Don’t just track your gainz. Track your gainz in style
New Merch!
In addition to our new and (much) improved log books (shown above and available at the front desk for $20), we also have CFSBK 3D logo shirts for sale ($25). They come in both a men’s t-shirt (modeled here by Coach Ro) and a women’s crop top (modeled by Coach JB). CFSBK rainbow tees are coming soon!
How Exercise Shapes You, Far Beyond The Gym NY Mag
Learning How To Snatch Barbell Brigade
Wednesday's Programming
Front Squat
3 x 5 LP
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
3 x 6
Heavier than last week
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds for Time:
200m Row
15 Burpees
20 Russian KB Swings 53/35
15 Box Jumps 24/20"
Post time and Rx to comments.
Bar Muscle up
3 Rounds for quality
20 Leg Circles
20 V Ups
60 Second Handstand Hold Against Wall
For time:
50 Double unders
2 Bar muscle ups
130 m run
40 Double unders
4 bar muscle ups
270 m run
30 Double unders
8 bar muscle ups
400 m run
AG got me hyped
Came in with a bunch of the 6am crew yesterday for OG and did Monday's work
Bench – 195x10x3 – no problems
Row – 160x10x3 – getting kind of heavy but still doable
Metcon – 9:54 Rx
Did everything unbroken and pretty fast and used the runs as recovery. This was a fun one
7am for the JessDowell Comedy Hour
Bench – 125# x 10 x 3
Row – 110# x 10 x 3
Last rep on the bench was a little squirrelly, but can jump next week. Weight on the row is feeling right for this many reps so will probably stick with it or just do a 5# jump.
Metcon – 13:19
Did 1 MU per round with 75# snatches. The latter was too light but really wanted to be able to focus on the muscle ups. Went 5/5 on those which is huge given how hit and miss they were last week. Excited about how this went considering the amount of hot dogs and Americas I consumed the last 4 days.
7 am with Jess and McDowell
85# 3×5, which went better than last week's 82.5#. I think I'm setting up better and getting and keeping my shoulders back. Plus my lifting shoes help so much that I can totally withstand all the razzing from McDowell.
80# on the row, which is 5 lb less than last week. I dunno – wasn't making the 5th rep so I went down to keep form. I don't think lifting shoes help here.
15:19 with 42 on the bar (should have had 52 at least); jumping CTB on 16# box (really easy – last week I tried jumping mus but that was too hard. I need a better scale option – lower box maybe….)
Can't wait for AG.
@Sean – second that, been waiting for some bar muscle up work.
Thought this was extremely interesting:
#beefyabdominals needs to be trending
10AM with Jess
Bench: 135x10x3
Row: 115x10x3
WOD with 3-3-2-1-1 muscle-ups and 115lb power cleans. Finished in 15:37
Yesterday- OG
DU practice with my new rope. I like it but I need to shorten it.
45 x 5, 95 x 5, 135 x5, 165 x 3, 185 x 1, 200 x 5 x 3
Snatch pull, snatch
63 x 8
WOD with Mike and Erik
30 DU
15 x thrusters (45# bar)
7 x pull-ups
12 minutes exactly.
Cash-out- helped some friends to move house and watched some fireworks.
Too sore and tired today to come back for AG and I'm pretty sad about it. Have fun you guys! I hope you all get some bar muscle-ups!!
Charlie! So many bar muscle-ups were had for the first time! I <3 AG!!!
Triple threat today after being very sedentary today #america
92.5 5×3 bench
83 5×3 row
WOD: 14:15 with 63# and jumping ring muscle ups from the 24" box
Cash out: AR & AG. Good times for all, especially the 5,305 people who got bar muscle-ups or are so much closer at AG today!! 😛
bar muscle-up: achieved
v-ups, leg circles and handstands were rough. pretty sure my stomach is already sore even as i type this. part c really reminded me i need to get to work on my double unders. yikes.
congrats to everyone on the great bar muscle-up work! special shout out to Ro for making all of the progressions incredibly accessible and intuitive. AR is the truth.
i apologize in advance for being super annoying in warm up and practicing my newly acquired bmu's.
Oops forgot to record this.
5:30 last night
Bench: 95x5x3. Last reps on each set were grindy
Row: 83x5x3
WOD with jumping chest to bar, 63# snatches in 14:02.
Too hot to run!