Bench Press / Bent-Over Row Superset*
1A) Barbell Bench Press
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add a few pounds to last week’s weight.
3 x 8
Go heavier than last week’s 10s.
1B) Barbell Bent-Over Row
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add a few pounds to last week’s weight.
3 x 8
Go heavier than last week’s 10s.
In both cases, keep these light enough to perform strictly and with solid form. Don’t let these turn into an ego exercise. Really think about the movement rather than the weight moved. Keep the following notes in mind:
1) Set up like a Clean and Deadlift the bar up.
2) Hip hinge until bar is at least below the knee (try to be as horizontal as possible).
3) Maintaining a consistent back angle, pull your elbows up and back and aim to hit your stomach (not your chest) with the barbell.
4) Start with a weight that allows all the reps to be done perfect and without momentum. It should feel too light to start.
*Superset means that you perform a set of exercise A (in this case the Bench Press) and then after a short rest, 30 seconds to a minute, you perform a set of exercise B (in this case the Barbell Bent-Over Row). You then rest a short period before returning to exercise A and continue in this fashion until all warm up and work sets are completed.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
21-15-9 Reps for Time:
Deadlifts 225/155
The Deadlift should be on the medium-heavy side for you. On the fast end, they’ll be done unbroken but 2-3 sets is appropriate as well.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Here’s Coach JB qualifying for the American Open with a 71kg Clean and Jerk at 46.2kg body weight at yesterday’s Crow Hill Open! Coach KHarpz also took first in her weight class. We’ll have the full results for you tomorrow. | Video by Chainsaw Charlie
July 24th: CFSBK Marathon Row!
You read that right.
Last year, CFSBK hosted a 1/2 Marathon Row. This year, we’ve decided not to half-ass it again, and to go All. The. Way.
We will host our first Marathon Row on Sunday, July 24th, at 2:15. There will be three categories:
- Single Scull: You do the whole marathon yourself
- Double Sculls: You and one partner divvy up the marathon however you want; you could each do one 21,098m block, or do multiple shorter pieces
- Quadruple Sculls: You and three other people divvy up the marathon however you want – you could each row one 10,549m block, or do multiple shorter pieces
Coach Nick will send a DIY program to everyone who signs up; the training will consist of at least two long erg sessions a week for those of you in the Single Scull and Double Sculls to physically and mentally prepare you for the distance. Expect to devote 1–2+ hours twice a week to this.
The enrollment fee is $60 per person. We will donate half the fee – and anything else you can raise – to Row New York, which teaches competitive rowing to kids in under-resourced communities.
Sign up here now – space is limited!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Clean and Jerk | Thrusters, Bar Muscle-Ups
The Great American Obstacle Race The New Yorker
5 Daily Habits to Become Your Best Self Training Think Tank
Congrats JB and KHarpz! Happy that we were able to grab celebratory ice cream last night with them. ๐
6am with Ro and McDowell
Bench: 205# x 3 x 6. This moved well again, up 10# from last week.
BBOR: 175# x 3 x 6. I was coming up on this a bit and need to focus on staying more hinged.
Metcon: 3:20 Rx. Two of my fav movements but I ran out of steam during the round of 15 deadlifts. Had to break those up 5/5/5, burpees were fast and gross today.
6am with Ro and McD
Bench – 205x8x3 – Moved well. Should have a 10# jump for next week I think.
Row – 175x8x3 – Getting tougher. Might just go up 5 next week on this
Metcon – 3:41 Rx'd. DL all unbroken. Burpees not super fast.
6a with Ro
Bench @185# bor @165# all moved well
WOD – 6:53 Rx
Deadlifts got me feeling like whoa
Made up time on the burpees
Today was the perfect day to not have to put away my weights. Thanks Matty.
Big congrats to all of the CFSBK athletes who competed this weekend! Sounds like crazy fantastic results all around. Way to make us proud! JB is my hero (heroine? I don't know what is PC?)! I wish the video captured the rest of her platform celebration!
Bench Press Perf Style at 180#. These felt much better than last week.
Bent Over Rows at 165#. This is feeling heavy.
WOD Rx'd in 6:39.
I put James' weights away for this morning. A true man honors his bets. Especially when that bet is a Beach Spike Ball tournament bet.
Yaaaa! Really enjoyed watching all of the lifters this weekend! Inspiring to watch C Fox go 6/6, McD crush a 108 kg snatch, and Alex (almost) snag a 138 C&J…helped me shake my nerves a bit before Sunday! Congrats to JB, my tiny little friend, for making it to the AO, she's really been working hard and I couldn't be happier for her. Congrats to Lady Fox who placed second in Women's Masters!! As well as Amanda, who was all smiles on the platform and hit her lifts like a champ. UGH! I frigign love this stuff, thanks so much to everyone who came out to support, it meant a lot!!!
I also forgot to mention coach Ro. Who was pretty much the reason why I was able to stay calm and focused. Don't know what I would've done without his guidance. THANK YOU COACH RO!!!
Thanks, Jay!
I am still coming down from yesterday, and having a lot of trouble focusing on work this morning. I figured writing a meet recap was a good way to procrastinate:
Yesterday could not have gone better. I've been focusing a lot on Oly Lifting and overhead mobility/stability lately (my two biggest CrossFit weaknesses), and it was so rewarding to see that hard work pay off. I knew, going into the meet, that if I had my best day ever that I could qualify for the American Open, but I tried to tell myself that this was my first meet and should just be a learning experience. Of course, part of me was holding myself to higher expectations.
I weighed in way lighter than I wanted to (46.2kg) and was the only person in the 48kg weight class (this pleasantly took some pressure off.) Because I had no idea what would happen to my nerves when I got out on the platform, I had conservatively declared 43kg as my opener, but, after hitting this solidly in my warm up, opened 45kg instead. My second attempt at 48kg, which had been an iffy weight for me up until a couple of weeks ago, went up nicely, though I caught neither this one nor my first attempt in a full squat (always a struggle for me!) Since I was feeling good, I decided to shoot for 52kg–which would be a 1.5 increase off of a week-old PR–for my final attempt. This felt smooth and I dropped underneath it more so than I did on my other lifts.
Clean & Jerk:
I knew going into the clean and jerks that I would have to hit 71kg to get a qualifying total. This seemed within reach, but only if everything went smoothly. After some debating, I opened at 63kg, and almost lost what should have been an easy clean because of nerves. The jerk, however, felt solid so I hit 67kg for my second attempt. I knew I would have to try for 71kg on my final attempt, but was really doubtful about the jerk. Ro was incredibly helpful in giving me confidence, and Jake told me in the most matter-of-fact manner to "just make the lift." With this support, I convinced myself that (a) I could do this and (b) that I had no choice but to do it, and, as you can see from my victory dance in this video, was very happy with the result.
A couple of thoughts:
-Thank you so much to Ro for coming out early in the morning to coach me and Katie. Ro was fantastic at helping me think through my attempts, and ensured that all I had to worry about was lifting. I tend to get neurotic and doubt myself in oly lifting, and Ro was great at giving me an extra confidence boost every time I walked out onto the platform.
-KHarpz was lifting in my session, and I was so glad to have her there for support and inspiration (yesterday and in the weeks leading up to the meet). She, as well as Jess Fox and Amanda Mc, killed it yesterday, and I am honored to have been lifting with so many badass ladies. <3
-I can't say enough about how immensely helpful Frankie and Coach Joe have been at helping me clean up my oly technique the past couple months. I am super excited to continue working with both of them!
and thank you to all the friends who came out to support us! ๐
Morning OG
HBBSQ 175x5x3. Needed my belt.
Bench 95x5x3. Nice and easy.
Kroc rows 35x10x3/side. I need to watch my form on these because I noticed my surgery site feeling a little funky at times, but only when I wasn't pulling with a perfectly neutral wrist.
100 American KB swings, 12 kg, as few sets as possible (I did 2 sets of 50). I think maybe going American was a mistake. It felt fine at first but sore on the left side near the end of each set.
It's so good to be back!
PS, MAD RESPECT to our Oly competitors!
Wow- congratulations to all the CFSBK lifters on those results.
What a weekend. Agree with @Jay-Star on the full celebration video.
Monday 8 AM class with Ro and McDowell
5 x45# bench and row
5 x95# bench and row
3 x135# bench, 5×95 row
3x5x150# bench, 110# row
up 5# from last week. getting close to PR territory which feels great.
Metcon @135# DL in 5:26.
deadlifts all unbroken, burpees are burpees, slow and slower.
7am With McRowell
Bench – 135 x 8 x 3
Row – 95 x 8 x 3
Went more conservative on the row than weeks past due to some lingering soreness in my back from Friday. Felt pretty good.
Metcon @ 155# – 4:47
Normally would have gone much heavier, but trying to be smart. Back feeling better today after getting some blood pumping back there.
Shouts to the Oly squad. Very inspiring.
I know! I'm sorry- I took the video but switched it off just then so I could cheer and instantly regretted it.
7 a.m. w/Ro & McDowell.
Bench: 150x8x3
Row: 130x8x3
Better than last week on the row, but those tight hamstrings are still bedeviling me a bit. Good tips from Ro and McDowell at the beginning re keeping still rather than shrugging up.
Metcon: 8:32 @ 185#. Whuf. Thought about doing this Rx'ed but took Ro's caution re back-rounding to heart and dialed back. Good thing, too. First set of 21 destroyed me, but taking my time on the subsequent burpees meant I was able to maintain some sort of composure on the rounds of 15 and 9.
Adding hearty congrats to the Oly lifters! Amazing work, everyone.
6am with McD
Bench @ 145# felt good. Will jump 10 next time.
Bent row @ 115#. This is an awkward feeling movement for me.
Metcon: @ 185#. 6:59, so let's just say "under 7". Broke up the deadlifts 10/11, 5/5/5, 5/4.
Great video of JB's lift. Post more to Vimeo! That goes for everyone! (I work at Vimeo) ๐
I am so amazed and in awe of you guys, JB, Amanda, Katie and Jess! Huge congratulations to everyone. I could watch these videos endlessly!
Fun meet at Crow Hill this weekend. Was great to lift with and support SBKers. My results were:
75, 81, 87
Opened a bit conservative here. Planned to up my opener but time got away. Making that first lift was such a relief
103, 108, 115
Not as conservative here it stoked to finish 6/6.
6am class (WTF)
Bench 185×8, 195x8x2
BBBOR 185×5, 155x8x2
Wasn't sure where to start
WOD Rx'd in 5:25
Hurt more than I expected. Broke up DL 12-9, 9-6, 5-4.
Haven't posted on the blog in what feels like ages, but had to pop in to say congratulations to the oly lifters!! So, so impressive. You guys/gals rock!
Crow hill recap:
Finally understand the struggle of cutting weight. Holy hangry, that was exhausting.Luckily, I weighed in at 57.2 kg, so my efforts paid off! Stocked up on some serious celebratory snax.
All makes! Spent most of the time inbetween lifts staring at the brick wall in solitude trying to keep my head on straight, I was so flipping nervous! Thankful for Ro, who told me when to take my warmup sets, so little to no thinking was involved here. All of lifts except for my last ended up being power snatches, UGH. Goals this year are to become more comfortable below parallel.
Once snatches were over with I was pretty fired up and ready to RIP IT. First two were good lifts, although not my prettiest. Power cleaned both of these as well! This is pretty uncommon for my clean, but I suppose it was the nerves. By the time I hit my second lift, I already won my weight class, so Ro and Jake convinced me to go for 90 (which would've qualified me for the AO) I said, why the hell not! Got under it! And put on quite the twerk-fest for the crowd. Just don't have the legs to stand that up right now. No more sandbagging squat days!
That was a blast, can't wait to get out there for another one, thanks for all that came out to support!!!
Had 40 mins today..
Bench press – 80 x 8, 85 x 8, 90 x 8
Bent over row – 80 x 8 x 3
All felt good and snappy
Warmed up deadlift to 175 for 3
Workout – 7:02
Deadlifts @155. 8-7-6, 6-3-3-3, 5-4. 2nd set felt real tough, plan was 6-5-4.
Burpees were pretty fast.
7:30 with Ro
Bench: 97x5x3. Last rep slow on each but otherwise felt fairly good. This is a PR for 5.
Bent over row: 73x5x3. Went lighter but did a nice pause at the top for most of the reps.
WOD RX in 6:48.
Damn those deadlifts.
Yesterday, went to OG.
Missed 123 on the C&J three times again. Missed 133 on the clean twice and then hit 131 for a ….one pound PR. I'll take what i can get.
Worked up to 73 on the snatch, had a fresh blood blister on my finger so the hook grip felt nasty and i stopped.
quick little WOD of 3rds:
200m row
8DB thruster each arm (12kg)
8DB snatch each arm (12kg)
3 pistols each leg
who did so amazingly over the weekend. Awesome.
Until my return, I leave you this
Hey all,
Working on a longer and more official post, but the last class I coach is this Sunday at 2P (AG!)
Afterwards we are going to head to Pig Beach to have a beer and make fun of me. Hope everyone can make it.