Clean and Jerk
Clean Deadlift + Mid-Hang Clean + 2 Power Jerks:
5x (1+1+2)
Warm up to a medium-heavy load and perform 5 sets across of the complex.
Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Power Jerk + Jerk
Work up to a heavy load on the complex.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
For Time:
5 Deadlifts 365/255
50 Double-Unders
5 Deadlifts
40 Double-Unders
3 Deadlifts
30 Double-Unders
2 Deadlifts
20 Double-Unders
1 Deadlift
10 Double-Unders
Today’s Deadlift in the metcon is meant to be a heavy stimulus, so scale accordingly and use upward of 80% of your 1RM. These will be done unbroken on the fast end, but breaking them up quickly is appropriate if you have trouble organizing touch-and-go reps at high loads. In either case, be sure to keep a neutral spine and load the hips on the decent if performing touch-and-go reps. The scaling option for dubs is 2x singles or 20-16-12-8-4 attempts.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Meredith R. and Matt E. high five in the final frame of the CFSBK sitcom pilot | Photo by Thomas H.
- Schedule Changes: Today’s CrossFit Kids programming is cancelled. For tomorrow, the 4th of July, we’ll be offering Open Gym from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
Catching Up with the CFSBK Classifieds
Did you know that we offer a classifieds section of the website for our members? Well, we do! Here are a few examples of goods and services up for grabs at the moment:
- Actually, there are no goods. It looks like all of the goods that are currently posted have been sold. Get on there and post some more! CFSBK members have advertised everything from juicers to furniture to cars (no illegal exotic animals, please).
- Paul A. and his wife are looking for an apartment. Got any leads?
- Stella Z. wants you to join the CFSBK Pub Quiz Team! They’ll be competing Mondays at 8:00pm at The Gate.
- Colleen M. is looking to swap veggie CSA shares.
We hope you’ll take advantage of this fun feature. Many people have found roommates there. Why deal with Craigslist when you can live with your workout partner?
The Ambiguous Cylinder Optical Illusion Kottke
Beatriz Piron: 108kg Clean and Jerk Hookgrip
5 Strict T2B
10 Shoulder Tap w/ 3 sec hold
10 Pushups
EMOM x 10
E: 3 Strict MU/3 MU Transitions/Jumping MU
O: HS Hold/Walk Practice til :30 mark
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
5 Handstand pushups
10 Pistols
15 Pullups
8am with the Foxes
Worked up to 185# on the complex today.
WOD – 5:45 @315#
Dubz were an absolute disaster today. Deadlifts weren't light.
I'll be at the beach if you need me.
8 AM Fox hour!
I think my right shoulder may be mostly-almost-finally healed – today was the first workout in awhile where it felt great the whole time. Worked up to several 83# C&Js feeling very crisp – I'd like to get to #93-98 by the end of the cycle. Thank you to Coach Fox for the comment that I never thought I'd be able to be tossing so much weight above my head. Very true. Apparently he carries the same vivid memory I do of when I fell over in foundations two and a half years ago just trying to put the 22# barbell up there.
WOD in 3:52 at 118# – too easy. I snowflaked out and should have done it at 128-135# or so, I just have been feeling so cautious about the shoulder. A super fun one today, short enough that I could really sprint through the whole thing.
Love this pic!!
10am with Fox and KHarpz
Performance complex
93# … Until further notice.
Better today. Fox gave me a new cue for the jerk which worked and I wrote it down on a whiteboard but then instantly forgot it. 'Blank. Don't push.' Fox? Any idea?
Arms were a little soft. Front foot further forward.
WOD @255# in 2.55
My kind of workout!
8 AM with the Foxes.
Worked up to 95# clean (PR). Not going overhead these days.
starting to get these.
3:02 with 185# dl
and a 15/12/9/6/3 rep scheme for a 30# slam ball.
my kinda metcon.
Oooh forgot to add my cashout.
Pull-ups +25# (plus 4# sodium bloat from ten tons of sushi last night!! lolol)
2 x 15 GHD sit-ups
If anyone is in beautiful DUMBO for the flea or anything like that today, come say hi- I'll be bartending at 68 Jay St. Bar (Jay and Water)
Amazed by Charlie & Bethany who did this workout so heavy and so fast. I bet Kayleigh wishes she wasn't at math camp today!!
Performance C&J up to 108, failed power jerk at 113– definitely could have split jerked it. Feeling strong here!
Wod: thanks to a push from Noah went to 175 instead of 155. Took 9:14 because I felt the deadlifts get really challenging, so I took my time with them to make sure I didn't fail or didn't lose form. Everyone in the class was super supportive!
Lastly, huge shoutout to Noah and Ro with Anti-gravity. Today I did 3 rounds + 27 reps of Mary RX. HSPUs, pistols, pull-ups– all those skills were learned thanks to AG. Meredith now has strung together kipping pull-ups, Sasha and Jonathan are holding freestanding handstands, Allan's almost got a strict muscle-up. I must be feeling gushy cuz Noah is leaving, but if you want to get better at Crossfit skills—> come to AG!!! Great day of fitness.
Allie that's awesome! Well done!
It's true- AG is the reason I can Rx a lot of the benchmark workouts now. This time last year I hadn't a hope.
Allie, I definitely have some major WOD envy. And am clearly creeping on the blog while I am away.
So the resort where I am staying for #mathcamp has only dumbbells, one kettlebell, and a few machines. Trying to be creative over the next few weeks with my fitness. 13 mile hike in the mountains today definitely helped.
Lol, Kayleigh, somehow I suspected you'd be creeping… <3 I'm sure you'll make it work! See ya in a few weeks!
Noon with the Lady
AMRAP 30 Minutes
Partner A)
Sled Walk ~20m + 90/135lbs
30 sec Plank
Sled Backward Walk
Partner B)
Assault Bike for Cals
We finished 7 rounds each and hit about 200 cals on the bike. Fun, low intensity fitness.
Had a headache but decided to a low key workout
Crossover Symmetry
3 Sets of:
135lb Good Morning x8
:30 Supine Hold on GHD
Then I went rock climbing at BKB for about 2 hours.
Parallette Handstand Practice
some KB Snatches at 24kg
Half marathon yesterday, OG today. Failed my squat sets, wanted to hit 305x5x3 but Ro called me out for not hitting depth on the 2nd set. In my heart of hearts, I knew that was happening… gotta listen to that voice. Will reset my LP to 285 next week to make sure I'm getting this right.
2 rounds of slam ball with DO, Ro, and MC, where I demonstrated the easy grace & athleticism that led me to multiple math championships as a child. THE NET IS SO SMALL. Thanks for letting me play with you, though!
Finished squatting with 275×5, then 5 rounds NFT { 25 DU, front rack reverse lunge (75×2, 95×2, 125×1), 8 GHD }.