CFSBK has seen accomplishments galore lately! Let’s see… Grace D. hit a 100kg Back Squat. Kayleigh Cleaned 158lbs and Snatched 110lbs. Coach Jess did “Grace” in 237. Matt C. Snatched 85kg. Tom S. Cleaned 175lbs. Keep up the great work, all!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Weekend schedule changes: Tomorrow’s 10:00am Yoga for Athletes is ON with guest instructor Sasha S. All CrossFit Kids programming is cancelled from today through Monday for 4th of July weekend.
2. On Monday, July 4th, we’ll offer Open Gym hours from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
3. SAVE THE DATE: On July 9th CFSBK will be hosting an OUTWOD workout for every class as part of a national benefit for victims of the Orlando shooting. CrossFit gyms from New York, Miami, Chicago, Detroit, LA, and Tennessee will be participating in this special OUTWOD event. Class will be “free” to any CrossFitter but we’ll ask all participants throughout the day to donate a drop in membership’s worth to the Orlando Victims Fund. Go here to register and make your donation.
4. We learned more about Malachy M. in our latest installment of Better Know a Member.
5. We bid a fond farewell to Yoshi and Josi Stone and Rich and Meghan Armstrong. Good luck, guys. Visit us soon!
6. In a new blog feature, we took a closer look at the “knees out” (!) cue. Let us know what other cues you’d like to see featured.
7. The Subway Series is fast approaching, and registration is still open! A series of local competitions is just a subway ride away. That’s why they call it the Subway Series.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch | Wall Balls, Power Cleans, Push-Ups
Zone vs. Macros: Accounting for Fat in Protein CrossFit Journal
The Beginning of Everything Kurzgesagt
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat
3 x 5 LP
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
3 x 6
Heavier than last week
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
5 Rounds or 20 Minutes:
6ea Lateral Dumbbell Step-Ups
6 Strict Pull-Ups (banded or weighted as needed)
270m Run
Choose a medium-heavy load on the step ups but not so heavy that you need to use a bunch of momentum off the trail leg. Keep the knee of the working leg tracking over the middle toes of the foot and control the descent on of the movement.
Post time and Rx to comments.
830 class yesterday
Hang Snatch 2-2-2-2-2
Failed second rep on the last
4 rounds + 26 reps on the workout
(15) 14# / 9' Wall Balls – unbroken
(9) 95# Power Cleans – singles
(6) Jumping MUs on the low rings, strict dips – need to work on kipping those again
Snatch: stayed at 63# for technique purposes. McDowell elaborated on the cues "finish your pull" and "get vertical" in a way that really clicked. I could have moved up on the weight, but I was really enjoying feeling the bar at my hips and extending vertical before dropping under. Wanted to nail this sensation into my muscle memory!
WOD: 4 +22 with RX weight and jumping MU on low rings. Almost caught you, Lauren! On the MUs: catch, press, and dip feel GREAT, just got to get that ability to pull the rings to my ribs.
Took advantage of wearing long pants (laundry) and did some rope climbs, also some ghds and a few HSPUs no ab mat.
QQ for folks with muscleups: what drills besides banded muscle up transitions really helped you get the strength to pull the rings low enough to flip over??
Small 8 a.m. class doing Thursday's work w/McDowell.
Hang snatch doubles: 95×2, 100×2, 105, 115, 125F. Got better as they went on, and the misses at the end were more fatigue than anything else. Helpful cues from McDowell about foot positioning and being fast on the turnover.
Metcon: 4 rounds + 10 wall balls, 115# power cleans & sub push-ups. Should've gone heavier on the power cleans but am trying to be mindful and not over-exert after banging myself up on Wednesday.
If you're traveling for the Fourth and haven't heard the latest episode of this political podcast I've been working on, it's chock full of various insights on Brexit, prison reform, and the Supreme Court — good for long car/plane/whatever rides. We're also gonna have an "official launch party" soon, probably somewhere close to the gym like Lavender Lake, and you're all invited — watch the blog announcements!
Washing machine repair?
Hi guys this is a post looking for a washing machine repair person recommendation, but since its likely a one time (and timely) need, I figured I'd post it here. Does anyone have a recommendation for who to call when your washing machine breaks? And yes I do know how to use Google, but I'm hoping for a trusted source. You can email me at jennajerman (at gmail) Thanks!
10 Rounds "For Time"…
10 Cal Assault Bike
20m Sled Drag +50#
5 Strict Pull Ups
20m Sled Drag
5 Leg Raises on Stall Bars
Moved sluggishly and finished in around 36 minutes. Felt good to get a sweat going.
11 a.m. class at Southern Tier Crossfit in beautiful downtown Binghamton. I was the only one to show up so I did a slacker's version of Saturday's workout.
Back squat:
195 x 6 x 3
GHD sit-ups: 12-10-8-6-4-2
And some mobility work.
Planning on doing Snatches from yesterday and Back Squat for tomorrow at OG tonight… which should be done first?
@Allie B… I don't know if this helps make the pull stronger but Ro had us do a drill in AG once that starts as if you are doing very low ring dips and you pull up / sit up into the transition. This was probably the most helpful drill I've done relating to MUs. Keep practicing eventually you'll get there.
Allie B: best piece of advice I got was that you don't need to be as high as you think. Noah had me spending a long time at the bottom of the lowest dip I could do, both on the rings and the matador, to feel how low that bottom catch position actually is. I also did a lot of strict, false grip ring pull-ups… I'd also second Sean that you just need to keep at it.
Nooner with Noah
Snatch- warmed up with the fitness complex and stayed at 73-78# for 6 sets of the performance version.
Not allowed to go over 70% until every rep is perfect according to Frankie so I'm following this rule in group classes too.
Focused on 'jump and shrug' and punching out. Felt pretty good today, once I got going.
AMRAP 15 mins
15x wallball 14/9
9x power cleans @95
15x push-ups
5 rounds plus 13 wallballs.
Wallballs unbroken for the first two rounds. Had an air ball or two in the third and fourth rounds which was frustrating. Power cleans were mostly touch and go, singles towards the end. Did 15 power cleans in the third round because I'm cool like that ? Push- ups were with Dumbbells and felt good at first- I was even touching the floor with my chest and then they were gone and I was doing them in sets of twos by the end. Just didn't feel strong today.
Glad I came in because I felt like crap this morning and almost didn't.
Was going to go bouldering but bkb was closed today. So I thought I would do a little fitness that turned into a whole lot of fitness.
Crossover symmetry
Power snatch
Worked up to 155x1x5
EMOM 10:00
1 power snatch + 2 paused OHS 115lbs
3 rounds for time
24 cal row
18 TTB
12 push-ups
6 DB thrusters, 60lbs each
Those thrusters were heavy
BackSquat, 90%x2 Every 90Sec for 12 minutes
AMRAP 14 mins
7Snatch (155#)
3 full rounds
SHOULDER BLAST with the Mirk after…