticed my “easy” pace was a bit faster and I could pretty comfortably hit a tempo pace that had previously seemed out of reach.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat | Pull-Ups, Lunges, Sit-Ups
Respect Your Vestigial Organs The Daily Good
Stopping the Spread of Misinflammation Starting Strength