Every other minute on the minute for 15 minutes (8 total reps):
1 Snatch
Work up to a max for the day.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds for Time:
10 Push Presses 95/65
10 Pull-Ups
25 Double-Unders
Scale weight as appropriate so the Push Presses are light enough to be done unbroken. Scale volume or degree of difficulty (Ring Rows, or Banded or Jumping Pull-Ups) with the same intention. The sub for Dubs is 10-15 attempts + makes, or 50 Single-Unders if your Doubles are a work in progress.
Post times to comments.
CFSBK Open Intramural Team Competition: Final Results
The run up to Open Workout 16.5 was shrouded in secrecy. After Your Pace Or Mine? had punched, kicked, and eye-gouged their way into a one-point lead by Week 4 over The Little Lebowski’s Urban Achievers, both team captains denied the media access to their practices and locker rooms.
Sources close to the team have indicated that Urban Achievers captain Duane Roggendorff banned the soothing California soft rock of The Eagles from his locker room and repeatedly held mandatory screenings of The Big Lebowski until his players ran out of the room screaming “Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man!” And according to another source, Your Pace captain Michael Crumsho reportedly took his team members’ smartphones away while gruffly muttering “Smartphones weaken knees,” although that sounds like Mick from Rocky to me (probably shouldn’t trust that source).
The Open Intramural Team Competition was decadent and depraved, if you consider ending in a tie to be decadent and depraved, which I absolutely do. There’s an old saying in sports: “A tie is like kissing your sister.” It’s a pretty weird saying when you think about it, unless you’re this dude from Yahoo Answers who thinks the tie is a necktie. In that case, it’s extremely weird. Anyway, both teams brought their best in Open Workout 16.5. Your Pace posted an excellent score of 18 points, but it wasn’t enough to overcome the Urban Achievers backboard-shattering 15 points, their best score of the competiton. After rounding, both teams finished with 21 points. You are encouraged to suggest comical tie-breakers in the comments.
Around the rest of the league, All Castro Oiled Up successfully defended their claim to 3rd place. You guys can stop being oiled up now. No, seriously. Please stop. It’s worrying everyone. The Sore Winners weren’t far behind in 4th place and were nearly disqualified after rumors swirled that Barbara K. was using PEDs (turned out it was PEZ, the candy). In the battle for 5th, Blue Steel prevailed over It’s My Open. The lesson here is that trash talking kind of works but not really.
This inaugural season was a complete success. Thanks to everyone who competed, captained, cheered, and made it fun.
Current Ranking – Team – Overall Average (Week 5 Points)
1. Your Pace or Mine?: 21 (18)
1. The Little Lebowski Urban Achievers: 21 (15)
3. All Castro Oiled Up: 25 (22)
4. Sore Winners: 28 (21)
5. Blue Steel: 30 (26)
6. It’s My Open and I’ll WOD If I Want To: 31 (30)
Open Leaderboards
Wondering how you stacked up against your fellow CFSBKers in the Open? Here are all of our leaderboards!
- Overall Leaderboard
- Men’s Leaderboard
- Women’s Leaderboard
- Men’s Masters Leaderboard (40-44)
- Women’s Masters Leaderboard (40-44)
- Men’s Masters Leaderboard (45+)
- Women’s Masters Leaderboard (45+)
(NOTE: There are technically a few divisions between 45 and 60; however, in the latter two, we only had a couple of competitors in each division. We combined everyone 45+ to make it easier to view.)
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Row/Front Squats
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