OUTWOD at CFSBK on July 9th
On July 9th CFSBK will be hosting an OUTWOD workout for every class as part of a national benefit for victims of the Orlando shooting. CrossFit gyms from New York, Miami, Chicago, Detroit, LA, and Tennessee will be participating in this special OUTWOD event. Class will be “free” to any CrossFitter but we’ll ask all participants throughout the day to donate a drop in membership’s worth to the Orlando Victims Fund.
Participants can donate money in advance (link coming soon) and we’ll also set up a computer at our front desk for donations throughout the day. Save the date! We can’t wait to see you there.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Bench Press / Bent-Over Row | DB Thrusters, Box Jumps, T2Bs
70+ Class at CrossFit Rebels CrossFit
Photos: Over 1.6 Million Celebrate Gay Pride at NYC Parade Gothamist
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Bench Press / Bent-Over Row | DB Thrusters, Box Jumps, T2Bs
70+ Class at CrossFit Rebels CrossFit
Photos: Over 1.6 Million Celebrate Gay Pride at NYC Parade Gothamist
Episode 16.06 Road to the Games: Ence and Bridges (really cool behind the scenes look at top level CF athletes)
Wednesday's Programming
Front Squat
3 x 5 LP
Add 5-10 lbs to next week.
3 x 6
Sixes again next week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
5 Rounds for Time:
200m DB/KB Carry, AHAP
20 Burpees
Choose a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell and carry it goblet style 100m out and 100m back. It should be challenging but not so heavy that you need to rest more than twice per trip.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Bench Press: 135×10
BO ROW: 135×10
5 Rounds FT
400m Run (so slow)
20 Deadlifts 135lbs (unbroken)
10 Kipping Pull-ups (unbroken)
3 Rounds NFT of
DB LTEs 25sx12x3
BB Curls 45x12x3
Supine Leg Raises + Tuck 12×3
Every 2 Minute For 16 Minutes(8 Sets):
3 Strict Pull Ups
3 Toes to Bar
10 Hollow Rocks
15-12-9 Repetitions Of:
Box Jump Overs
Handstand Push Ups Or Push up 25-20-15
830 last night with David
Bench : 3×10 #150 3rd set failed at rep 8 and called it a day. 15lbs jump a bit too much. I'll have to reassess for next week.
Row : 3×10 #105 same as last week thinking next week could go to 115.
WOD : 13:38 or something
This sucked, both the dumbbell thrusters and T2B are problematic for me. So is working out after a 3 day bender at the beach.
7am with J Fox
FSquats 220# 6×3 everything moved well. 5# jump next week
WOD – 22 something I think
Farmer's carry with red kettle bell was a bit sluggish and I'm sure there was some leaning happening. Burpees felt relatively quick today.
I want a rainbow Crossfit South Brooklyn tank top!!! Love that for July 9, thanks for hosting that.
What an awesome event. I am so sad to miss it, but can't wait to get one of those t-shirts!
FSQ: 165 x 6 x 3.
WOD: 21:32 with the green kettlebell (24kg, I think). So much sweat. Could have pushed a little harder – was perfectly content with waiting to the side while the 7AM class started their run – but didn't sandbag it either. First two rounds kept it to one hand each length, but did quick switches after that.
7am with JessDowell doing Wednesday's work
FS – 155# x 6 x 3
Went conservative as my legs have felt like cement since 100 deadlift day. 10# jump next week for sure.
Metcon – James A + ~0:20
24kg bell was seemingly the right weight with my left hand, but alright with the right. Burpees at a better speed than usual today. All movements super sweaty. I'll take that small burpee victory.
OMG I want a SBK rainbow tee too.
Wednesday's workout with Jess at 7 a.m., with Juan as my lifting partner.
Front squat:
165 X 6 X 3
This was much easier than last week, when I struggled with 160 X 8. Gripping the bar more helped.
In the fourth round I had to switch from green kettlebells to white – my hands are still in bad shape from the 100 deadlifts on Sunday.
6am with McDowell
Overhead Squats 95×5, 115×5, 135×0, 145×5, 155×5. These remain all about technique rather than strength, so even though the weights aren't going up, I'm happy to get the reps in. Muscled snatched/heaved these from the floor due to lack of rack space.
WOD – 3 rounds in 20:47 with a jerry can
jerry can was too heavy and I'm too slow with burpees for this to have been a good idea. Would have been halfway through the 7am class before I finished this one. Broke up carries once or twice in each direction.
SELL ME A RAINBOW SKULL SHIRT. Thanks for being such a good ally, CFSBK.
8 am doing Monday's work w/ Jess
Bench 115 x 10 x 3 (fairly easy)
Rows 75 x 10 x 3 (not so easy)
WOD in 8:20
30# thrusters — Rx would have been 40#
Kipping leg raises subbed for T2B
I don't think I've ever told anyone this, but one of the reasons I even thought about joining CFSBK was the big rainbow flag hung up near the front. Thanks for making everyone feel included and welcome. Will see you all at the OUTWOD.
YASS for the Pride shirt!
I've worked out at Crossfit Rebels in Clearwater, FL where that video link above has the 70+ year-olds working out. Good space and nice coaches. Those 70+ members in the video have much better mobility than I do.
Mike M
Bummed to be missing our 2nd OutWOD. Happy that we'll have Pride skull and bones shirts next week though!
Decent training today. I'd call it a solid B.
HH Snatch, heavy single
45kg, 55, 60, 65, 70
I've hit 80 form this position before but this felt heavy enough for today.
Power Clean and Power Jerk, heavy single
80kg, 90, 95, 100
I've hit 105 before but again, heavy enough for today. Can't fully grip bar in the jerk rack so was a bit tentative.
Then after a client
Snatch Pulls
85kg, 90, 95 x2
Bench Press
I was a dunce and did the same number as last week.
I enjoyed today's (Wednesday's) workout. Thanks, coaches!!
Noon class
128 x 6, 133 x 6 x 2
It was fun to partner with Maggie today.
Workout in 18:42
20kg KB
5:30pm with Jeremy and MeLo
Bench: 115 x 10 x 3
Row: 95 x 10, 85 x 10 x 2
WOD 8:10 with 30# DB and hanging knee raises/k2e mish mash.
I dislike DB thrusters very much. Was happy to be able to wear shoes and jump on a box though. Progress!!!
6:30 class with Melo doing Monday's work
165 3×10
Felt good and will probably do 175 next week
125 3×10
These felt right where they should be and will probably stay the same weight next week
WOD was a real burner but I treated it for better or worse like a sprint
Thrusters with 40's (Edward 40 hands… Am I right?!)
Box jumps 24" were all fast and bounded except the one I missed that took my soul through my shin
Toes to bar
Finished in 6:36
I liked this one and I want to redo Fran soon
7am with McDowell
bench: 100x5x1, 105x5x2 (forgot to take off my partner's weights and just went with it)
row: 80x5x3
WoD: 10:00 with 25# (rx would be 30 tho)
the thrusters were all over the place in their partitions. kipping t2b were 7-7-7, 5-5-5. 4-4-1. pretty happy i can solidly do these in a wod now.
AR with Fox
AG with Ro
A: fastest time was 0.33 and slowest was 0.38. i had no idea how these strict t2b would play out given this morning's wod, but i managed to pull through. it was prolly the music.
B: finished in a little over 6min with kipping hspu.
overall had a ton of fun. love this class.
outwod! when i was shopping around for crossfits, the rainbow flag definitely caught my eye. i have a deep appreciation for how open and friendly this place is. cant wait for my tee!
Bench: 3×10@82.5#
Rows: 3×10@58#
WOD in 10:30 Rx'd
DB Thrusters at 30#: 11-6-4, 3 sets, 5-4
Box jumps: slow
T2B: 5-5-5-3-3, 5-5-5, 6-1-1-1
Was so out of it all AG and realized it was because I ate an early lunch (11am) and hadn't eaten anything since! Not doing that again!
Skipped the warmup bc I just finished the WOD in group class
Every 2 minutes on the minute, I did:
1 strict pullup, 3 leg raises, 10 hollow rocks
box jump overs- love these
HSPU with the flattest ab mat (9-6-3). Used two ab mats on the last two reps. Glad I could do these after all those thrusters!